Summit Academy Charter School


February Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 25, 2025 at 6:00 PM

Trustees Present

A. Murray, A. Young (remote), C. McCants, D. Tomlinson (remote), M. Bernard

Trustees Absent

D. Sleet, J. Hartley, K. Montgomery

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Spencer-Edwards

Non Voting Members Present

M. Spencer-Edwards

Guests Present

Alan Apestegui (remote), Andrew Gonzalez (remote), Ayodele Peter Boglo (remote), Cassandra Andrews-Jackson (remote), Jonathan Barger (remote), Juned Haque (remote), N. Campbell, Paulina (remote), S. Handshaw

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

C. McCants called a meeting of the board of trustees of Summit Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday Feb 25, 2025 at 6:04 PM.


Approve Minutes

C. McCants made a motion to approve the minutes from January Board Meeting on 01-21-25.
A. Murray seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Academic Excellence


Principal's Report



New Hires for 24 - 25

  • Mr. Blair- HS ENL Teacher
  • Mr. Lee- HS Humanities- Sp. Ed.


  • MS- Sp. Ed. Math 


ATS Total: 289  Actual Enrollment: 266


Discharge and Admission data


  • 2 Discharges were LTAs
  • 2 Discharges were migrant scholars who moved out of state


  • 2 Discharges for ongoing fighting
  • 1 Discharge was a late graduate from YABC Program
  • 2 Discharges were migrant families who moved
  • 1 Discharge was migrant to a Transfer School

Recruitment Efforts

  • Marketing 
    • Ads on radio on 94 the Block are still running.  We used google analytics to determine which ads were most effective and made adjustments for the second month of airing
    • Facebook lead ads running
    • Summit publishes video shorts weekly to highlight aspects of the school
    • Open House Sessions in Facebook Lead Ad and in Radio Ads
      • Mar. 25, 2025
    • Upcoming Campaign to highlight Athletics Program
      • Both girls and boys basketball teams Number 1 seed in their division
    • 5th & 6th grade Esports Tournament scheduled for March 12th and 13th.  We have invited 7 schools to participate.

Applications for 2025 - 2026-  School Mint: 56      Website: 18     Paper Copies:15


  • Alumni Visit for 8th Grade Conversations
  • Using scholar voices to recruit

Mock Renewal Visit Feedback

On Tuesday, February 11th we were visited by  New York Schools Charter Association for a mock renewal visit. They spoke with leadership and observed many of our classrooms. Here is the feedback we received:



  • We observed differentiation for Spanish speakers: students strategically grouped, different group work, teachers using Spanish with students (5 of 8 classes)
  • Teachers ask students to do work independently: more than half the observation time in many/most (>5) classes was independent or small group work
  • All teachers created a welcoming/warm environment; there were many instances where teachers checked in on non-academic needs (e.g. warmly pulling students into the work if they had their heads down)
  • Scholar work with teacher feedback on display inside and outside the classroom across the school
  • Most (>5) teachers are taking the role of facilitating discourse/being question master instead of

Areas of Growth

  • Purposeful circulation: While many teachers circulated and conferred with students and provided support, it was not clear what the 1-2 key understandings they were assessing during circulation that informed later questioning (see below)
  • Mode of questioning: This morning, you all reflected to us that teachers may not be asking the most rigorous questions. We also had this same observation and would add that one way to increase rigor/student voice immediately is to vary the mode (e.g. cold call, partner discussion, group discussion, hands) of questioning strategically. As Injy shared, you can increase the rigor of the question by how it is asked, even if it is not the most rigorous that could be asked at the moment.

Based on the feedback school leadership will work with teachers and coaches to address areas of growth through our informal and formal observations and instructional coaching, We will schedule a second mock renewal visit in the spring. 



Beginning this week we are having collaborative meetings with two of our educational partners, Lavinia and ANet. The purpose of this meeting is to share information regarding the areas of support, data, and teacher practices. These meetings will take place bi-weekly with school leadership. Our first meetings are scheduled for Friday, February 28th and Tuesday, March 11th. 


III. Finance


January Unaudited Financials

Balance Sheet

  • $1.2 million cash on hand
  • $1.0 million in a savings account (interest bearing)
  • Liabilities: $153,000 account to reconcile with DOE for enrollment deficit.  Expectation that at the end of the fiscal year, the account will be closed and the DOE paid
  • Unearned revenue: DOE deposit in December. Recognized in February
  • Cash on hand: 120 days


PNL Summary

  • By the Jan. 31, $3.6 million in revenue with expenses the same
  • Deficit of $18,000 during the same time frame
  • Projection $6.1 million, a drop of about $800,000.
  • Looking at a $600,000 deficit based on enrollment at 270 vs. 300
  • Monitoring year to date and make adjustments to projections in future board reports


Cash Projection

  • Expecting one more deposit from the DOE for per pupil
  • Cash on hand is strong, despite the deficit in the PNL

The finance committee will be sharing 990 forms in the coming days.  The board does not have to vote but must acknowledge receipt.  It is due in May so can be discussed at the next meeting.

IV. Committee Reports



Candidate for Board Membership: Dr. Cassandra Andrews Jackson

  • Doctorate in theology
  • Senior VP and Compliance Officer for SBH Health Systems in Brooklyn
  • 20 years in compliance
  • Author of three books
  • Online bible reading book with over 9000 members
  • Takes commitments seriously and takes this opportunity as an honor
  • Impressed with the charter school movement
  • Coming in with a charter school deficit but willing and interested in learning how to support the school with oversight
  • Attracted to the autonomy of charter schools

Candidate interested in learning more about some of the challenges the school has, other than enrollment.

  • School needs to strengthen the curriculum to meet the needs of scholars


Governance will followup with finance team regarding 990.

  • Board training to continue to expand knowledge base of the board of trustees.
  • The board is growing, potentially getting to 9 if Dr. Jackson is added.
  • Board members encouraged to look over their networks to determine if they have potential candidates.
  • Parent Coordinator participation in the next meeting
  • Scholar voice in board meetings
  • More communication during the month other than when there is a crisis
    • Allows the board to support more effectively.
D. Tomlinson made a motion to accept Dr. Jackson onto the Board of Trustees.
A. Murray seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Academic Achievement

  • Consider corporate parters to expose scholars to industries and bring in new "friends of" the organization
  • Summit is meeting with Lincoln Tech for electrician and mechanical training, and a number of organizations to explore medical and dental assistants, and paramedic training
  • Potentially bringing back coop programs
  • Bringing in programs where kids can earn college credits

Share with the board themes we see with scholar interest. Board can bring partnerships in to meet the needs.


Principal to send updates of Lavinia and Solved- feedback and adjustments to improve pedagogy



V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Murray
C. McCants made a motion to adjourn the February meeting of the Summit Academy Board of Trustees.
A. Murray seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.