Summit Academy Charter School
October Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday October 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Trustees Present
A. Murray (remote), A. Young (remote), C. McCants (remote), D. Tomlinson (remote), J. Hartley (remote), M. Bernard (remote)
Trustees Absent
K. Montgomery
Guests Present
Alexis Ondongo (remote), Juned Haque (remote), M. Spencer-Edwards, N. Campbell, Nicole Harris (remote), S. Handshaw (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Finance
September Financials
Independent Audit Report with MMB
- Audit call with finance team on Oct. 14, 2024
- No material findings, clean audit
- Numbers have been stable, except for depreciation expenses
- We have an improvement in P&L
- Enrollment jumped about 20% to 77% although we were still below the 85% mandate
- Enrollment was not approved by the Department of Education
- The finance committee meetings must be recorded more efficiently
III. Academic Excellence
Principal's Report
- Math (1 MS)
- Science (1 MS)
- Humanities (1 HS)
- Sp. Ed. ( 1 Math, 1 S.S.)
Enrollment & Recruitment Efforts
- On Oct. 2, 2024 we had a photographer/videographer come in to film for our virtual tour. We should have the first draft this week.
- We have been taking professional photos to begin our new marketing campaign.
- MS 94
- HS 199
- Total 293
- We expect the numbers to drop some as we have a number of kids who have not shown up since the first day and others who have been displaced in the shelter system
ANET Update
As part of our focus on data driven instruction and assessments, we have partnered with ANet. We will administer ANet Assessments three (3) times per year. It is essential that leaders, teachers and our assessment partners understand what steps we should take in order to ensure that students are prepared for summative assessments, but also take a critical look at the pedagogy in the classrooms. To this end, on Monday October 7th ANET and the leadership at SACS collaborated in person to do the following:
- Visit classrooms together to get a baseline on the current state of instruction.
- Reground and celebrate replicable successes and high-leverage opportunities.
- Debrief to establish next steps before our first data meeting.
Our focus was outcome-focused objectives. The following is an overview of what was accomplished:
- Observed teaching & learning and identified promising practices aligned with our instructional priorities and provided actionable feedback to teachers that increases the quality of instruction provided to students.
- Debriefed to align/norm on observed strengths and areas of opportunity to strengthen leaderships development of teachers and increase our focus on improving teacher practice and student outcomes.
- Established action steps that will lead to change in teachers’ practice and students’ outcomes.
- Reflected on and synthesized trends and observational data we see across the school.
Based on our initial meeting with ANet, here is what we were focused on when looking at classroom instruction.
Instructional Focuses/Look-fors - for the SY 2024-2025
- ELA - Collection of data for exit tickets, and modeling the skills that students will be able to use during independent practice.
- Math - Time usage, lesson flow, and enough time is allocated for all students to complete grade-level tasks and exit tickets.
- Our first ANet Assessment in MS is from October 16-18
- Our first ANet Assessment in HS is from October 23-25
Lavinia Partnership
As part of our partnership with the Lavinia Group they visit the school to provide modeling, co-teaching professional development for our teachers. For school leaders they provide resources, feedback by way of data collection and inquiry and also planning and perspiration for the school year. Our last visit from the Lavinia Group the following next steps were established:
HS + MS instructional next steps:
- Planning Expectations: Teachers will provide students with dedicated student work time directly connected to the lesson goal.
- During planning, complete all problems that students will complete. Anticipate misconceptions
- Include timestamps in lesson plans
- Clearly plan independent work time to apply knowledge directly connected to the learning targeted.
- Redirecting discussions that are not connected to the lesson goal.
- Ms. Williams will model how to get unstuck and drive to lesson goal/transferable takeaway.
- Increase student work product + sharing: Intentional Gap closing by keeping a pulse on student understanding and gaps. Consider the laps below during work time:
- Lap 1: 100% walk around holding students accountable to work product.
- Lap 2: 100% of teachers identify trends in student work and student sharers to guide discourse towards lesson goals.
- Lap 3: Targeted Coaching
Leader next steps:
- Introduce Math data tracker with the Math team.
- Create a high school tab to mirror the MS tab we worked on.
- Add standards drop downs
- Add state test results- SOLVED
- HS math teachers will share lesson plans and Lavinia consultant will co-teach with HS math teachers during next visit.
- We will conduct a student work study and planning session with Math teachers during their next visit. Teachers will bring study work from the most recent Exit tIcket.
- We created a universal Math rubric. Now we will begin to roll it out to the teachers.Teachers will bring unscored Exit Tickets to the next visit. Norm scoring using the rubric. Then, create an action plan to address the gaps.
In your packets you should have received the following:
- SACS Building Contingency Plan
- SACS Educational Plan
Both of these documents are in draft form as we continue to collaborate with all key stakeholders in the building. We also seek input and support for our Executive Board so that we have a comprehensive plan that ensures the sustainability and consistency of our school. We would like to collaborate in the coming week to review this plan and get feedback and suggestions.
SOLVED Data App Features
Summit Academy has been awarded the BLACC Legacy Grant for $100,000. They will be visiting the school on Nov. 13, 2024.
IV. Governance
Academic Achievement Committee Report
- Tomlinson and Edwards will meet within the next two weeks to discuss
- Lavinia Group
- Solved
- Scholar performance to date
- Recruitment for staff
- Bringing experiential learning to the school
Governance Committee Report
- Met with the DOE for first meeting to provide updates about
- reporting
- our new partner
- meeting the conditions from the renewal
- SACS has made progress since the renewal conditions presented
- the board has been in regular communication with the DOE
- Board has implemented training, and active engagement with the school leadership
- Relatively satisfied that the board has been working to implement DOE suggestions
- Awaiting the approval of one board member who's information has been submitted
- Dr. Duane Sleet will be able to join the board by the next meeting
- Principal thoughts on DOE meeting
- DOE listened diligently and clearly expressed their expectations
- School must show evidence of efforts and progress for each area of growth
- Partnership with Charter Center to work with schools that received short term charters
- visited school and spoke to Principal about where we are
- classroom visits and feedback
- a sneak peek at quality review style visit
- mock renewal visit
- Principal to visit other schools to learn about practice proven strategies
- welcomes board presence at Charter Center visits
V. Other Business
School Business Plans
Board members will have an opportunity to share feedback regarding the plans. Plans will be posted on the for staff, families, and constituents.
Cash in hand as of Sept. 30: 115 days
Balance Sheet
Cash Flow Projection