Summit Academy Charter School


August Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday August 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Trustees Present

A. Murray, A. Young (remote), C. McCants (remote), D. Tomlinson (remote), J. Hartley, K. Montgomery, L. Almonte (remote), M. Bernard (remote)

Trustees Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

T. Price

Non Voting Members Present

T. Price

Guests Present

Catia Dionicio (remote), Davina Turner (remote), Evencia Osorio (remote), Jonathan Barger (remote), Juned Haque (remote), M. Spencer-Edwards, Margarita (remote), N. Campbell, Nicole Harris (remote), S. Handshaw, Shae Love (remote), Vittorio Faustini (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

C. McCants called a meeting of the board of trustees of Summit Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday Aug 20, 2024 at 6:19 PM.


Approve Minutes

M. Bernard made a motion to approve the minutes from July Board Meeting on 07-16-24.
L. Almonte seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Excellence


Principal's Report


  • Math (2 HS, 1 MS)- Offer letter sent out 8/16- (HS)Demo lesson 8/21- HS Math
  • Science (1 MS)
  • MS Coordinator (1)- in negotiations with candidate 8/19
  • School Business Manager
  • MS ENL teacher- resigned 8/15

New Hires for 24 - 25

  • Spanish- Mr. Sanchez
  • HS ENL- Ms. McGhie 
  • Esports Coach- Mr. Macias
  • MS Dean- Mr. Bland
  • Academic Coach- ELA and SS- Ms. Cleveland
  • Academic Coach- Science and Math- Ms. Williams
  • MS Science- Mr. Cristando
  • HS Sp.Ed.(ELa and SS)- Mr. Singleton

Recruitment Tools

  • Tabling at Parks and Recreation during their summer programming (over 500 visitors per day)
  • Participation in Health Joc Fair at Brooklyn Bridge Park
  • Visiting all local shelters to enroll new families
    • Partnership with new shelter on 4th Ave. and 30th Street: Confirmed 5 families to register on Monday
    • Flatbush shelter has called to register families (3 already in the system
    • Hamilton Ave. shelter has sent 1 new family
  • Niche, an online school search engine that pushes Summit to the top of MS and HS search in Brooklyn and New York.

Current Enrollment

  • MS 92 HS 160 Total scholars in ATS
  • There are 12 outstanding applications to be entered and new scholars coming each day

June Instructional Report

June Instructional Report Analysis


  • From 2023-2024, Literacy/ELA scores remained unchanged: Overall, 61% of students in grades 6-8 did well (2024), almost even with how Summit Academy students performed in 2023 (62%). 6th-grade increased scores by 5%.


  • 6th-grade students increased their scores by 3% from 2023 - 2024. 
  • Overall, 43% of students performed 7% below City averages. 

June Instructional Report Analysis


  • 7th-grade scores, primarily in writing, caused a 6% decrease from 2023-2024.


  • Overall, 6th-8th grade students scores’ decreased by 7% from 2023-2024 (from 50% to 43%)—primarily do to a 17% decrease from 2023-2024 in 8th-grade. These are now your 9th-grade.

Summer School Results

For this years Summer school we had 17 scholars in Middle School.


6th-  3 scholars

7th-  6 scholars

8th- 11 scholars

Of the 17 students who attended summer school, 6 students did not meet promotional  criteria and will be retained in their respective grades.


For HS the pass/fail results are not available to us as yet. Typically, students will come to school with a letter from their summer school site stating if the scholar passed or failed the course. If the student does not have the letter we engage with the school to get documentation about the students grades in summer school so that we can accurately schedule a program for the scholar. 

Summer PD week 1

Week #1- 9/5-9/9

  • History of Summit Academy (Campbell)
  • Mission and Vision (Campbell) 
  • Our approach to a college-readiness education (Price)
  • Protocols, policies, and procedures (Handshaw) 
  • Behavior and Culture (Williams)
  • Your role as a Platinum Staff member (Barger) 
  • Teachboost, Observations, and Supervision (Edwards)
  • 2024-2025 Theme- Raising the B(eliefs) A(ctions) R(esults) in Education: Building a Community of Learners and Doers

ENL Compliance

  • Secured a partnership with NYU and their Statewide language regional bilingual education resource network. 
  • ENL Coordinator brought on to ensure that the school is in compliance

School drills and protocols:

  • Fire drill
  • Soft lockdown
  • Hard lockdown
  • Shelter in

Updated Business Continuity Plan

  • Summit has a continuity of learning plan that was developed during COVID
  • Principal will use conversation with contractors to help develop a plan
  • Principal Edwards will lead this effort

III. Finance


July Finances

  • Numbers from June 30th did not change much.  $1000 difference
  • Audit will begin in September.  Board will receive information at the October meeting

Cash Position

  • First deposit from DOE 128 days of cash on hand.
  • 2.4 milliion in the bank
  • Care Act grants ending


  • Balance is low
  • Outstanding- fees to CEI

Unearned Revenue

  • Will balance out in August

PNL Summary

  • Recognized 5.7 million in revenue, $391,000 deficit
  • July 31st: expect large surplus because of salary for personnel
    • Full operation in September
    • Recognized 1/2 million dollars
  • Budget for 300 students giving the school a slight surplus
  • Budget adjusted mid-year to reflect changes that occur in the fiscal year.
    • Budget created April of the previous year
    • Adjustments made once we have more actual data
  • The cash on hand is healthy but lower than it was year ago

IV. Renewal


Partnership Progress

CEI partnership ended on June 30th.  The school has been working with Lavinia Group.

  • Lavinia has been engaging with staff and coaches to introduce their curriculum for MS
  • SACS Coaches are driving instructional support on a day to day basis.  Lavinia will work with coaches and leadership to ensure that the curriculum is being used with fidelity
  • Expectation that leadership, board, and Lavinia have scheduled meetings.  This allows the board to be actively involved in the enhancement of the school  educational program  

Perhaps set up visits to schools that are doing well and earning 5-year renewals.


Awaiting feedback from the DOE regarding the partnership


Renewal Conditions

The board worked with school leadership to address the conditions set forth by the DOE.

  • Plan to monitor progress 
  • All responses must be plan and execution driven
  • Conditions were not submitted on July 15 as per the requirement
  • Monitor next set of requirements due to ensure that everything is submitted before the deadline
    • Create a task sheet with the ability to add responsible person

V. School Attorney


New Attorney

  • The board has retained counsel to assist with hiring practices, and develop policies.

VI. Governance


Board Candidates

Lottie Almonte will be departing the board as of September 1, 2024.  We thank her for her commitment and contributions over the years.


Board Committees

In response to renewal conditions, committees have begun to meet and will begin using Board on Track to document meetings.

VII. Board Responsibilities


Annual Report, Board Committee Reports, Members and Membership

Policies created to ensure that the board is managing governance appropriately.

  • Board of Trustee Record Retention Policy
  • Board member roles and responsibilities
  • Board checklist
  • Board member training policy

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

M. Bernard made a motion to close the August board meeting.
A. Murray seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:59 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Murray