Summit Academy Charter School


July Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday July 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Trustees Present

A. Murray, A. Young (remote), C. McCants (remote), D. Tomlinson, J. Hartley (remote), K. Montgomery (remote), L. Almonte (remote), M. Bernard

Trustees Absent

M. Nieves

Ex Officio Members Present

T. Price

Non Voting Members Present

T. Price

Guests Present

Brian Stolz (remote), Jonathan Barger (remote), Juned Haque (remote), M. Spencer-Edwards, N. Campbell, Nicole Harris (remote), S. Handshaw

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

C. McCants called a meeting of the board of trustees of Summit Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday Jul 16, 2024 at 6:10 PM.


Approve Minutes

M. Bernard made a motion to approve the minutes from June Board Meeting on 06-18-24.
D. Tomlinson seconded the motion.

Amendments to the board minutes from June 18, 2024.


  • Sugeni Perez was not absent for the June meeting but had already submitted her resignation letter to the board.



Dr. Duane Sleet has not been approved for board participation and should not be listed on any committees until he is approved.



The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Academic Excellence


Principal's Report


  • Math (2 HS, 1 MS)
  • Science (1 MS)
  • SPED (1 MS, 2 HS)
  • MS Coordinator (1)
  • School Business Manager

New Hires for 24 - 25

  • Spanish
  • ENL
  • Esports Coach
  • MS Dean
  • ENL Teacher -HS
  • Academic Coach- ELA and SS
  • Academic Coach- Science and Math


  • Our numbers have decreased as some families have decided that we are too far from them (Bronx)
  • 47 Confirmed scholars
  • We re-engaged lottery families this week and three more have committed to attend the school and will be coming to complete enrollment packets this week.
  • Daily we are sending new families to meet with the team and complete enrollment packets

Recruitment Efforts

  • Facebook Lead Ad to attract potential families to the school’s landing page
  • Tabling at Parks and Recreation during their summer programming (over 500 visitors per day)
  • Participation in Health Jox Fair at Brooklyn Bridge Park
  • Visiting all local shelters to enroll new families

Use college enrollment as a part of recruitment highlight and marketing.


Graduation Results/Rates

The MS graduation rate is 88%. There were 33, 8th graders in total.


The HS graduation rate is 81%. There were 31 seniors. 

  • 25 graduated. Those who did not graduate are expected to earn an August diploma with completion 
  • 4 graduated with an advanced regents diploma. 
  • 21 with a standard diploma 
  • 2 students graduated a year early.

Preliminary Academic Performance


  • Regents:
    • 42% passed Algebra I
    • 78% passed ELA
    • 43% passed Living Environment
    • 66% passed US History & Government
    • 45% passed US History & Geography
    • 20% passed Earth Science
    • 4% passed Chemistry
    • 0%  passed Geometry

Dr. Tomlinson will circulate job descriptions at St. Johns University to get potential candidates.


Renewal Condition Responses

  • SACS team worked collectively to respond to each of the renewal conditions from the DOE.  Remedies include hiring an ENL Coordinator, MS Coordinator, Academic Coaches, additional SPED personnel.
  • SACS will use a data dashboard from SOLVED to manage, monitor, and analyze data


Create virtual tour for online visitors and online open house sessions for the summer months.

III. Finance


June Finances

Year end expenses are still underway as expenses are still coming in. 


  • 107 days of cash in hand
  • 1.8 million in the bank as of June 30th., with expectation of the per pupil funding
  • receiving funds for title grants and ARP grants.
  • ARP ends on Sept. 30th.


  • Because contracts go through July, expenses accrued after the close of fiscal year


Deficit was lower than initially anticipated because enrollment increased. 

  • SACS anticipates being fiscally sound by the end of the 2025 - 2026 school year as enrollment is increasing and per pupil will increase

Audits will be completed by September for a November 1, 2024 submission.

IV. Renewal Conditions


Potential Partners

M. Bernard made a motion to add SOLVED database to Summit as a tool to monitor and manage data as prescribed by the DOE.
L. Almonte seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

The board has met with Lavinia as an educational partner.  We have also received information from Skyrocket.  The board has met with the school leadership to determine which organization offers supports that the school needs.

D. Tomlinson made a motion to move forward with Lavinia as the school's partner for the 2024 - 2025 school year. Partnership will include curriculum, and coaching/professional development regarding use of their curriculum.
M. Bernard seconded the motion.

We will work with Lavinia Group to secure Board Training.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. CEI Close out


Coach Year End Reports

Each coach created a year end report to summarize the work that they did with staff and recommendation for moving forward.  The leadership team will take recommendations under advisement as they are planning for the coming school year.


Principal Evaluation Program

The Principal's evaluation will be used by the board to set performance goals for the coming school year.  The academic achievement committee will deep dive into the evaluation to assess the overall needs of the school.


CEI Summary

The CEI summary will be used by the board to set performance goals for the coming school year.  The academic achievement committee will deep dive into the evaluation to assess the overall needs of the school.


The summary will be shared with the new partner to give context for steps moving forward.

VI. Staffing Plan


Meeting the Renewal Conditions

The Board must get an approved Organizational Chart.  The new org. chart will not have names but titles.  This will feed into all public materials.


Academic Oversight: Board will monitor and engage with academic performance throughout the school year.  The Academic Achievement Committee will work with the instructional leadership team.


Principal's Evaluation: The board will identify a vendor to facilitate the independent evaluation.


Board Compliance: The board will meet monthly.  Board members who will be remote must post their address 7 days in advance to count towards quorum.  Board members must be present at meetings and participate in the governance of the school. Board must participate "on the ground" at the school, engage with school leadership.  Monthly agenda must be flexible and reflect where we are in the life of the school and governance.


The Board will engage in a retreat and board training this year.

VII. School Attorney


Proposal for a new school attorney.

The board will review the proposal and vote on the proposal from the attorney candidate.  There will be a comparison of the services from the current attorney and the candidate.

VIII. Governance


Board Candidates

Seciton 8 of the by-laws references resignation of trustees.  Resignation may be involuntary based on attendance and participation.


Mike Nieves has missed four consecutive meetings and is unable to fulfill the obligations of board participation.

M. Bernard made a motion to receive the resignation of Mike Nieves from the Board of Trustees as per Section 8 of the board bylaws.
D. Tomlinson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

Training for new board members:


Setting up time to train board on Board on Track, membership obligations, oversight, and governance.  Perhaps we will use the Board on Track trainings which are included in the contract.


Board Committees

The board committees will be finalized at the August meeting.  The board will meet to discuss organization of committees and the required reporting

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

M. Bernard made a motion to adjourn the July meeting.
D. Tomlinson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:54 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Campbell