Summit Academy Charter School


May Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM

Trustees Present

A. Murray (remote), A. Young (remote), C. McCants (remote), K. Montgomery, L. Almonte (remote), M. Bernard, V. Connelly (remote)

Trustees Absent

M. Nieves, S. Pérez-Sadler

Guests Present

Frances Levine (remote), Jacqueline McDonald, Judea Hartley, Juned Haque, Lissette, M. Spencer-Edwards, N. Campbell, Nicole Harris (remote), Raisa Schwanbeck, S. Handshaw, Sherrod Tomlinson (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Bernard called a meeting of the board of trustees of Summit Academy Charter School to order on Tuesday May 21, 2024 at 6:05 PM.


Approve Minutes

A. Murray made a motion to approve the minutes from April Board Meeting on 04-16-24.
L. Almonte seconded the motion.

Cynthia- Update the minutes to reflect the new board member that was voted on at the April Meeting- Dr. Sharod Tomlinson

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Excellence


Principal's Report

Vacancies for 24 - 25

  • We are in the process of meeting with teachers about returning next year.
  • The leadership team has posted for every position and is interviewing.
  • 36 staff members will have offers for next year; 5 will not be invited back
    • Key positions in math for both high school and middle school
    • Need to bring in ENL professionals to support the programs

Enrollment & Recruitment

  • Numbers for the month are consistent with last month.  MS has 92 and HS has 161 for a total of 253

Recruitment Tools

  • Website Revisions
  • Ramped up social media campaign with new videos and pictures posted regularly.
  • Television Appearances
    • Mr. Gee did a segment at the school on May 13th. It will air in early June.
    • We are working with a team to do a segment on the Summer Slump with Chalkbeat.
  • Facebook Lead Ad to attract potential families to the school’s landing page.

Lottery Results

  • SACS Lottery held on April 9th at 6pm
  • Applications Received total 155
    • 6th 31
    • 7th 9
    • 8th 4
    • 9th 79 
    • 10th 11
    • 11th 11
    • 12th 10
  • 45 completed packets have been submitted to date (several others are receiving support from our team)
    • 6th: 13 
    • 7th: 2
    • 8th: 4
    • 9th: 16
    • 10th: 2
    • 11th: 6
    • 12th: 2

Regents & State Participation Rates

  • Based on the number of students enrolled in each class, here are the projected number of students who will participate in the various exams as as the close of the school year.

High School 

Algebra 1: 85 Students 

ELA: 50 Students  

Living Environment: 70 Students 

US History: 42 Students 

Global History: 39 Students

Earth Science: 35 Students 

Chemistry: 35 Students

Geometry: 35 Students

Algebra 2: 41 Students


NYSESLAT: 99 students


Middle School

ELA: 54 Students 

Math: 33 Students

Science: 7 students

BLACC Legacy Grant

  • As part of identifying ways to support our scholars, Dr. Campbell has applied for a grant from the BLACC (Black Latino, Asian Charter Collaborative) organization that our school is a part of.   The Legacy Grant that we applied for will enable Summit Academy to establish a comprehensive ELL Program with informed leadership for the program. This would include a bilingual or multilingual coordinator who would enhance our ability to serve these youngsters' language and other educational needs.
    • Interview on May 28, 2024


Graduation Date

  • June 26, 2024


Testing Up-Dates

  • 100% of our MS scholars took the state ELA exam
  • NYSESLAT testing starts in May
  • 2nd Round of Mock Regents Examinations will take place in May
  • MS school Regents Prep started in March and is ongoing
  • We have 3 Saturday Academy sessions remaining

III. Finance


April Financial

  • 990 has been filed within the appropriate time frame
  • Budget is underway.  Leadership met and is working to balance the budget while including the conditions required by the DOE in the renewal
  • 2.6 million in bank as of April 30th
  • No more per pupil deposits expected until July
  • Still outstanding funds to be collected in early July
  • Per pupil recognized in May and June

Profit and Loss

  • Deficit of about $250,000 to date with an expected deficit of $500,000 at the close of the year

Cash Flow

  • Payment from DOE and federal grants in July
  • To date, 154 days of cash on hand; End year with 92 days of cash on hand
  • Increase in July with next per pupil payment (DOE requires 60 days of cash on hand)


  • MMB is the firm
  • School will begin sharing information with the auditors for the close of this year


New budget to be presented at the end of the next board meeting

IV. Governance


Board Candidaes

Dr. Judea Hartley

  • Passion for children and teaching
  • Advocate for teamwork, creativity and for ways for children to learn and flourish
  • Talk Show host, Pastor, and former teacher
  • Bachelors in Political Science, Master's in Journalism and Public Relations, Doctorate in Divinity
  • Devotion and commitment to being a thought partner for board members and school leadership



? Can you talk about your ability to be present to support the work of the school?


? Can you talk about your background in music?

  • Experience started at church and expanded from there.  Sang internationally with Father; teaches gospel music in Japan. 
  • Also taught Japanese students how to speak English

The board will vote in executive session and contact Dr. Hartley.


Virginia Connelly and Sugeni Perez will step down from the board as of June 30, 2024.

  • The board is thankful for the work and support of these board members
A. Murray made a motion to accept Dr. Judea Hartley as a member of the board.
L. Almonte seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Other Business


Renewal Process to date

CEI has submitted a letter to the board indicating that they will no longer support Summit Academy as of June 30, 2024.

  • The board has begun seeking new partners including Lavinia, Skyrocket Education, and Higher Learning.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:48 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Murray

The board will go into executive session to vote on the potential candidate.