Summit Academy Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 24, 2016 at 7:00 PM


27 Huntington Street Brooklyn, NY 11231

Trustees Present

J. Bailin, M. Bernard, N. Campbell, N. Dominguez

Trustees Absent

F. Mitchell

Guests Present

Bond, I. Louis

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Bernard called a meeting of the board of trustees of Summit Academy Charter School to order on Wednesday Feb 24, 2016 at 7:01 PM.


Approve Minutes

M. Bernard made a motion to approve minutes.
N. Dominguez seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously did not carry.



  • Enrollment has dropped yet again
    • 316 scholars enrolled at SACS
      • Some scholars are leaving due to graduation concerns 
      • Several scholar families are moving 
  • What SACS is doing to mitigate the burden surrounding the decrease in enrollment?
  • Finance committee to meet next week to discuss enrollment concerns with K. Morton
  • Recruiting season is December to March
    • Vendor has been experiencing technical difficulties 
      • Our recruitment info should go out this week 
    • Constant contact emails
Offer letters
  •     ?C. Swift and N. Campbell to meet on Mon
College Tours 
    thinking of collapsing the grade tours if the amount of scholars do not cover the cost of the trip itself
Have we thought about what the budget is going to look like next year in terms of what programs will stay and which ones will go. 
  •     Looking to capitalize out human capital without impacting our current programatic set-up
  • Looking to programs that are cost effective and via systems such as FAMUS

  • Leadership team has met to discuss the Local Heroes event 

II. Development


Pitch Book

  • circulate a copy mid-month to the board to have they review and provide input. 
  • Making the book accessible to all that review it. 
  • Board will receive electronic copy of the Fact Sheet
    • Add components pertaining to curriculum that makes the school stand out such as the AP program. 

III. Governance


SWAT Analysis


Recruitment Plan

  • SACS was invited to join the League of Professional Women. 
    • Might be a great avenue to recruit potential board members 
  • What is the protocol for recruiting board members? 
  • Potential board candidate-Parent of 11th grade scholar 
    • N. Campbell is to reach out to the board re: updates in vetting parent 
  • Local Heroes of Red Hook Banquet (DEVELOPMENT)
    • SACS to call with M. Bernard with potential dates to host at the Temple
    • Entitled "I AM SUMMIT Rally"
    • Board members to sell tables for the event and market event in timely manner. 
  • Board to compose a list of questions and a criteria by which to recruit board members
    • N. Campbell to share with board rubric for hiring teachers and other staff that can be edited by the board 
    • M. Bernard to send board guideline for recruiting (doc from BOT)


Academic Excellence

Relationship with P.S. 676
  • Maxine Payne, Senior Vice President of Shared Space for the DOE attended meeting at SACS to discuss relationship between school.
    • She will sit in on Building Council Meetings
  • Planning a partnership with 676 to do Reading initiative (SACS scholars will read to their scholars)
  • P.S. will also be partnering with SACS on SACS Picks It Up
Staffing Updates 
  • Spanish Teacher -Phil Grant, PE & Health Teacher 
  • 6th & 8th grade Math - Tyler Tate 
  • Learning Supports - HS - Andrea Tate (Social Studies and Science)
Scholar Enrollment 
  •    Went up by two scholars and is at 328 as of Feb.
  • See attached
Curriculum & Instructional Overview 
  • Introduced Moby Max to MS (Math foundational skills, umber fluency and grade level work)
  • Implemented writing focus for all subjects 
  •  Interim assessment and midterms 
  • Formal observations will continue.
Areas of Need and Growth
  • Teacher offers- by end of February 2016
  • improved scholar recruitment efforts 
  • PA system phones
    • Need to get two more phones in Principal Office and Main Office 
  • Scholar recruitment 
    • send out flyers to 1100 families
    • Sports program have grown tremendously 
      • Girls B-Ball are ranked 90 
      • Athletics Department keeps all of sports related info up to date 
    • Theatre Department 
      • Has grown tremendously 
    • Verbal recommendations will go a long way
    • March 5th Recruiting Day
      • Falls on the same day as the FAC and such parents that regularly attend will represent SACS at the recruitment fair
        • READ ACross america - partnership with PS 676 and SACS where scholars will be reading to 676 students 
  • Parent Teacher Conference  

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

M. Bernard made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
J. Bailin seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously did not carry.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
I. Louis