Wesley International Academy


Rescheduled Board Meeeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 6, 2024 at 6:00 PM


Wesley Media Center 

or Zoom 

Directors Present

A. Hunter (remote), D. Hrabe (remote), E. Cater (remote), K. Boyer (remote), K. Jones (remote), M. Guertin (remote), O. Okwara (remote), S. Williams (remote)

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

J. Marshall (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

J. Marshall (remote)

Guests Present

Adejae Byrd (remote), Ajee Smith (remote), Allison Haley (remote), C. Hudson (remote), C. Wyatt (remote), Cassi Horton (remote), Charles Jordan (remote), Colin Butler (remote), D. Johnson (remote), Dennis (remote), E. Moraga-Davis (remote), Erica Blunt (remote), Erola (remote), Gsbriella Sam (remote), Jarod Apperson (remote), Jasmine Robinson (remote), Keilani Parker (remote), Kimberly Jackson (remote), L. Price (remote), Lynnette Clove (remote), Marina Rabinovich (remote), Nikia Marshall (remote), R. Edwards (remote), R. Pavone (remote), Rickella Hudson (remote), Rozalynne Echols (remote), S Spann (remote), S. Finney (remote), Shani Seaton (remote), Shanika (remote), Sophia Catchings (remote), Summer Ndipnchot (remote), TiAnna C (remote), Toamma C (remote), Verscie (remote), Yashica Douglas (remote), Yavonda (remote), moneey (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Hrabe made a motion to call meeting to order.
S. Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

O. Okwara made a motion to approve the minutes from December Board Meeting on 12-05-23.
A. Hunter seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Community Comments

II. Board Chair Updates


Select ED Goals Subcommittee


Teacher retention 87% goal.

Student growth Part 1 Based on MAPP , we will experience 3% growth in Math.

Student growth Part 2 Based on Georgia Milestones we will decrease the number of students growth by 3%.

Staff Attendance beat the distict by 2% hoping for 3%.

Student Attendance:  Decrease chronic absenteeism 21% for MYP.

E. Cater made a motion to Approve ED Goals.
S. Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Training Hours

III. Executive Director Updates


Lottery Weight Discussion

S. Williams made a motion to Amend agenda for recommended lottery weight.
D. Hrabe seconded the motion.

ED announces Science Fair Winners

Jarod is introduced to Board and he will explain  weighted lottery.

Current enrollment reached 72% Economically- disadvantaged, last year it was 65%.   

Student enrollment is 766 slightly higher than last year at 752.

We've had numbers as high as 805-810.




The board VOTED to approve the motion.
S. Williams made a motion to vote to approve agenda.
M. Guertin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
S. Williams made a motion to approve recommended weight of 1.
M. Guertin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Governance


Enrollment Updates

Enrollment update was given by Jarod.



Recruitment of New Board Members

Working on a date to interview canidates for new board members.

Interviews will take place end of March.




School Calendar for 2024-2025

E. Cater made a motion to approve 2024-2025 school year calendar option A.
S. Williams seconded the motion.

Calendar is the same as APS. 

Adrian Hunter ask if days are the same.  We have 180 day calendar

same as last year start and end dates are different.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Employee Contract for 2024-2025

D. Hrabe made a motion to approve Employee Contract.
E. Cater seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Academics


Charter School Goals

Rachel Goodman goes over all 5 catagories for charter goals.

Financial Goals.. no default on loans. Cash reserve, Audit

School climate goals met.. Surveys, discipline, PBIS

Legal Goals: Staying off of probation 

Governance goals: Board  training , making sure school meets  its goals, make sure school does what it says its going to do.  Example STEM

 Academic goals:  we out performed all of our like schools. meet improvement goals

We did  not meet our 10% goal.

Second look Goal :  Showing we out performed like schools, CCRPI MYP out performed State and APS


School Data Updates

 This was not discussed.  

VI. Finance


Brief Update of Financials (July-October 2023)

At the end of last year payments came in all at once , so cash flow was higher 

than past years.  The reason why our cash is higher , we received  $59k refund for Amin fee ,

and for enrollment we received $400k , GOV.Kemp gave a retention bonu of $343k and another revision from Gov Kemp for $231k.



Budget Revision

S. Williams made a motion to Approve Budget Revision.
D. Hrabe seconded the motion.

Budject revision reflects 1.82M with specific guidelines.  Spending must be completed by August 2024.  Mobile Detective Devise is put in as a place holder until Board votes for or against devise. We will have an ending balance of 1.5 M 6/30/24.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:11 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Jones