Wesley International Academy
November Academic Excellence
Date and Time
Tuesday November 14, 2023 at 8:30 AM
Invite Link
Invite Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85892171227?pwd=VDNPaW44bk5tamFSN0FGdm4vVkMwUT09
Meeting ID: 858-9217-1227
Passwoed: Academic
Committee Members Present
A. Hunter (remote), C. Hudson (remote), D. Hrabe (remote), E. Cater (remote), G. Burnett (remote), J. Marshall (remote), R. Goodman (remote), R. Pavone (remote), S. Finney (remote)
Committee Members Absent
K. Boyer, R. Edwards
Guests Present
C. Wyatt (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve September 29, 2023 Meeting Minutes
II. Academic Excellence
Attendance and Discipline Updates
- Attendance rate is 94.5 about 1% better than the district. MYP attendance up 2% from last October. Strategies are working.
- Discipline: Middle School referrals down from 95 to 46, 11 violent incidents down from 32, and repeated referrals down from 7 students to 2 students.
- Correlations with staff because referrals are identified as major when they are minor. Planning for additional support and training can be provided to teachers for level setting.
- Elementary staff are new to teaching (less than 2 years). MYP teachers are more experienced.
- Teacher mentoring program meets on monthly basis and mentor observes classes twice per month and provides strategies for support.
- Last week of every month school holds community meetings. Awards are given for attendance, improved behavior, etc.
Overview of academics in PYP and MYP
Curricula update: New curriculum
- K - 2 Heggerty provides routines and practices for phonemic awareness. Demo on Literacy Night.
- Eureka Math: teacher guides, vertically aligned, standards based.
- STEMscopes & Social Study Weekly: Resources used by teachers to promote transdisciplinary connections.
Student schedules PYP and MYP
Mr. Pavone shared sample schedules for 3rd grader and 7th grade. PYP schedule shifted to make it more balanced - connections/Language are broken up during the day. MYP includes Rotating lab at the end of the day - (remediation or enrichment) math, science, reading, etc. CHange to block schedule happened last year.
Overview of additional language and STEM designation
Teachers being trained in STEM concepts using Eduply. No Jackson cluster schools are STEM certified yet. State STEM coordinator shared 3 - 5 year time line for certification. In addition Cognia provides certification. Mr. Pavone is researching that.
Language integration of Spanish - presentation to parents of possible models. One language only, alternating semesters, Spanish connection. Mr. Pruss is attending a conference for world languages in Chicago. He facilitates a parent focus group to provide greater understanding of the models and gather feedback.
32% of students laeve Wesley and continue instruction in the Jackson Cluster. Remaining students move across APS and the move to a second language makes the transition for those students smoother, once they leave the cluster.