Wesley International Academy


October Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 3, 2023 at 6:00 PM


Wesley International Academy/Media Center


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 846 3689 1573

Passcode: Board



Directors Present

A. Hunter, D. Hrabe, E. Cater, G. Burnett (remote), K. Boyer, K. Jones, M. Guertin (remote), O. Okwara

Directors Absent

S. Williams

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Marshall

Non Voting Members Present

J. Marshall

Guests Present

Allison Haley (remote), C. Hudson (remote), C. Wyatt, D. Johnson, Danielled Algere (remote), E. Moraga-Davis, G. Walker, Justin Petterson (remote), L. Price (remote), Lisa Goodin (remote), R. Edwards, R. Goodman, R. Pavone, Rickella Hudson (remote), S. Finney, Sarah Feltrop (remote), Shanikka Thonas (remote), Tiffany Glass (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Boyer called a meeting of the board of directors of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Oct 3, 2023 at 6:00 PM.


Approve Agenda

K. Boyer made a motion to Approve Agenda.
E. Cater seconded the motion.

add voting to Executive Session on staff changes.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve August Minutes

D. Hrabe made a motion to Minutes approve.
A. Hunter seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
D. Hrabe made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 08-08-23.
K. Jones seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Board Chair Announcements

Board Chair welcomes everyone to meeting.

Thank you to all Committee Chairs on their first committee meeting and for sending in attendance and goals.

Board wide training will be communicated as soon as possible waiting to hear from sponsor (Ms. Clark).

II. Executive Director Updates



ED thanking staff, for their tireless work with our boys and girls,  thanking  Wesley Business Office and  parents for bringing their children here everyday.  

Attendance is improving enrollment is at 768


Successful Audit

Wesley  had a very clean audit.  Lisa Price and Erline  Morgaga-Davis made all this possible.  




Evolv and Garrett Security Systems

Guest Speakers;


Evolv is  a security company  that APS uses and they were asked to explain how their metal detectors work. 

 System shows area of threat and has the capablities to add other features .  2,000 students can be screened  in an hour. We shouldnt have any 

delays with student entering buildiing  and  this system is designed for schools.  ED and principal went to see system at Centennial Charter School.



How many will Wesley install.  Possibly 2 areas. Detectors are  also portable can be moved to other events.  Drop off will be at Connally and Memorial. 

 Entrance to school will be relocated to Auditorium.  



APS has chosen this product for all their schools.  Wesley  will also receive same discount  from  APS.

Downside on many metal detectors they will detect any metal.  This system will highlight

just the threat (firearm, knives etc).

Detectors are easily installed and removed, they only require a electrical outlet.



APS will  install a secruity vestibule summer 2024.

Board member  wanting to understand who is responsbile for cost. 

APS will cover cost of vestibule and Wesley willl be responsible for metal detectors.


We can customize detectors  to display announcements, art etc.

First week will be a learning curve but will move quickly once everyone  is use to system.

Training for teachers and support provided until everyone is comfortable .

Board member is worried about false security with detectors.  Not happy about all

security without more community input.   Another board member  feels this is an appropriate approach with metro atlanta and location of our school.  We want to ensure that our students are safe.

Board Co-Chair  makes  it clear this is a discusstion and no decisions have been made..   Another board member thinks we need to be proactive on all

things we do.  We don't want emotion to keep us from making the right and safe decision and what is the best interest of school.  ED explains survey that was sent out to parents, he is going to evaluate all data ,survey will stay  out for a month.    This is the beginning of our safety phase and we understand  the  heart felt emotions about this discusstion.   Board Chair suggest we implement SEL to help communicate to parents  and students about clear backpacks and metal detectors.


  Download chats for minutes.  


Student Attendance

Wesley was dinged by APS for student attendance..

Principal explains  the district is trying to fix their chronic absentces .

District is at 33% absentses .  18 Days absent is consider chronic absentces.


At charter renewal 5 years ago we were at 38%  we are now at half (19%).

Sprit  week:  staff were given t shirts  promoting attendance,  awards given to students and  to grade levels.  

 Biggest barrier  for attendance is transportation.   Social Worker is working on community  partnerships to help our families. and is doing a great job.  We want attendance at 10% .



III. Academic Excellence


Updates and Overview

  • Admin shared postive data about discipline has dropped.
  • We wanted to reduce incidents  by 8% and we've  reduced by 44%.
  • Good solid work to Admin and ED for getting  these numbers down.


Attendance Action Plan

  • PYP  @ 18%  bring down to 10%.
  • MYP 21% bring down to 13% . 
  • Administrators  are continuing to work on stratagies to reach target.



Academic Excellence Goals

  • Reduction in chronic absenteeism
  • Increase MAP scores 
  • STEM  training for staff , target 80% of teachers 


New charter we will be doing STEM and possibly new language.

Had a meeting with focus group about adding another language.

This will be discussed further 2nd semester.

Before bringing  2nd language  forward to Board it must be discussed in Academic Excellence

Is there a plan for new forgein language? Right now focus is on STEM but 2nd semester 

discussion will start on extra language.


IV. Governance


Announce Committee Members

2023-2024 Governance Committee Members are:


Kwenede Jones

Mazie -Lynn

Ewa Cater

Kate Boyer

Doug Hrabe

Donica Johnson



Dicuss Enrollment/Strategies/Move

  • Enrollment is at 768 students .
  •  Wesley will continue to have numerous school tours and visit pre-schools to market new students.
  • Proactive on challenges with move and how this willl effect enrollment.  (Transportation) 
  • Surveys will go out to parents.
  • Suggestion to advertise  in  neighborhood of tempoary location.
  • Move is 2 years away.





Discuss Governance Committee Goals

  • Review By Laws 
  • Enrollment 
  • Strategies on move
  • Board Recruitment/ 4 to 5 members 



V. Finance


Update 2023 Audit

  • CFO gives update on audit.  Audit was uneventful which means successful.
  • Auditor will go over audit in Finance Committee Meeting on November 15.   Working on final details of Audit Report.
  • Board chair  will review 990.  



2023 Finance Committee Goals

  • Prepare and review proposed budget for new fiscal year in April/May 
  • Complete clean financial audit
  • Meet all deadlines for all rquired financial reporting 
  • Development mid year budget  for FC review in January and Board approval in Feburary.
  • Develop 4 year cash-flow forecast (2025-2028) based on fluid enrollment and reduction in federal grants.






Development Updates

Jason updates development.


Red Thread:  more teachers and  more parents have joined.

Goal for 2023-2024  $50,000 

 Donations:   Fun Run, Register voting incentives, vendor donations




VI. Executive Session


Vote to Approve Teacher Contract as discussed In Executive Session

D. Hrabe made a motion to Approve Teacher Contract as discussed in Executive Session.
E. Cater seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
E. Cater made a motion to Approve the Merit Increase for Executive Director as discussed in Executive Session.
K. Jones seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Cater
Documents used during the meeting