Wesley International Academy
Academic Excellence Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday May 16, 2023 at 8:00 AM
Meeting ID: 824 6200 8660
Passcode: academic
Meeting ID: 824 6200 8660
Passcode: academic
Committee Members Present
A. Chung (remote), A. Hunter (remote), C. Hudson (remote), G. Burnett (remote), J. Marshall (remote), J. Wright (remote), R. Edwards (remote), R. Goodman (remote), R. Pavone (remote), S. Finney (remote)
Committee Members Absent
D. Hrabe, J. Dong
Guests Present
D. Johnson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve March 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes
II. Academic Excellence
Discipline Update
R. Pavone provided additional discipline data. Timing of discipline incidents featured in R. Goodman's presentation. Most incidents occurring between 2:30 and 3:15 pm.
Teacher Survey Results
School Day Presentation - Rachel Goodman
-Staff Survey
- Work-life balance
- Teacher satisfaction
- Supports needed
- Core Values
-Shortened Day Proposed PYP Schedule
- Chinese/Connections -30 Minutes
- Math - 70 Minutes
- Literacy - 90 Minutes
- Science/Social Studies - 45 Minutes
- Lunch - 30 Minutes
- Recess - 30 Minutes
-Board Questions/Feedback:
- How does proposed schedule work with addition of Spanish
- How does proposed schedule support standards, particularly in grades 3-5
- Proposition of additional days to support teacher development (No student contact)
Summer school programming update was provided by R. Goodman.
-To begin first week of June
-Ms. Prude and Mrs. Busari co-directors of the program, and will head up this year’s activities.
-First phase (current year) - Enrichment
-Phase 2 (next school year) - Academic Intervention + Enrichment