Wesley International Academy
March Governance Meeting
Date and Time
Monday March 20, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Passcode: governance
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Meeting ID: 849 9902 2607
Passcode: 622562
Committee Members Present
D. Hrabe (remote), D. Johnson (remote), J. Marshall (remote), K. Boyer (remote), K. Jones (remote), L. Price (remote), R. Goodman (remote)
Committee Members Absent
E. Cater, M. Guertin
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
II. Governance
Discuss School Calendar for 2023-2024
Update on WIA Enrollment/Lottery
WIA has conducted the Lottery on March 2, 2023. WIA is one of the few schools that has a public lottery. We had 30 people tune in to the Lottery. The Lottery was successful and the results were released on March 7, 2023 and the deadline is March 21, 2023. WIA was concerned about over offering. WIA over offered for every grade level except for 7th grade. We are pleased with how the lottery process is working so far. WIA has also conducted unofficial tours for families that received offers to attend. Challenge now will be converting offers/acceptances to fully enrolled students.
Discuss Attendance requirement under WIA BY-LAWS
Discussion regarding changing language re: Attendance requirements. Overall view is that changes to Section 4.5 of the WIA Bylaws is necessary. We will address this issue with WIA's lawyer.
Discuss Recruitment of New Board Members
Charge is to start recruiting new board members. Chip is falling off the Board but will remain on in a related capacity. For future discussion: Do we want the Development Committee to be a board driven committee. Suggested that we look at future roll offs for Recruitment purposes. WIA Leadership to address issue with Development Committee with an internal group and then to discuss with Purpose Possible.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- 2024 Draft Calendar (10, 11 & 12 Month)_v3-13-23[10].pdf
WIA will have a "balanced calendar". Very similar to calendars in the past. Teachers back on July 17, 2023. Students start on August 1, 2023. Last day of school is May 24, 2024. WIA Calendar is closely aligned with APS Calendar. This year's calendar includes "half days" - which is new for this year's calendar. There are 4 half days in total during the school year.