Wesley International Academy


November Governance Meeting

Date and Time

Monday November 14, 2022 at 4:30 PM


The Wesley House

314 Kelly Street

Atlanta, Georgia 30312

Wesley Academy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Governance Committee
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Meeting ID: 849 9902  2607
Passcode: 622562

Committee Members Present

D. Hrabe (remote), D. Johnson, E. Cater, J. Marshall, K. Boyer (remote), K. Jones, L. Price (remote), M. Guertin (remote), R. Goodman (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Crystal Hudson (remote), Richard Pavone

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Jones called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Wesley International Academy to order on Monday Nov 14, 2022 at 4:34 PM.


Approve Minutes

D. Hrabe made a motion to approve the minutes from September Governance Meeting on 09-19-22.
E. Cater seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Governance


Divisive Concepts Policy for WIA

Divisive Concepts Policy.  APS has developed a policy.  All Charter Schools are asked to come up with own policy.  This comes out of change implemented by State Government.  The Policy is APS's attempt to limit the affect of the State involvement.  Example was provided from Westside Charter School.  Our legal counsel also provided an example policy.  No timeline established but this committee will need to prepare a policy.  WIA's deadline to provide policy will be February Meeting.  Review Policy in January Meeting.  The policy drafted by WIA's counsel is a mixture of the APS policy with additional language.  WIA's policy would trump APS's policy if WIA has a policy.  January Committee Meeting we will make determination of what Policy we will use for WIA.  Action Item:  Put on January Agenda


Enrollment Data Discussion

Enrollment Data Discussion with Jarod Apperson.  Deals with weighted lottery for enrollment.  Provides board with the tools to make an informed decision as to how to weigh the factors for the lottery.  Mr. Apperson has looked at the data and will provide some insights regarding any possible trends that he sees.  Takeways:  (1) APS enrollment declining; (2) Competition from local charter schools has stabilized; (3) Competition from SCSC has grown and will continue to grow; (4) WIA saw a big drop in applicants with prior attachment (i.e., sibling at WIA); (5) Applicants without a prior attachment also fell; (6) Potential strategy to significantly over offer at time of lottery (correlation between time of offer and acceptance).  


Other schools are mimicking WIA so WIA has to do things differently to attract families.  WIA is planning to overhaul our marketing scheme.  WIA can accommodate 824 students.  Each student equals $15,000 of funding.  




Board Meeting Options

In Person vs. Virtual Meetings.  Emergency stay has been lifted so Open Meetings Act requires in-person meetings.  Question is how do we handle.  Governance Committee must set the tone and make sure that we are complying with all relevant statutes.  For the school community multiple options are beneficial to encourage participation.  Question posed:  Can we have additional virtual attendances for committee meetings and general board meeting.


By-laws are strict regarding virtual appearances.  One suggestion is to adjust by-laws to not punish board members for virtual appearances.  How do we go backwards.  Now that we know that we can handle business virtually for the last couple of years how do we force people to go back to in-person meetings.


During Board Training Board was told to have meetings in-person. 


Worse case scenario for not making change is challenging a decision by the full board.  


Suggestion:  Keep Committee Meetings virtual.  Full Board Meetings would be in-person with a minimum of in-person board members to make a quorum.  


We would need to change the by-laws to make the necessary changes.


Proposal:  Bring changes to virtual/in-person meetings in December Board Meeting.


KBJ will review By-laws  and make necessary changes.


Need to change date of December Meeting December 13th.



E. Cater made a motion to to reinstate In-person board meetings as of the December 2022 Full Board Meeting and continue committee meetings virtually.
K. Jones seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Other Business


ED Sub Evaluation Committee

Doug, Ewa and Kwende will get together regarding ED Sub-Evaluation Committee


IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:07 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Jones
Documents used during the meeting
  • WACS Divisive Concepts Complaint Resolution Process (Policy Review Committee September 2022).pdf
  • Protect Students First Policy - Incorporating APS Policy (KH733324-2x9D7F4).docx