Wesley International Academy


April Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 12, 2022 at 6:00 PM


Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7229250184?pwd=QjRkZlFLRjBFendOMWlZWCtBVW1nUT09 

Meeting ID: 722 925 0184
Passcode: WIAevent1


Public Comments:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13iJ4g8T5iWaWEsJ-Iopmana4UcevHdq3C1EA1nLMxY0/edit?usp=sharing

The April 2022 regular meeting of the WIA Board of Directors will take place on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 beginning at 6:00pm. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. We hope to see as many stakeholders attend as possible.



Directors Present

A. Hunter (remote), B. Mitchell (remote), C. Hill (remote), D. Hrabe (remote), E. Cater (remote), G. Burnett (remote), J. Wright (remote), K. Boyer (remote), K. Jones (remote), M. Guertin (remote), T. Ryan-Lawrence (remote)

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

J. Marshall (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

J. Marshall (remote)

Guests Present

C. Hudson (remote), D. Johnson (remote), D. Mason (remote), D. Satterfield (remote), Jatoyia Armour (remote), L. Price (remote), R. Goodman (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Hrabe called a meeting of the board of directors of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Apr 12, 2022 at 6:02 PM.


Adopt Agenda

J. Wright made a motion to adopt the agenda.
G. Burnett seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes: February 2022 Regular Board Meeting

B. Mitchell made a motion to approve the minutes from February 2022 Regular Board Meeting February Board Meeting on 02-01-22.
G. Burnett seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes: March 2022 Special Board Meeting

B. Mitchell made a motion to approve the minutes from Special March 2022 Board Meeting Wesley Special Board Meeting on 03-01-22.
G. Burnett seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Executive Director Updates


Executive Director's Report

  1. Dr. Satterfield's Departure to Lead Tucker Middle School [Jason Marshall / Debbie Satterfield]
    1. A bittersweet day for Dr. Satterfield and Wesley
    2. Interim PYP Principal: Crystal Hudson
    3. Interim PYP Assistant Principal: Teri Fetiere
  2. Overall School Outlook [Jason Marshall]
    1. With waning pandemic measures, more communal spaces (e.g. lunch) with spacing
    2. Testing in progress - Milestones - resets the CCRPI baseline (growth measure that needs 95% participation)
  3. Summary of Contracts [Jason Marshall]
    1. Issued 104 and have 90 signed, to date
  4. Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Summary [Donald Mason / Teri Fetiere]
    1. Internal DEI Team will take over the work the consultants have begun
    2. New Vision Statement Crafted
      1. Current Statement: Our vision is to develop students who are global citizens and are academically competitive by international standards of excellence.
      2. New Statement:  
        1. Board Feedback
          • Broad view of community reflected in the new statement is lauded
          • Suggestion to consider how to include actionable items in the vision
          • Consider including "global" aspect of the Wesley Community
  5. Strategic Plan Update [Donald Mason] - see attached PowerPoint for more details
    1. Process: Data collection, crafting mission statement, crafting vision statement
    2. New Mission Statement Reviewed
      1. Board Feedback
        • Suggestion to consider "foreign language acquisition"
        • Broad view of IB captured in this language in a helpful way
        • Emphasis on personal wellness is a good addition
    3. New Wesley Beliefs Statement Reviewed

III. Board Chair Updates


Executive Committee Action

  • Executive Committee voted to update the Employee Contract Provisions pursuant to Executive Director's recommendations
    • Increase contract termination fee from $750 to $1,500
    • Paid Time Off upon termination would change to insulate the school from cost running concurrently with substitute teacher costs
T. Ryan-Lawrence made a motion to to accept the updated employee contracts as approved by the Executive Committee.
G. Burnett seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Academic Excellence Committee


Academic Excellence Committee Report

  • IB Presentation Highlights Ahead of IB Evaluation Week of April 17 [Teri Fetiere] - see attached PowerPoint for more details
    • Current Progress
      • Policies and Structures in place and preliminarily approved
      • Vision and Mission needed to be revised (updates cover this deficit)
      • Future Initiatives [Jatoyia Armour]
        1. Parent University
        2. IB Training
        3. Regular Parent/Community IB Events
        4. Communication Plan
        5. IB School Visits of Other IB Schools by Staff
        6. IB Progress Report Cards
    • PYP Current Progress [Teri Fetiere]
      • Successfully provided evidence of: 
        • Collaborative Planning
        • PYP Programme of Inquiry
        • Unity Planning Process
        • Exhibition Documentation
        • School-based Reporting
      • Future Initiatives 
        • Begin using Digital Media 
        • Teaching Consistency
    • MYP Current Progress [Jatoyia Armour]
      • Successfully provided evidence of: 
        • Collaborative Planning
        • Approaches to Learning Skills Embedded in Instruction
        • Unity Planning Process
        • Assessement Documents for All Subjects
        • Community Project Handbook
      • Future Initiatives
        • Create a Design Course
        • MYP Schedule 

V. Development Committee


Development Committee Report

  • Red Thread Revenue to Date: $101,277.91
  • Estimating $6,255 to be received by end of the year via recurring monthly gifts
  • Estimated to fall about $3k short of the $110,000 goal ($125,000 stretch goal)
    • 4 outstanding, non-recurring board pledges will help close this gap and possibly exceed the $110k goal
  • Estimated Year-End Total to date: $102,532.91
  • Have received several new grants this year that we have not in the past - good expansion of our footprint in the funding community

VI. Finance Committee


Review of 1/31/22 and 2/28/22 unaudited financial statements

  • Questions should be directed to CFO Lisa Price


Updates on FY 23 original budget

  • Waiting on some state and local budgeting to settle before those variables can be accounted for in constructing our FY 23 budget
  • Required to have 2 public meetings to review the FY 23 budget
    1. May Finance Committee Meeting
    2. June Regular Board Meeting (special meeting before June 30 if not approved at that Regular Board Meeting)


VII. Governance Committee


Update on Annual Governance Goals

  1. Goal #4: Have at least one additional person trained in LKES.
    1. Kwende Jones has been approved and begun this training
  2. Goal # 5: Recruitment of new board members
    1. Three candidates identified
    2. Two interviews have been held with the third this week
    3. Governance Committee has delegated to ultimate recommendation authority to the Interview Subcommittee
      1. Candidates will be presented to the board at the Regular Meeting in June


ED Evaluation Subcommittee Report

  • ED Evaluation Grid shared with the Board
    • Teacher Retention: on track
    • Fundraising: close to achieving goal
    • Student growth: waiting on Spring assessments
    • Restorative Practices Training: exceeded stretch
    • Gifted Certifications: exceeded stretch


Student / Parent Handbook for SY 22-23

B. Mitchell made a motion to approve the Student/Parent Handbook as endorsed by the Governance Committee.
D. Hrabe seconded the motion.
  • Mazie Lynn Guertin abstained from this vote
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Boyer
M. Guertin
C. Hill
T. Ryan-Lawrence
D. Hrabe
J. Wright
B. Mitchell
K. Jones
A. Hunter
E. Cater
G. Burnett


Staff Handbook for SY 22-23

G. Burnett made a motion to approve the Staff Handbook as endorsed by the Governance Committee.
D. Hrabe seconded the motion.
  • Mazie Lynn Guertin abstained from this vote
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Ryan-Lawrence
E. Cater
K. Jones
J. Wright
M. Guertin
A. Hunter
B. Mitchell
G. Burnett
C. Hill
K. Boyer
D. Hrabe


Continuation of Virtual Board and Committee Meetings

  • Kate Boyer suggests we continue meeting virtually and observe impact of reduced public health restrictions (implemented 4/11/2022) at the school to inform a vote on when to return to in-person meetings.
  • Board agrees to this suggestion after discussion of the variables involved in ensuring the safety and health of the entire school community.


VIII. Executive Session


Personnel Contracts Update

  • Executive Director updated the board on the current state of the employee contract cycle including the systemic concerns with lack of people choosing to teach.


BOT Executive Director Annual Evaluation

  • Board reviewed the Board on Track Executive Director Evaluation

IX. Post-Executive Session Matters


Executive Session-Related Matters to Ratify

  • No matters to ratify raised in Executive Session

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

K. Boyer made a motion to adjourn.
B. Mitchell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:31 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Guertin
Documents used during the meeting
  • WIA Vision, Mission, and beliefs .pptx
  • IB Evaluation Overview Board Presentation.pptx
  • January 2022 Unaudited Financial Report.pdf
  • February 2022 Unaudited Financial Report.pdf
  • 2021-03-15_WIA_Family_Student_Handbook_2022-23_DRAFT.pdf
  • 2021-03-15_WIA_Staff_Handbook_2022-DRAFT.pdf