Wesley International Academy
February Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday February 1, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Meeting ID: 722 925 0184
Passcode: WIAevent1
The February 2022 meeting of the WIA Board of Directors will take place on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 beginning at 6:00pm. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. We hope to see as many stakeholders attend as possible.
Directors Present
A. Hunter (remote), B. Mitchell, C. Hill (remote), D. Hrabe (remote), E. Cater (remote), G. Burnett (remote), J. Wright (remote), K. Boyer (remote), K. Jones (remote), M. Guertin (remote), T. Ryan-Lawrence (remote)
Directors Absent
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
B. Mitchell, G. Burnett, K. Jones
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Marshall (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Marshall (remote)
Guests Present
C. Hudson (remote), D. Johnson (remote), D. Mason (remote), D. Satterfield (remote), L. Price (remote), R. Goodman (remote), R. Pavone (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Agenda Adoption
Approve Minutes - December 2021 Board Meeting
II. Public Comments
Public Comments
III. Board Chair Updates
Letter of Assurance
IV. Executive Director Updates
School Updates
- Tonight boy's basketball team competing in playoffs tonight at KIPP Collegiate
- Girl's basketball team qualified but did not have enough players to play due to COVID outages
- SPLOTS funds of $8.7M in renovation funds from APS for the school infrastructure - capital improvements
- Very timely due to significant space constraints
- Recent meeting with architect for renderings for potential partnership with APS for renovations
- WIA will likely need to contribute funds in addition to the $8.7M to realize the needed improvements
- Architects fees for drawings is $100K - potential for cost sharing with APS
- History of similar improvements for APS district school managed by KIPP in Grove Park
Dr. Satterfield
- PYP data talks with teachers and instructional coaches are underway to assess student progress and determine necessary teacher supports, both social and academic
- Monthly STEM Day on the final Friday of each month
- Consultant continues to provide guidance with Multi-Tiered Support System, another way of offering support for behavior and academics in the classroom
- Teachers preparing for parent/guardian conferences
- 23 Student IB Ambassadors (grades 4-8) recently selected to represent the school in various settings and support younger students
Ms. Goodman
- Reenergized and fresh teachers have returned from the break - contrast to a difficult fall
- Data and student growth discussions occurring now
- 8th grade student, Alice Davis, 2nd place in District Spelling Bee
- Several other students in the District Science Fair
- Wellness for Educators providing self-care for teachers through efforts like book studies
V. Governance
Committee Report
- Kwende Jones will be trained to use Leader Keys in order that we will have the requisite number of Directors trained - Donica Jones assisting in the logistics
Use of Technology (AUP) Policy for Employees
- Concern raised about what process if followed when discipline is required
- Executive Director articulated a process that includes conversations and written communication that allows for discussion with the employee while also noting the at-will nature of employment via our contracts and GA law
- Suggestion raised about off-duty use of social media such that personal posts about Wesley would need approval from school leadership
- Potential negative legal implication of requiring approval
- Potentially a concern that could be addressed in our employment contracts
- Limit use of logo or other intellectual property without permission
Bylaw revisions to adopt
- Thomas described revision process and both redline and working Google documents were included with the Agenda
- Thomas reviewed material changes to the Bylaws contained in the attachments
Why WIA will not pursue separate school codes for PYP and MYP
- Long-term conversation on the Board about the concern that being K-8 will perpetually cause Wesley to have a low Climate Score
- Donald Mason researched the issue and the ultimate recommendation was attached to the agenda
ED Evaluation Subcommittee Report
Update on Goals
- Teacher retention: have had a few resignations - more specific numbers will follow at the next meeting, though believed to be trending in the right direction
- Fundraising: 12/31/21 - $81K with projected Y/E of $104K
- Student Growth: MAPP testing in the Spring
- Restorative Practices Training: On target to meet goal with November training completed and another schedule for February
- Increase of Gifted Certified Teachers: on track
Upcoming Cyclical Calendar Items
- Review and update Family & Student Handbook for approval before end of this school year
- Review and update Staff Handbook for approval before end of this school year
Annual School Calendar
- Calendar recommended by the administration is subject to change if required by APS policy decisions
- Balanced Calendar remains in place
- Moved Winter Break out a week to align with APS
- Alignment with APS is helpful to families with children in both Wesley and traditional APS schools
- 12-month employees - will Juneteenth be recognized?
- Was recognized in 2021 and will be in 2022 despite not being currently listed on the 2022 calendar
- Lisa will produce a calendar listing only those dates directly relevant to students (e.g., excluding 10 and 12-month employees)
- Eva reminded the group of the idea of having more frequent, shorter breaks previously discussed.
- APS alignment and overall design made this idea impracticable
Continuation of virtual board and committee meetings.
- Thomas recommends that we continue to meet virtually for regular and committee meetings
- Agreement among the Directors
VI. Finance
Review of October 31, November 30 and December 31 Financial Statements (not audited)
- Midyear budget revision is built from the December financial statements
- General trends are as expected
- Payroll expenditures a little higher than normal due to December payouts of stipends, etc.
- Federal funds - CARES monies - are reimbursed rather than provided via monthly draws as state and local funds are from APS resulting in what can be months of lag time between expenditures and reimbursements
- Our cash reserves support this lag
Presentation of Amended Financial Policies
- Financial policy review every 5 years (as is Charter Renewal)
- Outside audit includes policy review
- Unqualified, unmodified audits over the past 5 years
- Updates capture changes to daily functions caused by remote and COVID-related variables and provide guidance for the community in seeking additional detail regarding fiscal activities of the school
- Concern about ransomware protective measures and curiosity about what is used to protect our accounts in this regard
- Additional rider in our insurance policy re: cybercrimes
- Email filter added to email - Mimecast
- Banking is all accomplished on outside platforms/serversĀ
- Opensource firewall offers adaptive monitoring
Presentation of Recommended Midyear Budget Revision
- Annual effort in conjunction with state budget work in the General Assembly
- Adjust based on actual spending during course of the year to date and projected spending through fiscal year-end
- Federal reimbursement process previously discussed leaves some line items underfunded, but are expected to be received
- Not reflected in the ending cash balance
- Upside on the revenue side is expected, but not documented due to uncertainty
- Guidance on how and what the reimbursements function and include changes from time to time and has allowed additional reimbursement requests
- Budget Revision Highlights
- Revenue: initial forecast of $13.4M is now revised to $13.8M (increase driven by federal CARES funds coupled with slight Title I increase)
- Expenses: initial forecast of $13.3M is now revised to $13.8M (forecast of $82k deficit which could be offset by changes to APS fund balance usage, for instance)
- Compensation: $182k increase (additional hires, but offset by healthcare savings)
- Support Services: $85k increase (Viral Solutions represents a large portion)
- Requesting reimbursement, and likely, but not yet approved, so not included in the revised budget
- Maintenance & Operations: $127k increase (higher than anticipated maintenance, tech services, & janitorial services - possible reimbursement)
- Capital Expenditures: initial forecast of $242k is now revised to $295k
- Have deferred some planned expenditures in favor of unexpected (either in timing or need) emergent capital needs
- HVAC unit replacements: $50k (offset by facilities grant)
- Trailers: $60k
- Video Surveillance Cameras: $75k
- Have deferred some planned expenditures in favor of unexpected (either in timing or need) emergent capital needs
- Cash Balance: initial forecast of $3.1M is now revised to $2.8M ($342k change)
VII. Development
Development Committee Updates
- As of January 31, 2022 - $93,676.89 received
- Projecting another $10,425 by the end of the year resulting in $104,101.89 if nothing more is realized
- Cold request to Gas South was successful
- Reaching out to the philanthropic community to learn about its perception of Wesley and appetite for making grants to us for enhancing our learning space (rather than growing to accommodate more students)
- Cox Curry is advising and believes legacy foundations in Atlanta would be interested to hear from our Development Team
FY22 Board Pledges Update
- Board is now at 100% for pledged giving in FY22
VIII. Academic Excellence
AEC Committee Update
- Posted Jobs with resumes coming in and interview on the horizon
- Dean of Students - discipline-focused administrative leader
- PYP PBIS Coordinator - positive behavioral support
- Discipline Data Review
- Timeframe was leading up to Winter Break which is often a difficult time for discipline concerns
- Expectation from MYP parents that behavior occurring on break and during virtual instruction will be addressed by the school administration
- Investigating training for parents and families regarding healthy engagement of social media
- Academic Data Review
- Significant math improvement
- Concern about reading acumen
IX. Executive Session
Personnel Contract Review
- Five New Hires for Spring Semester
- 2 PYP teachers
- School-wide Connections teacher
- Social Worker
- MYP Chinese teacher