Wesley International Academy
December Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday December 7, 2021 at 6:00 PM
Meeting ID: 722 925 0184
Passcode: WIAevent1
Passcode: WIAevent1
The December 2021 meeting of the WIA Board of Directors will take place on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 beginning at 6:00pm. This meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. We hope to see as many stakeholders attend as possible.
Directors Present
A. Hunter (remote), B. Mitchell (remote), C. Hill (remote), D. Hrabe (remote), E. Cater (remote), G. Burnett (remote), J. Wright (remote), K. Boyer (remote), K. Jones (remote), M. Guertin (remote), T. Ryan-Lawrence (remote)
Directors Absent
Directors who left before the meeting adjourned
J. Wright
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Marshall (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Marshall (remote)
Guests Present
Allison Haley (remote), C. Hudson (remote), C. Wyatt (remote), D. Mason (remote), D. Satterfield (remote), E. Moraga-Davis (remote), Jatoyia Armour (remote), Kenneth Scott (remote), L. Price (remote), McKenzie Wren (remote), R. Goodman (remote), R. Pavone (remote), Shani Seaton (remote), Teri Fetiere (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
D. Hrabe called a meeting of the board of directors of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Dec 7, 2021 at 6:03 PM.
Agenda Adoption
C. Hill made a motion to Adopt the Agenda as published with the following Amendment:
Moving the Executive Committee Action Item up to the Chair's Report Section.
B. Mitchell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve Minutes - October Board Meeting
B. Mitchell made a motion to approve the minutes from October Board Meeting on 10-05-21.
T. Ryan-Lawrence seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Executive Director Updates
Feedback from Wesley's DEI project
Jason Marshall reports
- Wesley had about a 4-week run with zero COVID cases in the schoolhouse until the school opened subsequent to the Thanksgiving Break. At that point, 1 adult and approximately 4 students.
- Retention and signing bonus season is going well which is helping mitigate the attrition that the education system is seeing nationwide.
McKenzie Wren reports on the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Project
- Data Overview
- School survey - 57 responses (49%)
- 9 interviews
- 2 focus groups of 5 and 9 people
- 1 Jamboard
- What is it like to work at Wesley?
- Culture characterized by connection, relationships, family, friends
- Differences do not define the way we show up
- Survey Participation Demographics Shared - not by PYP or MYP
- Findings/Summary
- Strengths
- 98% - will take appropriate action for incidents of discrimination
- 98% - cultures and backgrounds respected at Wesley
- Family feel; passionate team
- Overall very positive views of DEI, culture & belonging
- Growth
- 14% - not sure how to report concern of harassment or discrimination
- 11% - felt they are the 'only one' of some aspect of their social identity (they bear higher sense of representation)
- Better integration of Chinese Program desired
- Separation of teaching space noted
- More time for collaboration, peer sharing, & relationship building
- Observations
- Males reported higher rates of belonging
- Asked for self-identify for gender-identity and write in the words, only Male and Female were used
- No question about sexual orientation
- Black staff reported higher rates of belonging
- Space & time constraints impact school culture
- Males reported higher rates of belonging
- Strengths
- DEI Team
- 10 participants representing cross section of the school
- 7 meetings from Sept 1 to Dec 1
- Focus
- Social identities
- Deep listening skills practice
- Data review - larger report available to Board via Donald Mason
- DEI vision - team has completed it, has not yet been finalized and published to the community - planned for January 3
- Connects to strategic planning
- Upcoming
- January 3 professional development with all staff
- Monthly staff DEI training through May 2022
- Sustainability
- Setting up internal DEI leadership
- Poll on ways for staff to engage
- eg. book studies, other gatherings, etc.
- Key that this originates from the staff
- Comments from Staff DEI Participants on the call
- Enjoying these times to collaborate and plan visions for the school
Fall 2021 Discipline Data Review
Jason Marshall reports on the 1st Semester of 2021-22
- In his 26y of public education, toughest start to the school year ever
- Impact of the pandemic is evident on students, staff, and families - exhaustion - underestimated the toll it would be taking in the school community
- Impact of social media on the students has been significant - MYP especially
Debbie Satterfield and Rachel Goodman offer Discipline Data Review
- COVID harm to kids' mental health - schools are feeling it (article)
- Unable to express the anxiety they are experiencing
- The grief, anxiety and depression children have experienced during the pandemic is welling over into classrooms and hallways, resulting in crying and disruptive behavior in many younger kids and increased violence and bullying among adolescents. For many other children, who keep their sadness and fear inside, the pressures of school have become too great. " (Vestal, 2021)
- Despite preparation and planning to address this reality, it has turned out not to be enough
- Out of School Suspension Trends (pandemic impact makes year over year unhelpful)
- 2019-20: 43 (closed in March 2020)
- 2020-21: 1 (virtual year)
- 2021-22: 19 (through November, prior to Thanksgiving)
- Health and Mental Health needs were under reported over the last two years
- Referral Trends - PYP
- Peer interactions
- Anxiety
- Coping skills
- Physical interactions
- MYP (see documentation provided with Agenda Packet)
- Unique Students receiving administrative consequences through mid-Thanksgiving
- Grade by Grade Count of Total Days, not unique students: Reflection Room (ISS with SEL component), OSS, and Detention
- Eg. 1 sixth grade student received 10 days' of sanctions included in this chart; 8th grade high rate in September was related to a single incident
- Since Thanksgiving Break in MYP: 2 detentions, 17 days ISS, 28 days OSS with 2 scheduled hearings and 4 additional suspensions in PYP and increase in suicide ideation in that cohort
- Typical to have a spike after a break
- Instituting Family Engagement opportunities regarding social media and the impact to the school community
- Universal Referrals
- Academic: 1
- Medical: 1
- SEL: 57
- Discipline: 41
- School-wide SWARM Data
- Attendance: 8
- Economic: 6
- Emotional/Mental Health: 20
- Homeless: 18 (trending up over the course of 3y)
- Suicidal Ideation: 27
- Suspected Abuse/Neglect: 21
- Measuring Time Allocation of the Principals: instruction-related v. not
- Sample from Ms. Goodman: 2w period - Instruction-related (38%) v. Non-Instruction (62%)
Crystal Hudson reports on ways to Incentivize the Students
- Three Tiers: Wesley (wkly), Academy (wkly), & ____ (monthly)
- Individual prizes in each tier
- Class prizes in each tier
Rachel Goodman continues her report
- Sample of a MYP Intervention Takeover Plan that includes various parties
- Anecdotal Behavioral Referral Data Summary Word Cloud
- Violence trend
Jason Marshall
- Have had to increase security at extra-curricular activities
- Emotions and interactions are changing in concerning ways among our community members
- Wants to bring more support resources to PYP that reflects some of the successful measures being used in MYP
- What resources can be quickly allocated to provide material support to these concerns? (cycle of behavioral challenges taking leadership attention in the classroom and the attention shift
- Ask: a PBIS Coordinator for PYP because of shift of the current staff member doing that work exclusively to MYP
- Ask: Dean of Students to support Principals and Assistant Principals with on-going behavior challenges day-to-day
- What resources can be quickly allocated to provide material support to these concerns? (cycle of behavioral challenges taking leadership attention in the classroom and the attention shift
- Impact on staff of COVID
- PYP: teachers are overwhelmed; struggling with lack of support; and need for time away from the schoolhouse more often
- MYP: parent relationships are more difficult because everyone is stretched and overwhelmed
- Need for substitute access is more complicated; maintaining substitute teachers in the building daily
- Adrian Hunter: COVID impact can rise to the level of trauma
- Consider mental health consultant to advise on how to help address this among teachers and students
- Idea: yoga, tai chi, meditation, etc.
III. Board Chair Updates
Executive Committee Actions
- Governance Committee recommended probationary period for John Wright for failure to complete mandatory training hours in 2020-21 school year.
- Executive Committee has instituted a probationary period for John through March 31, 2022 during which he must completing hours remaining from 2020-21 and those remaining for 2021-22 during that time period.
Board Training Hours
Doug Hrabe presented Governance Training Requirements Chart
- Request for board members to complete 2021-22 training hours by March 31, 2022
- Canvas platform is available for web-based training courses
Intent to Return
- Thomas Ryan-Lawrence will end his tenure
- Please submit Intent to Return to Doug or Mazie Lynn
IV. Governance
Committee Report
Thomas Ryan-Lawrence updated on the committee's Goals
- 7 total, 3 completed
- Documenting school code issue (attached to agenda and on BOT)
- Detailed updates in the committee's meeting minutes
- Board member recruitment: Finance and Development are key areas for recruiting; Facilities is also desirable
- Thomas will collect ideas for people to recruit for board membership
ED Evaluation Subcommittee Report
Thomas Ryan-Lawrence reported
- ED Evaluation Subcommittee has worked with Jason Marshall to set his personal goals for 2021-22
- Teacher retention (82%/87%) - cut off is June 1 - trending to meet stretch goal
- Fundraising ($110k/$125k) - 10/31/2021 ($36,211)
- Student growth increase MAP (3%/5%) - no update
- Restorative Practice teacher training (60%/65%) - training was pending when subcommittee met with Jason)
- Increase gifted teachers (25%/30%) - on track despite 1 MPY teacher leaving the training program
Update: New Member Mentorship Program
Outstanding item from on-boarding: Comprehensive list of Education Language
- On BOT
- Distributed to Board in November
- Attached to agenda
Weighted Lottery for the 2022-2023 School Year
- Will use Jared to help determine the best weight based on our economic diversity goal
- Will require special meeting of the Board on March 1 in order to approve the recommended weight
Annual School Calendar
- Expect calendar to be presented to Governance in January and Board in February
- APS is soliciting community input on 5 versions and Wesley wants to be mindful of the impact the APS calendar has on families
- Might need to factor in flexibility for allowing shorter, more frequent breaks which could be very helpful for addressing COVID impact
Continuation of virtual board and committee meetings.
- Input from the board regarding whether to continue
- Decision to remain virtual has shown to be prudent
- Current variant encourages us to continue virtual meetings at least through January and be reconsidered by the entire board in February
- Make this a standard item on the agenda to discuss, whether virtual or not
- GCSA training on Open Meetings Act was geared toward using virtual contexts in the most effective and accessible ways for the community
V. Finance
Review of 9/30/21 Unaudited Financial Statements
- Finance Committee reviewed Q1 financial statements
- Timing of cash draws relative to the expenditure pattern leaves the Q1 statement less reliable a measure of overall, actual financial health
- Mid-year budget revision will occur after about six months of the year have lapsed (January meeting)
- To include vetting of the financial-related personnel requests made during this meeting
Update on Policy and Procedure Review
- Committee is taking initial steps to update Financial Policies to reflect current practices
- Work will continue in January with responses to questions raised so far
- Goal in January: move forward on polices as well as mid-year budge revision
- Meeting frequency necessitates completing this work in January so that it can be presented to the Board in February
- Finance Committee may hold additional meeting on January 26, 2022 at 8a to complete this work
VI. Development
Development Committee Updates
- Committee Structure
- Merged Strategic Planning Development Subcommittee meetings due to significant overlap in focus and goals
- Revenue update: $50k
- Does not include additional funds known to have been received since the last meeting
- Does not include additional funds known to have been received since the last meeting
FY22 Board Pledges Update
- Strategic Plan Success - relies on the board embracing fundraising as a primary responsibility
- Structural opportunities to help support this
- Give and Get requirement (would need Governance approval to modify member requirements)
- Kate to follow up with Thomas on the particulars of this potential requirement
- Could impact members' intent to return and board recruitment
- Potential to make such changes only prospectively
- Training on Development
- Give and Get requirement (would need Governance approval to modify member requirements)
- Structural opportunities to help support this
- Only 56% of the Board have made a pledge and the committee needs 100% in order to get past initial gatekeeping of grant makers
- Kate needs Board Pledges in hand by December 10, 2021
- Jason is the contact for Board members who are unable to pledge financially to Wesley
VII. Academic Excellence
AEC Committee Update
- November minutes will be posted in BOT soon
- Discipline and SEL Data presented this evening was the primary content of the November meeting and generated a similar conversation to the one here tonight
J. Wright left.
VIII. Executive Session
Personnel Contract Review
- Teacher Contract Ratification - MYP resignation prompted this new hire
IX. Post-Executive Session Matters
Personnel Contract Ratification
C. Hill made a motion to approve the employment contract discussed in Executive Session.
T. Ryan-Lawrence seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
X. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
B. Mitchell made a motion to adjourn.
K. Boyer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
M. Guertin
Documents used during the meeting
- Fall Discipline Data.pdf
- 2022-01-19 WIA School Code and Climate Rating Reasoning vCommittee Approved.pdf
- 2021-11-18 General Education Terms.pdf
- September_2021_Unaudited_Financial_Report.pdf