Wesley International Academy


Academic Excellence Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 18, 2021 at 4:45 PM

The March meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee will take place on Tuesday May, 18 at 4:45pm via Zoom.

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Topic: Academic Committee
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Committee Members Present

D. Johnson (remote), D. Mason (remote), D. Satterfield (remote), E. Cater (remote), J. Hansen (remote), J. Marshall (remote), J. Wright (remote), R. Goodman (remote)

Committee Members Absent

A. Pullen

Guests Present

Crystal Hudson, Jatoyia Armour, Richard Pavone

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Hansen called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday May 18, 2021 at 4:47 PM.


Approve Minutes

R. Goodman made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Excellence Committee Meeting on 03-16-21.
D. Satterfield seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Excellence


Summer School Update

Goal is to address learning loss
PYP - 141 students interested; 16 staff members to teach
programming includes art and PE, ELA and Math focused; counselor to watch social and emotional health; hands on instruction; should feel like a return to school, theme each week, all instruction based on the theme
Some parents of struggling students opted not to participate (students were specifically invited)

MYP - Targeted Plan - 10 students who are in the greatest need. Remediation through IReady and project based learning. SEL is also a priority here. This is expected to continue through the school year to help with organization and assignment completion. 

Fall Return - PYP - 10 teacher aides - MYP - 3 Teacher aides
Every classroom in PYP has 2 teachers to promote small group instruction - during virtual this was the best way to assess learning. 
MYP - intervention block added to schedule - reading and math intervention - formal intervention still exists - this is another layer 
looking to hire retired teachers (college students?)


Virtual Teaching Update

47 Students interested in virtual learning (33 PYP and 14 MYP)
Partnering with Atlanta Virtual Academy to service these students 
semester long commitment, still enrolled at Wesley and can participate in extracurriculars 
FTE comes to Wesley then Wesley pays the student cost per semester
Information sessions are ongoing with parents, cutoff for enrollment is this month


IB and Gifted Certification Update

IB Certification - Wesley University will certify all teaching staff members 2 1/2 day workshop to get certifications. 92 registered staff members enrolled. New staff members will have to do the training but if everyone stays it will be 100%. 

Gifted Certification - 8 new gifted certified teachers by the end of the year. PYP - 2 on every grade level. Support teachers also have gifted certifications. Teachers will get a stipend who get the certification. 

III. Other Business


IReady Data

Ewa is working on data presentation for next year and how to present the data. The goal is to have it by July's meeting. 

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:21 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Hansen