Wesley International Academy


November Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 10, 2020 at 6:00 PM


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Meeting ID: 722 925 0184
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Directors Present

A. Hunter (remote), B. Mitchell (remote), C. Hill (remote), D. Hrabe (remote), E. Cater (remote), F. Carroll (remote), J. Hansen (remote), K. Delp (remote), M. Guertin (remote), M. Rogers (remote), T. Ryan-Lawrence (remote), T. Tidwell (remote)

Directors Absent

J. Wright

Guests Present

A. Pullen (remote), Carter Seaton (remote), D. Johnson (remote), D. Mason (remote), D. Satterfield (remote), G. Walker (remote), K. Boyer (remote), Kamilah Konrad (remote), Kara Herd (remote), L. Price (remote), Michelle Fogelson (remote), R. Goodman (remote), S. Smith (remote), Ugonna Love (remote), Yashica Barber Douglas (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

E. Cater called a meeting of the board of directors of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Nov 10, 2020 at 6:02 PM.


Agenda Adoption

T. Ryan-Lawrence made a motion to adopt.
E. Cater seconded the motion.
update to remove vote from Executive Director update
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve Special October Board Meeting Minutes

T. Ryan-Lawrence made a motion to approve the minutes from Special October Meeting on 10-20-20.
C. Hill seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

No public comments submitted for this meeting.

III. Previous Meeting Open Items


October Special Meeting

  • Board’s Request: Please provide the APS metrics that will allow us to establish what the cutoff is:
Wesley will use the same metrics that APS will be using to reopen school. It is important to remember that the CDC indicators are guideposts (not strict cutoffs) that APS will be using to make its decision. In short, if APS decides to return to school, Wesley will do so as well. If APS decides that it is not safe to have students back in the building, Wesley will remain closed and students will continue with virtual learning.
  • Board’s Request: Would like to review how WIA’s attendance compares to APS.
​​​​​​​As of November 9th, Atlanta Public School’s average daily attendance is at 89.2%. Currently, Wesley’s average daily attendance is at 92.8%. Both the district and Wesley are averaging lower attendance virtually as compared to last year’s face to face instruction. However, the district has been trending downward since the start of the school year whereas Wesley has shown improvement due to the tireless efforts of our Student Support Team.
  • Board’s Suggestion: the school may consider including additional questions in the survey.
The goal of the survey is to provide the most concise information for planning purposes. The data provided in these surveys allow us to create class lists and identify which teachers will be returning to the building. Therefore, we recommend that our survey questions remain the same. The simple yes/no intent to return data allows us to identify cohorts for staffing and class planning purposes. ​​​​​​​
  • Board’s Request: Please provide updates on how we can close the gap for the concurrent instructional model with the user of technology.
Due to size and staff limitations, MYP teachers will engage in concurrent instruction. This means that students who are home will maintain the same schedule as those who chose to attend school in a hybrid model. We have ordered additional projectors and webcams to aid in this transition, which we are beta-testing this week. Our goal is to enhance the instructional experience as much as possible for students who chose to be in the building as well as those who chose to be home. ​​​​​​​
  • obtain clarity around CDC metrics

IV. Executive Director Updates


School Update

Thanks to WIA PTSA and Red Thread funding, principals and the leadership team delivered over 100  "AIR HUGS" gift bags to our teachers. 

V. Board Chair Updates


Students’ Education / Social Support Post Covid Task Force

The objective of the task force would be to support the school in offering additional assistance to our students when we transition back from virtual learning environment to in person learning environment. 

Discussion around the concern of the board crossing over to the operational side of the school.

Suggestion offered to allow the Covid Task Force to take this over in lieu of forming another task force. Would like to ensure that the counselors and social worker are involved. 

The school is already addressing possible gaps stemming from virtual learning via Targeting Intervention Program,  focusing on the following areas:
  • academic
  • social / emotional being
  • engagement
Would like to continue discussing this program as well as additional plans being considered to support the students and to offer a little more information to the board / parents. 

Discussions to continue in the Academic Excellence Committee

  • Please provide additional information on what actions are being taken within the 3 Targeting Intervention Program areas. Please share during December's meeting


Board Giving

Current board giving is at 38%. Would like to see 100% by end of November. 


WEsley MOVEmber

Please sign up to join this fundraiser

VI. Committee Updates


Governance Committee Update

Primary focus of the last meeting was Board Engagement:
Discussed various metrics that we could implement to track board engagement. Looked at BOT but quickly realized this would not be a true representation of someone's engagement. We'll continue to review other areas such as board orientation and mentorship program.


Academic Excellence Committee Update

The committee last met in September and during that meeting, we already talked about addressing the learning gaps mentioned today. We talked about how some of the teachers in lower grade are having issues teaching reading via zoom because it's really hard to do. We are already aware of where the academic gasp are and are already working to address them them. For most part, the MYP says they're doing really well. Most of the students are engaged, they keep their cameras on.

We talked about the discipline data from last year which ended in February. We talked about the number of right ups and how we can work towards addressing the racial disparity. 


Finance Committee Update

In September's meeting we went through in great detail the financial report for the SY2020 (June - July). Our outside auditor specialized in auditing charter school. 

The financial report is included in the agenda. Please review the last page for the summary of the audit findings. 

This is the fourth year in the row we had a perfectly clean audit. This is truly a testament to the Wesley's leadership. 

In our next committee meeting, we will be reviewing the SY21Q1 financials. 


Development Committee Update

Funding raising thus far: July 1- October 25: $16,924 , with additional reoccurring 17k

We are encouraging the school family to get moving and join Move November fundraiser.
Please visit Wesley's social medias for some encouraging videos featuring our teachers & staff.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

T. Ryan-Lawrence made a motion to adjourn.
K. Delp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:31 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Cater
Documents used during the meeting
  • Audited_Financial_Statements-WIA_2020.pdf