Wesley International Academy
April Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday April 14, 2020 at 6:00 PM
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The April 2020 meeting of the WIA Board of Directors will take place virtually on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 beginning at 6:00pm via Zoom. Stakeholders can log in to the meeting at https://zoom.us/j/7229250184, meeting ID 722 925 0184 or by dialing in at 312 626 6799.
Directors Present
A. Hunter (remote), B. Mitchell (remote), C. Hill (remote), D. Hrabe (remote), E. Cater (remote), F. Carroll (remote), J. Hansen (remote), J. Wright (remote), K. Delp (remote), M. Guertin (remote), M. Rogers (remote), T. Ryan-Lawrence (remote), T. Tidwell (remote)
Directors Absent
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
T. Tidwell
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Marshall (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Marshall (remote)
Guests Present
A. Pullen (remote), C. Wyatt (remote), D. Johnson (remote), D. Mason (remote), D. Satterfield (remote), Kamilah Konrad, Kara Herd, L. Price (remote), R. Goodman (remote), Samantha Spann, Shani Seaton, Shena Holland, Tracy Trammell, Yashica Douglas
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
K. Delp called a meeting of the board of directors of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Apr 14, 2020 at 6:01 PM.
Agenda Adoption
T. Ryan-Lawrence made a motion to to approve agenda.
J. Wright seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Approve Minutes
T. Ryan-Lawrence made a motion to approve the minutes from March Board Meeting on 03-03-20.
J. Wright seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
II. Public Comments
Public Comments
No public comments
III. Executive Director Updates
Distance Learning Update
Update from Mr. Marshall.
Wesley is doing a great job delivering virtual learning. Thanks to all the teachers, staff and all students and families to implement this new approach to learning.
In terms of direct contact with students, we are averaging 18 student a day (K-8th).
We are partnering with APS to support the distance learning and support families' need for technology.
PYP: Update from Dr. Satterfield
Working to meet everyday needs of every student. Reached out to counselors to help support our students' emotional needs. They have group sessions with families & students.
MYP: Update from Dr. Mason
Preparation for distant learning began early which allowed us to deploy it in an organized and efficient way. Teachers worked hard to prepare for it early.
Other schools are looking to Wesley as we were ahead of the situation and prepared to adjust when needed.
Distant learning scheduled is different and staggered to accommodate families with students in both academies and who may need to share resources / computers.
99 contracts issued end of March. 92% acceptance rate. This is the highest teacher retention rate in recent years.
Wesley applied for loan / grant through federal government relief program.
We received substantial grant through this program to support schools operations.
More information will be covered during the next Finance's committee.
CONGRATS to Dr. Satterfield for obtaining her doctorate degree last week from UGA.
Wesley is doing a great job delivering virtual learning. Thanks to all the teachers, staff and all students and families to implement this new approach to learning.
In terms of direct contact with students, we are averaging 18 student a day (K-8th).
We are partnering with APS to support the distance learning and support families' need for technology.
PYP: Update from Dr. Satterfield
Working to meet everyday needs of every student. Reached out to counselors to help support our students' emotional needs. They have group sessions with families & students.
MYP: Update from Dr. Mason
Preparation for distant learning began early which allowed us to deploy it in an organized and efficient way. Teachers worked hard to prepare for it early.
Other schools are looking to Wesley as we were ahead of the situation and prepared to adjust when needed.
Distant learning scheduled is different and staggered to accommodate families with students in both academies and who may need to share resources / computers.
99 contracts issued end of March. 92% acceptance rate. This is the highest teacher retention rate in recent years.
Wesley applied for loan / grant through federal government relief program.
We received substantial grant through this program to support schools operations.
More information will be covered during the next Finance's committee.
CONGRATS to Dr. Satterfield for obtaining her doctorate degree last week from UGA.
Weighted Lottery Report
Update from Donica Johnson
- - lottery occurred on March 12th.
- - released 80 seats from K
- - majority of our families are returning
- - no issues with the platform
- - 50 families accepted so far
- - Acceptance Deadline is this Friday (4/17)
- - Reviewing options for online registration for the fall and how it will look this year
- - Additional discussions on how we will return to the school and how will the calendar be structured
T. Tidwell arrived.
IV. Board Chair Updates
Virtual Committee Meetings
April's committee meetings will be held via zoom.
J. Hansen made a motion to Adjourn & move to executive session.
C. Hill seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Executive Session
Discussed personnel matters.
C. Hill made a motion to approve personnel matter.
T. Ryan-Lawrence seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
K. Delp |
M. Rogers |
F. Carroll |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
J. Hansen |
C. Hill |
B. Mitchell |
A. Hunter |
D. Hrabe |
M. Guertin |
T. Tidwell |
J. Wright |
E. Cater |
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
E. Cater