Wesley International Academy


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday November 18, 2019 at 4:30 PM


Conference Room, Kelly Street house

Committee Members Present

D. Hrabe, J. Hansen, J. Marshall, M. Guertin, T. Tidwell

Committee Members Absent

F. Carroll, T. Ryan-Lawrence

Guests Present

A. Hunter (remote), D. Johnson, L. Price

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Tidwell called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Wesley International Academy to order on Monday Nov 18, 2019 at 4:38 PM.


Motion to approve Agenda

D. Hrabe made a motion to to approve agenda.
M. Guertin seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes from October 2019

J. Hansen made a motion to approve minutes from the Governance Committee Meeting on 10-21-19 Governance Committee Meeting on 10-21-19.
D. Hrabe seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Other Business


Succession plan for Wesley Leadership

D. Hrabe made a motion to to approve the Plan for Leadership Succession Plan for Executive Director.
M. Guertin seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Succession plan for Board leadership

J. Hansen made a motion to to approve Wesley Board leadership succession plan.
D. Hrabe seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
J. Hansen made a motion to to approve Wesley Board leadership succession plan.
D. Hrabe seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Hunter arrived.
D. Johnson arrived.

III. Revisit upcoming committee goals


Revisit upcoming Committee Goals

October 1st FTE - 808 enrolled, 13 were marked absent; Jarod Apperson responded we need to identify kindergartens as compared to FRL status. 

Wesley is going to use School Mint lottery in conjunction with APS; this is a pilot project. Discussion about how the pilot program would work and need for Board approval. Need to get dates on new lottery schedule. 


IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

T. Tidwell made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
D. Hrabe seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Tidwell