Wesley International Academy
September Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday September 3, 2019 at 6:00 PM
211 Memorial Dr, Atlanta, GA 30312
The September 2019 meeting of the WIA Board of Directors will take place on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 beginning at 6:00pm in the WIA Media Center. We hope to see as many stakeholders attend as possible.
Directors Present
A. Hunter, B. Mitchell, C. Hill, D. Hrabe, E. Cater, F. Carroll, J. Hansen, K. Delp, M. Guertin, M. Rogers, T. Ryan-Lawrence, T. Tidwell
Directors Absent
J. Wright
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
A. Hunter
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Marshall
Non Voting Members Present
J. Marshall
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
E. Cater called a meeting of the board of directors of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Sep 3, 2019 at 6:06 PM.
Agenda Adoption
J. Hansen made a motion to Adopt Agenda.
C. Hill seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
K. Delp |
J. Hansen |
J. Wright |
D. Hrabe |
T. Tidwell |
M. Guertin |
C. Hill |
B. Mitchell |
F. Carroll |
E. Cater |
M. Rogers |
A. Hunter |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
Approve Minutes
J. Hansen made a motion to approve minutes from the August Board Meeting on 08-06-19 August Board Meeting on 08-06-19.
D. Hrabe seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
J. Hansen |
M. Guertin |
T. Tidwell |
E. Cater |
J. Wright |
B. Mitchell |
M. Rogers |
C. Hill |
K. Delp |
A. Hunter |
F. Carroll |
D. Hrabe |
II. Public Comments
Public Comments
III. Board Chair Updates
2019-2020 Board Committee Goals and Membership
● 3% gain on Milestone (proficient or above) achievement across subject area.
● To decrease the number of students scoring at a level 1 proficiency by three percent.
● To increase the number of students scoring at a level 4 by three percent.
● To improve school climate by reducing suspensions by 3 percent.
● Raise $75,000 of funds outside of state and local funding
● Establish 5 new relationships with significant community partners and/or philanthropy
● Provide oversight and direction for community partnerships and fundraisers
● Support the school and PTSA partnership for China Week - the largest fundraising event for the year.
● Succession Planning
- Complete FY 2019 audit requirements (requiring final submission of external audit to APS by 10/31/19)
- Develop and approve midyear budget revision for FY 20 (Jan 2020)
- Develop and bring forward FY 2021 budget for Board approval at June 2020 meeting
● 3% gain on Milestone (proficient or above) achievement across subject area.
● To decrease the number of students scoring at a level 1 proficiency by three percent.
● To increase the number of students scoring at a level 4 by three percent.
● To improve school climate by reducing suspensions by 3 percent.
● Raise $75,000 of funds outside of state and local funding
● Establish 5 new relationships with significant community partners and/or philanthropy
● Provide oversight and direction for community partnerships and fundraisers
● Support the school and PTSA partnership for China Week - the largest fundraising event for the year.
● Succession Planning
○ Create and approve succession plan for school leadership
○ Create and approve succession plan for board leadership
● Document Review
○ Create and approve succession plan for board leadership
○ Review Strategic Plan
○ Revise and edit bylaws
○ Revise and update student handbooks
● Board Member Recruitment
○ Revise and edit bylaws
○ Revise and update student handbooks
○ Update on-boarding binder
○ Formalize timeline for board recruitment
● Committee Updates
○ Formalize timeline for board recruitment
○ Create Governance calendar
○ Review and revise description of Governance committee
● Documentation
○ Review and revise description of Governance committee
○ Create process for accountability of board-level goals
○ Create white paper explaining efforts to meet School Climate Goals per Charter
○ Create white paper documenting processes and finding in weighted lottery.
○ Create white paper explaining efforts to meet School Climate Goals per Charter
○ Create white paper documenting processes and finding in weighted lottery.
Vote to Approve Committee Goals & Members
M. Guertin made a motion to Approve the committee goals and membership with the following adjustments, removing Adrian and Ewa from Governance, and removing Fran from Academic Excellence.
T. Tidwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
D. Hrabe |
M. Guertin |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
M. Rogers |
K. Delp |
J. Hansen |
T. Tidwell |
J. Wright |
A. Hunter |
B. Mitchell |
E. Cater |
F. Carroll |
C. Hill |
Dashboard Overview
We have the data in new format. Will email it out and have it ready for next meeting.
Financials Reporting
Moving to quarterly reporting.
Revise board member agreement will be sent out
Revise board member agreement will be sent out
IV. Academic Excellence
Report on 2018-2019 Committee Goals
Received info on milestones from last year.
Goal 1: retain 80% of teachers + score 3 on TKES. Retained 78% of teachers.
Goal 2: didn't make that goal; according to milestone we did get it; but because goal says MAP assessment, we didn't get it
MAP is indication of assessment (external)
Milestone is better indication. Will adjust measure to milestones in the future
3% achievement on milestones
Math in 8th grade is problematic; All advance students do not take it; numbers are skewed
Goal 3: school climate > Discipline Referrals & Suspensions: 72 to 66 - well done. Will continue on this trend.
Plan on breaking down that data; focusing on African American boys trends.
Goal 1: retain 80% of teachers + score 3 on TKES. Retained 78% of teachers.
Goal 2: didn't make that goal; according to milestone we did get it; but because goal says MAP assessment, we didn't get it
MAP is indication of assessment (external)
Milestone is better indication. Will adjust measure to milestones in the future
3% achievement on milestones
Math in 8th grade is problematic; All advance students do not take it; numbers are skewed
Goal 3: school climate > Discipline Referrals & Suspensions: 72 to 66 - well done. Will continue on this trend.
Plan on breaking down that data; focusing on African American boys trends.
V. Development
Red Thread Project Update
Good start of the school year.
Red Thread:
Letter of Challenge:
Will go out to our school community to call for additional pledges.
Board is encouraged to pledge / give as well.
Working on Chine Week : the week of Chinese New Year. Already receiving sponsorships.
Looking for new venue since Jackson has capacity of 500 only.
Partnering with Generosity (5k RUN) at the end of October, staff will be walking / running. Support your favorite WIA staff member.
Red Thread:
- 40 families in school who pledge monthly
- 70 staff pledge monthly
Letter of Challenge:
Will go out to our school community to call for additional pledges.
Board is encouraged to pledge / give as well.
Working on Chine Week : the week of Chinese New Year. Already receiving sponsorships.
Looking for new venue since Jackson has capacity of 500 only.
Partnering with Generosity (5k RUN) at the end of October, staff will be walking / running. Support your favorite WIA staff member.
A. Hunter arrived.
VI. Finance
Update on FY 2019 Audit
November 1: audit due to the state. We are on track.
Update on FY 2020 Budget
Wesley Funding: State of GA + APS.
Funding available based on various formulas.
This year's budget was built based on various assumptions. (similar to prior years)
Once FY started, realized we have $500k budget deficit.
Leadership team is working on evaluating what expense items can be reduced to close this gap. There is also focus on revenue growth.
Budget Deficit:
Some of the expense categories considered
- PD by 15% by conducting training locally versus traveling; bringing trainers onsite.
- Substitute teachers cost is high. Looking at this area to as well in order to stay on plan and not exceed it as in previous year.
- Maintenance
- Business Ops
70% of our is compensation which will not be considered for adjustments.
This year: 70% of budget is compensation so not much room for adjustments. We are competing with the district.
- salary increases
- enhanced benefits packages
These will not be considered for adjustments to the budget.
By 2023, plan to grow by 824 students. Working towards exalarating this number
One time issue
Budgeting Process: using 3-4 scenarios to determining budget
Balance of gap after adjustment will come from reserves
Budget revision scheduled for mid-year.
Funding available based on various formulas.
This year's budget was built based on various assumptions. (similar to prior years)
Once FY started, realized we have $500k budget deficit.
Leadership team is working on evaluating what expense items can be reduced to close this gap. There is also focus on revenue growth.
Budget Deficit:
Some of the expense categories considered
- PD by 15% by conducting training locally versus traveling; bringing trainers onsite.
- Substitute teachers cost is high. Looking at this area to as well in order to stay on plan and not exceed it as in previous year.
- Maintenance
- Business Ops
70% of our is compensation which will not be considered for adjustments.
This year: 70% of budget is compensation so not much room for adjustments. We are competing with the district.
- salary increases
- enhanced benefits packages
These will not be considered for adjustments to the budget.
By 2023, plan to grow by 824 students. Working towards exalarating this number
One time issue
Budgeting Process: using 3-4 scenarios to determining budget
Balance of gap after adjustment will come from reserves
Budget revision scheduled for mid-year.
VII. Governance
Update on school climate and 2 school codes
School Climate:
- Goal : 4 Star Rating.
Since we are both PYP & MYP, it is impossible to obtain this rating since each school has different criteria.
Looked at what it would take to create two schools. In order to do that, we would have to have 2 campuses.
Writing white paper to rationalize why this goal is unattainable.
Chris Adams, our council, encouraged us to complete the white paper on weighted lottery.
Melanie Velez will be joining the committee meeting in October discuss gender issues, specifically gender inclusivity.
Registration Process Updates
State of the School Meeting by GA Charter Association
Update to legislation regarding the registration process.
Charter school has to enroll students that are in the zone at the time of registration. We have to accept application from anyone as long as they will be in the zone at the time of registration. They would be in the lottery.
This could impact enrollment numbers since the students may not move by the time of enrollment or first day of school must have City of Atlanta address.
Rolling Offers for Grade Levels with Opening Only:
Would like to see numbers of how many students are rolling off of the wait list. School keeps reaching out to families. Aiming for 824.
- Goal : 4 Star Rating.
Since we are both PYP & MYP, it is impossible to obtain this rating since each school has different criteria.
Looked at what it would take to create two schools. In order to do that, we would have to have 2 campuses.
Writing white paper to rationalize why this goal is unattainable.
Chris Adams, our council, encouraged us to complete the white paper on weighted lottery.
Melanie Velez will be joining the committee meeting in October discuss gender issues, specifically gender inclusivity.
Registration Process Updates
State of the School Meeting by GA Charter Association
Update to legislation regarding the registration process.
Charter school has to enroll students that are in the zone at the time of registration. We have to accept application from anyone as long as they will be in the zone at the time of registration. They would be in the lottery.
This could impact enrollment numbers since the students may not move by the time of enrollment or first day of school must have City of Atlanta address.
Rolling Offers for Grade Levels with Opening Only:
Would like to see numbers of how many students are rolling off of the wait list. School keeps reaching out to families. Aiming for 824.
VIII. Staff Changes
Ratify Staff Changes
Cassandra Marselious 8/30
Runfun Zhang 9/6
Cassandra Marselious 8/30
Runfun Zhang 9/6
C. Hill made a motion to Ratify the terminations stated in the comments.
D. Hrabe seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
A. Hunter |
F. Carroll |
D. Hrabe |
C. Hill |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
J. Wright |
K. Delp |
J. Hansen |
B. Mitchell |
E. Cater |
T. Tidwell |
M. Rogers |
M. Guertin |
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
K. Delp made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Ryan-Lawrence seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
M. Guertin |
B. Mitchell |
A. Hunter |
T. Tidwell |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
C. Hill |
M. Rogers |
D. Hrabe |
J. Hansen |
J. Wright |
F. Carroll |
E. Cater |
K. Delp |
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
E. Cater