Wesley International Academy
October 2018 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday October 2, 2018 at 6:00 PM
WIA Media Center
The October 2018 meeting of the WIA Board of Directors will take place on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 beginning at 6:00pm in the WIA Media Center. We hope to see as many stakeholders attend as possible.
Directors Present
C. Hill, I. Askia (remote), J. Hansen, J. Wright, K. Delp, M. Guertin, S. Burnes, T. Ryan-Lawrence, T. Tidwell
Directors Absent
D. Holloman
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
K. Delp, T. Tidwell
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Marshall
Non Voting Members Present
J. Marshall
Guests Present
A. Pullen, D. Johnson, D. Mason, D. Roberts, D. Satterfield, Gail Burnett, L. Price, T. Thompson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
M. Guertin called a meeting of the board of directors of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Oct 2, 2018 at 6:02 PM.
Agenda Adoption
K. Delp arrived.
C. Hill made a motion to adopt the agenda as drafted.
J. Hansen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
K. Delp |
S. Burnes |
J. Wright |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
M. Guertin |
T. Tidwell |
J. Hansen |
I. Askia |
D. Holloman |
C. Hill |
Approve Minutes
K. Delp made a motion to approve minutes from the September 2018 Board Meeting on 09-04-18 September 2018 Board Meeting on 09-04-18.
T. Ryan-Lawrence seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
K. Delp |
D. Holloman |
I. Askia |
T. Tidwell |
M. Guertin |
C. Hill |
J. Wright |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
J. Hansen |
S. Burnes |
II. Executive Director Updates
APS Unified Lottery Proposal
T. Tidwell arrived.
Wesley Marketing
Dana Roberts:
Recruiting FRL Students and Families - Currently estimated at 43%. 143 families have not completed the application.
Ideas to increase FRL student and family population:
Targeted Audiences:
Capitol Gateway Apartments
Parkside/Columbia at Mechanicsville
Auburn Glenn Apartments
Villages at East Lake & Carver
Transportation has been a key issue in the past, so working to target people that live close to the school.
We currently provide Marta cards to those that need it.
Possibility to purchase a bus or two to have pick up and drop off locations at designated neighborhood spots.
Incentives to encourage families to carpool.
Uniform scholarships.
Needs based services such as field trip and school supply assistance, social/emotional wraparound services (Pathways), and possible addition of social worker.
Need to develop partnerships and programs with Pre-K programs that are close by.
Need to include in marketing materials that we are a free charter school - the name Wesley International Academy implies a private school when people drive by.
Recruiting FRL Students and Families - Currently estimated at 43%. 143 families have not completed the application.
Ideas to increase FRL student and family population:
Targeted Audiences:
Capitol Gateway Apartments
Parkside/Columbia at Mechanicsville
Auburn Glenn Apartments
Villages at East Lake & Carver
Transportation has been a key issue in the past, so working to target people that live close to the school.
We currently provide Marta cards to those that need it.
Possibility to purchase a bus or two to have pick up and drop off locations at designated neighborhood spots.
Incentives to encourage families to carpool.
Uniform scholarships.
Needs based services such as field trip and school supply assistance, social/emotional wraparound services (Pathways), and possible addition of social worker.
Need to develop partnerships and programs with Pre-K programs that are close by.
Need to include in marketing materials that we are a free charter school - the name Wesley International Academy implies a private school when people drive by.
Overview of 18-19 School-Wide Plan
Dr. Pullen
Brief overview of SIP administration has created in conjunction with Academic Excellence.
Plan was previously sent to the board via email.
SMART Goal 1 - Focuses on staff retention. Retain 80% of teachers that score a III or higher on TKES.
Professional development opportunities
Professional learning communities
SMART Goal 2 - Improving number of proficient and distinguished learners on milestones in Math and ELA by 3%
Consistent data talks with teachers; looking at lesson plans
SMART Goal 3 - Focusing on IB - Goal of ensuring 70% of classroom observations are using terminology consistent with IB characteristic and social and emotional development.
Brief overview of SIP administration has created in conjunction with Academic Excellence.
Plan was previously sent to the board via email.
SMART Goal 1 - Focuses on staff retention. Retain 80% of teachers that score a III or higher on TKES.
Professional development opportunities
Professional learning communities
SMART Goal 2 - Improving number of proficient and distinguished learners on milestones in Math and ELA by 3%
Consistent data talks with teachers; looking at lesson plans
SMART Goal 3 - Focusing on IB - Goal of ensuring 70% of classroom observations are using terminology consistent with IB characteristic and social and emotional development.
III. Public Comments
Public Comments
IV. Board Chair Updates
Housekeeping Matters
State of the District at 11:00am on Friday for APS.
Spring training confirmed for March 13th at 4:30pm
Previous school tour unable to happen due to scheduling conflicts. Mazie Lynn to send Doodle with Friday options between now and the end of the semester.
Holiday event - Typically held in December because we typically didn't have board meetings in December. Now that we have December meetings, move to January so it's during a month where we don't have other commitments. Mazie Lynn will do a doodle.
Our lease is still in the legal department with APS.
Reminder - please update skills and demographic data in BOT.
Board Recruitment - have a vacant seat and have 120 days to fill per our bylaws. We are approximately 30 days in and have 90 days left to fill this seat. If you have anyone in mind, please contact Tom Tidwell. Skills we are looking for: educational background.
Spring training confirmed for March 13th at 4:30pm
Previous school tour unable to happen due to scheduling conflicts. Mazie Lynn to send Doodle with Friday options between now and the end of the semester.
Holiday event - Typically held in December because we typically didn't have board meetings in December. Now that we have December meetings, move to January so it's during a month where we don't have other commitments. Mazie Lynn will do a doodle.
Our lease is still in the legal department with APS.
Reminder - please update skills and demographic data in BOT.
Board Recruitment - have a vacant seat and have 120 days to fill per our bylaws. We are approximately 30 days in and have 90 days left to fill this seat. If you have anyone in mind, please contact Tom Tidwell. Skills we are looking for: educational background.
Committee Membership Ratification
Katie Delp - Not a voting member of Governance.
Committee Chairs - send Thomas email addresses for everyone on the committees for BOT set up.
Committee Chairs - send Thomas email addresses for everyone on the committees for BOT set up.
K. Delp made a motion to approve the slate as presented.
T. Tidwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
C. Hill |
J. Wright |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
S. Burnes |
K. Delp |
J. Hansen |
D. Holloman |
M. Guertin |
T. Tidwell |
I. Askia |
Committee Goals Ratification
C. Hill made a motion to ratify the committee goals as presented with the understanding that academic excellence goals #2 and #4 are not identical to the goals laid out in the school improvement plan.
K. Delp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
D. Holloman |
S. Burnes |
J. Wright |
C. Hill |
M. Guertin |
K. Delp |
I. Askia |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
J. Hansen |
T. Tidwell |
V. Academic Excellence
Committee Report
No additional information to share
VI. Development
Committee Report
Going strong. Fundraising going well. Some donor events coming up between now and the end of the year. GA Gives day right after Thanksgiving.
VII. Finance
Committee Report
As of yesterday, we are scheduled to meet with the auditor to meet and finalize the FY18 audit.
VIII. Governance
Committee Report
Will send the recruiting process via email for review.
First read of revised bylaws.
Board members should send comments to Tom before the next governance meeting on October 15th.
First read of revised bylaws.
Board members should send comments to Tom before the next governance meeting on October 15th.
Board on track renewal Presentation
T. Ryan-Lawrence made a motion to to approve the board on track renewal per the email from board to track Thomas.
J. Hansen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
M. Guertin |
J. Wright |
T. Tidwell |
I. Askia |
J. Hansen |
K. Delp |
S. Burnes |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
D. Holloman |
C. Hill |
IX. Executive Session
Convene Executive Session
No need for executive session tonight.
X. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
C. Hill made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
K. Delp seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
J. Hansen |
C. Hill |
M. Guertin |
T. Tidwell |
I. Askia |
J. Wright |
S. Burnes |
D. Holloman |
K. Delp |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:47 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
T. Ryan-Lawrence
Nanna - Performance Data Manager in the Office of Innovation
Why APS is going down this road - been speaking to Charter schools for about a year around unifying enrollment.
Access to a charter school at this point is not equitable in the eyes of APS. Having a unified enrollment would allow APS to have a single platform to inform parents of all charter school options in the City of Atlanta.
Information would be consistent and unified throughout the portal.
Creating from the standpoint of partnership. District is leading the technical effort; schools are coming together to discuss what they want, how to meet their needs, and how enrollment effects them.
Every child one only get one seat. Currently, students can be accepted to multiple schools.
Goal - all charters to come together.
Preferences per our Charter will remain the same and would be coded into the unified enrollment system.
Currently no technology solution in place. Have an RFP out right now - not looking to build a custom system.
Based on the current state of where APS is in the process and feedback from other schools, target implementation is 2020 lottery.
Working to get all Charter schools on board. Working on cost structure. Would not anticipate the cost in year 2 moving forward not to exceed what we are currently paying.