Wesley International Academy
July 2018 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday July 17, 2018 at 6:00 PM
Media Center, Wesley International Academy, 211 Memorial Dr., Atlanta, GA 30312
The July 2018 meeting of the WIA Board of Directors will take place on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 beginning at 6:00pm in the WIA Media Center. We hope to see as many stakeholders attend as possible.
Directors Present
A. Lewis, C. Hill, I. Askia, J. Hansen, K. Delp, M. Guertin, T. Ryan-Lawrence, T. Tidwell
Directors Absent
D. Holloman, J. Wright, S. Burnes
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
C. Hill
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Marshall (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Marshall (remote)
Guests Present
A. Pullen, D. Roberts, L. Price
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
M. Guertin called a meeting of the board of directors of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Jul 17, 2018 at 6:05 PM.
Approve Minutes
Jan's last name is Hansen, not Hill.
T. Tidwell made a motion to approve minutes from the June Board Meeting on 06-19-18 June Board Meeting on 06-19-18.
J. Hansen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
M. Guertin |
C. Hill |
K. Delp |
I. Askia |
D. Holloman |
J. Wright |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
J. Hansen |
S. Burnes |
T. Tidwell |
A. Lewis |
II. Executive Director Updates
Monthly Report
C. Hill arrived.
Working on closing the summer out strong with hiring. On last count, we had 3-4 more hires for PYP.
Debbie Satterfield, PYP Principal - 5th grade teacher candidate is present this evening that we are making an offer on. More interviews coming up.
New teacher orientation for MYP last week and new teacher orientation for PYP Friday.
Debbie Satterfield, PYP Principal - 5th grade teacher candidate is present this evening that we are making an offer on. More interviews coming up.
New teacher orientation for MYP last week and new teacher orientation for PYP Friday.
III. Public Comments
Public Comments
None present.
IV. Board Chair Updates
Housekeeping Matters
Charter Renewal Update: We have signed everything we need to sign and it is out the door to APS. Waiting on copies of executed contracts. APS has signed and we are now waiting on GaDOE.
Financial Addendum with APS needs to go to August board meeting of APS for approval. They have a hiatus in July, so they have not yet had the opportunity to present to the full board. We will not have it for our August meeting because of our meeting time change, but should have it by September meeting.
Board documents - Each year, we have to execute member agreements, code of ethics and acknowledgement of conflicts. We currently have 5 in, but need to get the other 6 back in so they are completed. Were sent through Docusign.
Financial Addendum with APS needs to go to August board meeting of APS for approval. They have a hiatus in July, so they have not yet had the opportunity to present to the full board. We will not have it for our August meeting because of our meeting time change, but should have it by September meeting.
Board documents - Each year, we have to execute member agreements, code of ethics and acknowledgement of conflicts. We currently have 5 in, but need to get the other 6 back in so they are completed. Were sent through Docusign.
Dashboard Concept
Have been discussing Dashboard concept for a few months. Continuing to work on it. Discussed with Elisa Falco to see if there are any best practices in the Charter world; Elisa sent a really wonderful template for layout, which has been one of our largest challenges. Breaks down into monthly, quarterly, etc. Need to have a focus on our growth and this template seems to be a good start. Hope to have a final version to show in September.
Jason - Has been working with APS to get access to their system to be able to view their dashboard. Hope to have access to it in the next couple of weeks, which could help us pull information in a more streamlined manner. Previously, had a cost associated with it, but has since become complimentary.
Mazie Lynn and Jason met with two individuals from APS who shared that the GaDOE is starting a performance metrics report (report card) for all charter schools to track performance on an on-going basis to make the renewal process easier in the future. Will include, Achievement, Value Added Measure, Progress, CCRPI, BTO, and SWSS target (began in 2016-2017).
Jason - Has been working with APS to get access to their system to be able to view their dashboard. Hope to have access to it in the next couple of weeks, which could help us pull information in a more streamlined manner. Previously, had a cost associated with it, but has since become complimentary.
Mazie Lynn and Jason met with two individuals from APS who shared that the GaDOE is starting a performance metrics report (report card) for all charter schools to track performance on an on-going basis to make the renewal process easier in the future. Will include, Achievement, Value Added Measure, Progress, CCRPI, BTO, and SWSS target (began in 2016-2017).
2018-19 Committee Meeting Schedule
Committee meetings will be held the third week of the month beginning in August. Tentative Schedule as follows:
Katie Delp - Development - Third Thursday at 4:00pm
Jan Hansen - Academic Excellence - Third Tuesday at 4:45pm
Tom Tidwell - Governance - Third Monday at 4:30pm
Chip Hill - Finance - Third Wednesday at 8:00am
Primary committees this year:
Chip - Finance
Tom - Governance and Finance
Darryl - Finance
Katie - Development and Finance and ED Evaluation
Thomas - Governance and ED Evaluation
Andrea - Academic Excellence
Ilham - Development
Jan - Academic Excellence
John -
Mazie Lynn - Ex officio on as many as possible
Suzanne - Development
Committee chairs need to put the committee meetings into BOT for the rest of the year prior to the August board meeting. Also, reminder to create agendas and make public within 7 days of the meeting. Bring membership rosters to the October meeting; we will vote to ratify them then.
Working to promote committees via PTA and also work through the PTA to have a member of PTA board at each committee meeting.
Katie Delp - Development - Third Thursday at 4:00pm
Jan Hansen - Academic Excellence - Third Tuesday at 4:45pm
Tom Tidwell - Governance - Third Monday at 4:30pm
Chip Hill - Finance - Third Wednesday at 8:00am
Primary committees this year:
Chip - Finance
Tom - Governance and Finance
Darryl - Finance
Katie - Development and Finance and ED Evaluation
Thomas - Governance and ED Evaluation
Andrea - Academic Excellence
Ilham - Development
Jan - Academic Excellence
John -
Mazie Lynn - Ex officio on as many as possible
Suzanne - Development
Committee chairs need to put the committee meetings into BOT for the rest of the year prior to the August board meeting. Also, reminder to create agendas and make public within 7 days of the meeting. Bring membership rosters to the October meeting; we will vote to ratify them then.
Working to promote committees via PTA and also work through the PTA to have a member of PTA board at each committee meeting.
2018-19 Calendar Discussion
Board meetings are moving to the first Tuesday of the month beginning in August.
China night will be February 1st and it's going to be BIG! So be ready. Activities the 4th - 8th with another possible function on 9th. Biggest challenge is finding an affordable space to have China night in. Looking at 300 people total attendance.
We will meet in December this year since it's the first week of the month; will not meet in January. July and April will shift to the second week of the month. Mazie Lynn will create an annual calendar and send out sans details; details will always be listed on the public portal.
Thomas to reach out to Elisa Falco to see if training requirements are the same for FY18-19.
Potential training dates for board members:
Implicit Bias Training and Board level training around academics are two modules we're looking at with Elisa Falco.
Looking at 4:30 to 8:30
September 10, 11, 12 and October 22, 24 --> after looking through calendars, decided on September 11th.
China night will be February 1st and it's going to be BIG! So be ready. Activities the 4th - 8th with another possible function on 9th. Biggest challenge is finding an affordable space to have China night in. Looking at 300 people total attendance.
We will meet in December this year since it's the first week of the month; will not meet in January. July and April will shift to the second week of the month. Mazie Lynn will create an annual calendar and send out sans details; details will always be listed on the public portal.
Thomas to reach out to Elisa Falco to see if training requirements are the same for FY18-19.
Potential training dates for board members:
Implicit Bias Training and Board level training around academics are two modules we're looking at with Elisa Falco.
Looking at 4:30 to 8:30
September 10, 11, 12 and October 22, 24 --> after looking through calendars, decided on September 11th.
V. Academic Excellence
Committee Report
No meeting this month
VI. Development
Committee Report
Including the T-Mobile grant, we're over $100K raised for last year.
No meeting this month. Working on launching red thread at Wesley Welcome Day.
There will be a China Night Committee which will officially launch in August.
Need volunteers for Wesley Welcome Day; July 30th.
Working on a Grant through the Blank foundation. Received confirmation today they received the final paperwork. $5,000 focused on improving the physical fitness of MYP females.
No meeting this month. Working on launching red thread at Wesley Welcome Day.
There will be a China Night Committee which will officially launch in August.
Need volunteers for Wesley Welcome Day; July 30th.
Working on a Grant through the Blank foundation. Received confirmation today they received the final paperwork. $5,000 focused on improving the physical fitness of MYP females.
VII. Finance
Committee Report
Attachment in BOT is in the incorrect spot. The only attachment this month, other than minutes, belongs under the finance committee.
All please review policies attached and supply feedback to Chip and Lisa by this Friday. Will vote on this next month.
All please review policies attached and supply feedback to Chip and Lisa by this Friday. Will vote on this next month.
2018 Audit Update
Once school gets going, things will settle with other projects (Chromebooks) and will begin working on the audit. Will be focused on audit through the month of August and part of September.
APS DE46 Reporting Deadlines
Due mid-August. DE46 allows for use of unaudited numbers, which works as it is due before the audit will be finalized.
VIII. Executive Session
Convene Executive Session: Personnel Matters
T. Ryan-Lawrence made a motion to to enter into Executive Session.
T. Tidwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
S. Burnes |
J. Hansen |
A. Lewis |
J. Wright |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
T. Tidwell |
I. Askia |
K. Delp |
M. Guertin |
C. Hill |
D. Holloman |
Adjourn Executive Session: Personnel Matters
T. Tidwell made a motion to exit executive session.
C. Hill seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
S. Burnes |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
D. Holloman |
M. Guertin |
K. Delp |
J. Hansen |
J. Wright |
I. Askia |
T. Tidwell |
A. Lewis |
C. Hill |
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
T. Ryan-Lawrence made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Tidwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
I. Askia |
A. Lewis |
T. Tidwell |
S. Burnes |
D. Holloman |
J. Wright |
T. Ryan-Lawrence |
M. Guertin |
J. Hansen |
C. Hill |
K. Delp |
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
T. Ryan-Lawrence