Wesley International Academy
Academic Excellence Committee
Date and Time
Thursday April 26, 2018 at 4:30 PM
The Kelley House
Committee Members Present
A. Chung, A. Pullen, E. Buckner, J. Hansen, J. Marshall, R. Quartarone, T. Thompson
Committee Members Absent
A. Terry, D. Holloman, F. Butler, K. Parker
Guests Present
Anna Terry, Erica Jong, Felicia Dixon, Kamilah Konrad, Maegan Mellick, Mercer Waterbury, Rachel Goodman
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
E. Buckner called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of Wesley International Academy to order on Thursday Apr 26, 2018 at 4:31 PM.
Approve Minutes
E. Buckner made a motion to approve minutes.
J. Hansen seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Academic Excellence
Review of Wesley Institutional Data by Wesley Team
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
J. Hansen made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
E. Buckner seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
J. Hansen
MAP addresses skills, Benchmarks address standards. Milestones is standards based. Richard asked if we can do a comparison of MAP, benchmarks, and Milestones results.
How well do teachers understand the difference in assessments? Pullen stated that teachers get lots of training on the tests.
MAP also measures Lexile scores for students.
Can we look at each different assessment and how school leaders break down the data?
Answer: MAP tests - adaptive test; measures what the students can do before it's taught. Allows for better differentiation.
Curriculum night for parents to explain the process.
Create a calendar that has each test and an explanation of what the purpose is for each assessment.
Should we do a separate night just for assessments? Prepare to present results to parents as well. Give individual data to students to be sent home. Instructional planning form also sent home. IB program also needs to be discussed.
Put in on the weebly?
Increased classroom observations using MCREL observation tools. Teachers get immediate feedback to improve instruction.
Milestones forces us to look at individual students. The plan was a response to benchmark data and Milestones testing coming up in 3 weeks.
Benchmarks only test that quarter and Milestones test everything. Are we doing remediation on benchmarks? Next year the standards they did not do well on will be on the monthly benchmarks. Data will be presented to the board and meetings with teachers to help reteach the standard and determine whether students have mastered the material. Next year is cumulative.
Additional assessment April 16, 17: Online portal was a problem. The program did not work properly. Assessments printed and standards were reviewed. Students' feedback initially was positive but data won't be available until next month.
Curriculum change next year:
Need a cohesive math language across the MYP. Pearson curriculum is the same across grade levels. "3 Act Math" real world math. It's inquiry based rather than direct instruction from the teacher. STEM projects are embedded in the program. This allows for an interdisciplinary approach.
It will be presented to the board for discussion and adoption at the May meeting.
Next meeting: May 24 - wrap up the school year.