Wesley International Academy


Emergency Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 6, 2018 at 6:00 PM


211 Memorial Drive Atlanta, GA 30312
The Wesley International Academy Board of Directors will meet at 6:00pm on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 in the Media Center of the school located at 211 Memorial Dr., Atlanta, GA 30312. This emergency meeting is being held in order to consider an urgent charter renewal application process matter presented by the Georgia Department of Education.

Directors Present

B. Gay, C. Hill (remote), E. Buckner, J. Hansen, K. Delp, M. Guertin, S. Burnes, T. Ryan-Lawrence, T. Tidwell (remote)

Directors Absent

D. Holloman, N. Jones

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

E. Buckner

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

T. Tidwell

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Marshall

Non Voting Members Present

J. Marshall

Guests Present

C. Wyatt

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

B. Gay called a meeting of the board of directors of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Mar 6, 2018 at 6:01 PM.

II. Executive Director Updates


Public Comments

E. Buckner arrived.


Mellonie Rollo

1st grade parent.  Reviewing information submitted by GaDOE, concern was whether or not we will be able to maintain the charter and any potential actions that may occur.  Also concerned about restorative justice and other potential issues that may mean for the school long term.  Higher instance of disciplinary problems that have increased and gotten worse, not only for the teachers but also for the other students in the classroom.  Don't want our children that are here and want to learn to not be able to get the opportunity to learn because of other children that cannot control themselves. 

Jason - Clarification of issue - is the issue of WIA instituting a restorative justice measure?

Ms. Rollo - Primary concern surrounds students for which restorative justice may not work and protecting our other students from dangerous situations.


Talibah Zaid

Spoken for Mr Zoleen, parent of a 4th grader.  Wishes to express sadness and anger tied to specific instances where there have been an implicit bias against his nephew based on race.  His nephew was labeled prematurely "violent".  A top tier academic student who simply reacted to things said about his grandmother, who is going to be a part of the conversation tonight.  Angry because he has heard of similar issues from other parents of African American male students.


Erica Jong

Also comes here today sad.  Has tried to addressed similar issues with MYP administration.  Reading the letter from DoE was somewhat shocking as she doesn't feel the items mentioned are being implemented well.  Requested a parent-wide MYP meeting to address concerns over boys discipline; made request at public town hall meeting.  Made two requests but nothing ever came through from MYP administration.  Her son has been asked to leave the classroom because of moving a chair and making too much noise.  Concern over teachers' abilities to implement to social/emotional learning (SEL) studies.  Would like to see the programs that are being told to parents are being implemented, are they being implemented to the best of our abilities?  Are they being used?  Would like to see the numbers for how the SEL programs are being implemented and how much time is being spent on them.


Jenny Rogers

Echoing Ms. Jong's comments, believe there is a real difference between how boys and girls are disciplined in the schools.


Mia Gaudet

Kindergarten parent.  Concerns over request for clarification from GaDOE.  Based on her research, was surprised this comment came about as there doesn't appear to be a discrepancy.  Out of school suspension for African American males at WIA is at 6%, Parkside (9%) and King Middle (38%).  Provided additional statistics for other schools in cluster.  Surprised the State came back with this comment when ANCS recently renewed their Charter and their percentages were higher than ours when they went through the Charter renewal.


Charter Renewal Process Recap

Mazie Lynn took an opportunity to clarify the charter renewal process, what the request for clarification from the GaDOE means, and how the numbers regarding suspensions were calculated.  Our interview with the State was in early February; there is not typically sufficient time to cover everything, which is why a request for clarification is typically sent back to the school.

Jason - APS mentioned during our meeting what a great job we have been doing.  Out of 1500 pages of documentation we submitted, there are always going to be remaining questions.

Elisa - We brought up this item with APS because it's important to us as a leadership team, not just to be better than our sister schools, but to be the best that we can be.

Katie - This letter was not a reprimand and in the future, we will not call unscheduled board meetings "emergency board meeting".

Ms. Jong - Simply wanted to come and share her story.
Mr. Zollen - Concerned about the culture of the school and concerned we are creating a culture where children cannot be children and cannot make mistakes.
Mr. Kephart - Unclear on WIA's policy regarding what warrants a suspension.  Believes that the joy of coming to school has been lost for his child.  The silent lunches, single file in the hallways, all that are important for safety, but there is a fine line between control and robotics. 
Ms. Webb-Pennywell - First grade parent. Feels as though these concerns are not new. Walks her daughter to class every morning.  Has overheard comments made by teachers.  On the flip side, there are amazing teachers at WIA that encourage and foster a sense of love and a love for learning within the children. Primary concern is what is the training and support for the teachers?  What is happening on a monthly, annual, etc. basis.  Doesn't want to see frustrations of the teachers being taken out on the children.

Ms. Rogers - Feels as though there is a lack of consistency in communication from administration to parents.  Would like to be more informed with regard to policies and procedures.

Kate Henry - Parents would like some additional information on how to get involved more in committee meetings. Would like increased communication between administration and parents.

III. Governance Committee


Review and approve Response to the GaDOE request for clarification

Currently, with a 5:1, 10:1 or 20:1 ration on weighted lottery we do not achieve our 65% low-income student body until 2025-26 at the earliest. 

Tom Tidwell suggests adding language specifically reiterating that we have decided to not eliminate sibling preference in our enrollment criteria.
M. Guertin made a motion to approve response to GaDOE request for clarification regarding our Charter renewal application along with the amendment offered by Tom Tidwell in reference to clarifying intent to maintain sibling preference, to be written by Mazie Lynn based off of Tom's outline with no additional approval from the board.
T. Ryan-Lawrence seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Burnes
T. Ryan-Lawrence
E. Buckner
C. Hill
N. Jones
J. Hansen
T. Tidwell
B. Gay
K. Delp
D. Holloman
M. Guertin
APS reconsidered our Charter last night at their meeting and approved a 5-year charter with a 3-year probationary period, which now brings it inline with what GaDOE is proposing.
T. Tidwell left.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

K. Delp made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
M. Guertin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Hansen
N. Jones
C. Hill
M. Guertin
S. Burnes
T. Ryan-Lawrence
E. Buckner
T. Tidwell
D. Holloman
K. Delp
B. Gay
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:18 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Ryan-Lawrence