Wesley International Academy


February Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 20, 2018 at 6:00 PM


WIA Media Center
The December meeting of the WIA Board of Directors will take place on Tuesday February 20, 2017 beginning at 6:00pm in the WIA Media Center.  We hope to see as many stakeholders attend as possible.

Directors Present

B. Gay, C. Hill, E. Buckner, J. Hansen, M. Guertin, N. Jones (remote), S. Burnes, T. Ryan-Lawrence, T. Tidwell

Directors Absent

D. Holloman, K. Delp

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

N. Jones

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

T. Tidwell

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Marshall

Non Voting Members Present

J. Marshall

Guests Present

A. Chung, A. Pullen, D. Mason, Dana Roberts

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

B. Gay called a meeting of the board of directors of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Feb 20, 2018 at 6:07 PM.


Approve Minutes

C. Hill made a motion to approve minutes from the January Board Meeting on 01-16-18 January Board Meeting on 01-16-18.
T. Tidwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Burnes
M. Guertin
T. Tidwell
K. Delp
T. Ryan-Lawrence
J. Hansen
C. Hill
D. Holloman
N. Jones
E. Buckner
B. Gay

II. Executive Director Updates


Monthly Report

We have had a lot going on.  We have been testing, going through benchmark data, getting ready for milestones.
Feel as though the ship is beginning to turn with the staff and what the expectations are.  Teachers are coming to meetings prepared and ready to discuss what needs to happen to move WIA student body to the next level.
Anthony Chung:  China Night and YCT Testing Plan.
China night was sold out!  2018 China night event profit total $5502.27 and an addition $77 in Chinese shirt profits. Increased price over 2017.  Around 135 students involved in the program; goal is to increase the number of students involved to thereby increase the attendance.  Would need to look at another venue, as we sold out MJHS facility. Capacity of MJHS is 504.  Would like to find another venue within the community.  Goal would be to stretch to a two-night event.

Youth Chinese Test - international recognized Chinese proficiency standardized test.  Currently, optional.  This year, we have 167 people registered our of 780 students.  Goal is to increase this number.  Would like to offer all students from 3rd to 8th to take YCT (640 students), but need to put this in the budget. Cost of the test is $28 before the $10 WIA discount, which was pulled this year.  WIA will make up the $10 difference this year.  Currently, the test is on Saturday, would like to have it moved to a week day and administered at the school. Would like to propose we enroll all students 3rd through 8th, but at a 50% discount and the balance is covered by Kennesaw State University.

Dana Roberts: After school tutorial program
28 teachers are involved in the after school tutorial program.  We are offering $50 per hour for certified personnel and $30 per hour for non-certified personnel.  Also, received a waiver on Title I funds for non-highly qualified teachers to provide tutorial program.  Title I is covering $30 per hour per teacher, so the school is subsidizing the different for certified personnel through the general fund.  Tutoring is an hour long and students are provided a snack.  Saturday is 3 hours.

Invited 127 students.  After 2 weeks, we've had the following attendance:
  28 - Tuesday
  52 - Thursday
  5 - Saturday (gateway grades only - 3rd, 5th and 8th)
  Sent out another round of invitations
  71 - Tuesday
  78 - Thursday
  9 - Saturday (gateway grades only - 3rd, 5th and 8th)
May need to rethink the Saturday option as the attendance is not what we want it to be.
Need data to be able show the effectiveness of tutoring program; need to be able to look at the individual students and the change in their test scores as a result of tutoring.

Ms. Thompson - Tutoring
Teachers are provided with an instructional road map for each tutoring session.  Using the State content weights, teachers administer a pretest, facilitate domain specific lessons, followed up by a post test.  Pre-Test data is organized and to provide teachers with guidelines on small group instructions as well as one-on-one remediation.
N. Jones arrived.


Charter Renewal Update with GaDOE

Have not yet heard back from the GaDOE.  Interview was on February 9th. 
Board should be proud and the entire WIA population should be proud.  The group that represented WIA did a fantastic job.  Felt as though we really impressed the State and are looking forward to moving forward.
Thank you to the board and staff for all of the effort put into Charter Renewal process.


MYP Updates

Dr. Pullen: Study Island used for benchmarks.
Math - appears students are performing better at the end of the day and in particular, when they are in the Math teacher's homeroom.  Look at 5 benchmarks.  Goal is to have students tracking above 70%.  Data includes SPED students taught in a co-taught classroom.  Data is not trending above 70% for any grade level.
6th grade - highest benchmark score of all three grades in math; 66% on benchmark 5
7th grade - 63% on benchmark 5
8th grade - lowest benchmark scores of all three grades in math; 57% on benchmark 5
Students showing growth from benchmark one to five:
    6th grade - 60%
    7th grade - 64%
    8th grade - 46%
        Overall total growth - 56%
Administration is working strongly with the teachers to drive performance.  Additionally, the math coach is spending a lot more time in 8th grade.

6th grade - 68% average on benchmark 5
7th grade - 78% average on benchmark 5
8th grade - 72% average on benchmark 5

ELA Growth:
6th grade - 85%
7th grade - 77%
8th grade - 36% (had a high starting point)
     overall growth - 62%


PYP Updates

Dr. Mason - Benchmark data.
STAR reading and STAR math - one of the best predictors of performance on milestones as well as MAPP.
1st grade reading - numbers are trending up in all classrooms and all above grade level
1st grade math - Trending up all testing above grade level
2nd grade reading - Numbers trending up in all classrooms and all above grade level
2nd grade math - Numbers continue to trend up and all above grade level
3rd grade reading - Numbers are on track between 3.4 and 5
3rd grade math - Very good numbers between 3.9 and 4.5
4th grade reading - between 4.2 and 5.2
4th grade math - between 4.6 and 5.1, nice climbs and trends
5th grade reading - 5.5 to 6.4 and all trending well
5th grade math - 5.3 to 6.5 and all trending well


Public Comments

No public comments this evening.

III. Board Chair Updates


Dashboard Creation

Would like to develop a dashboard to be presented at each monthly board meeting.  Would include one page talking points for board recruitment or discussing grants.  Please email Mazie Lynn what you would want to see on a dashboard each month.  Would like to include historical data and testing dates.


Board Donations due by May 1st

Reminder that board donations to Red Thread are due by May 1st. We need 100% board participation.

IV. Academic Excellence


Committee Report

They are monitoring the data presented at the last Academic Excellence committee at this time.  Detailed update provided earlier.

V. Development


Committee Report

Jason Marshall:
Development committee was highly involved in China Night.
Planning in March, a couple of events, meeting parents, talking to parents, and soliciting fundraising.  We have a few events being hosted at the homes of board members next month.  2 evening events scheduled back to back next month.
Goal of $75K this year.  With pledges, we are at $66K so far.

VI. Finance


Committee Report

Rescheduled meeting from last week to tomorrow so leadership and Lisa could work on mid-year budget revisions. 

VII. Governance


Board Recruitment Update

T. Tidwell left.
Going to balance the classes.  We have the following available:
1 year term and a 2 year term.
Currently have 5-6 candidates.
Tom Tidwell is establishing an interview panel so all candidates are interviewed by the same members of the WIA Board.  Currently, Jan, Katie and Tom.  Goal is to have all interviews completed between now and the end of March.


Charter Renewal Application Update

Really wonderful conversation with GaDOE.  We anticipate a request for clarification soon.
March 21st and 22nd - Committee meeting and board meeting for GaDOE.  At the committee level, we will be offered 5 - 10 minutes to speak regarding our charter renewal. 
Will need to have an emergency board meeting to approve the response to request to clarification.
Possible request for clarification items may include:
    Why hasn't WIA Beaten the Odds and how do we plan to do so when the Charter is renewed?
    Explain the racial disparities that exist in the disciplinary data.
    Single Gender to Co-Ed transition plan
    Culture and Climate numbers and how conversations are happening in the community
    Teacher retention
    Parent ratio on the board
    How are our gifted students identified, served, and supported?
    Weighted lottery, student recruitment, etc.


Secondary Legal Counsel

M. Guertin made a motion to Approve secondary legal counsel with Christopher E. Adams of Krevolin & Horst, LLC.
T. Ryan-Lawrence seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Ryan-Lawrence
B. Gay
T. Tidwell
E. Buckner
C. Hill
M. Guertin
N. Jones
S. Burnes
K. Delp
D. Holloman
J. Hansen

VIII. Other Business


PTSA Board Meeting

Darryl attended.  Will can provide update next month.


Board On Track

Thomas will send out link for Web Based Walk in clinics.
Goal is to have an OKR training guide for all board members at the start of FY18-19.
Thomas is currently entering 2017-2018 committee goals into BOT as well as Jason's ED Evaluation.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

E. Buckner made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
S. Burnes seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
T. Ryan-Lawrence
M. Guertin
B. Gay
S. Burnes
E. Buckner
T. Tidwell
K. Delp
C. Hill
J. Hansen
N. Jones
D. Holloman
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:06 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Ryan-Lawrence