Wesley International Academy
April Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday April 18, 2017 at 6:00 PM
WIA Auditorium
Directors Present
B. Gay, C. Elrod, D. Holloman, E. Buckner, K. Delp, M. Guertin, N. Jones, T. Ryan-Lawrence, T. Tidwell
Directors Absent
S. Burnes
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
B. Gay called a meeting of the board of directors of Wesley International Academy to order on Tuesday Apr 18, 2017 at 7:07 PM.
Approve Minutes
T. Tidwell made a motion to approve minutes.
D. Holloman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Executive Updates
Summer training dates will be either August 10th or 17th from 4:00pm to 8:00pm (one or the other, not both). Waiting on Elisa Falco to confirm then TRL will send out email. All board members expected to be present.
Committees Chairs must submit all committee meeting minutes for FY 2017 to DropBox no later than May 1, 2017.
Committees Chairs must submit all committee meeting minutes for FY 2017 to DropBox no later than May 1, 2017.
Executive Director Comments
A. Currently going through standardized testing; having good results from an operational and logistical standpoint. Official test results will be out in the summer. This is the first year all students are testing online.
B. Charter Renewal - Principals, leadership team, Mazie Lynn, and Kristen have been working diligently on the charter renewal. A lot of information sent to Kristen, which will start going in the packet. August 15th is the deadline for charter renewal application submission.
C. Teacher Retention - 1st batch of contracts sent out week prior to spring break. 62 went out, waiting on 9 to be returned. 2nd batch sent out 04-14-17 at midnight to rest of staff. All contracts being sent via DocuSign. Any non-returning staff member will be asked to complete an exit interview. Katie Delp volunteered to sit in on exit interviews as a representative of the board.
B. Charter Renewal - Principals, leadership team, Mazie Lynn, and Kristen have been working diligently on the charter renewal. A lot of information sent to Kristen, which will start going in the packet. August 15th is the deadline for charter renewal application submission.
C. Teacher Retention - 1st batch of contracts sent out week prior to spring break. 62 went out, waiting on 9 to be returned. 2nd batch sent out 04-14-17 at midnight to rest of staff. All contracts being sent via DocuSign. Any non-returning staff member will be asked to complete an exit interview. Katie Delp volunteered to sit in on exit interviews as a representative of the board.
II. Finance
Committee Report and Current Status of 2017-2018 Budget
Finance committee currently working to establish the 2017-2018 budget. There are some concerns with operating at a loss. 3 options will be discussed in detail at the May 8th FC meeting. FC will present options and proposals to board at next meeting. Any board member that can is encouraged to attend the next FC meeting. If you cannot attend the May 8th meeting, Clay may be able to pull together a second informational / discussion meeting with board members.
III. Governance
Committee Report
A. Mazie Lynn introduced as new co-chair.
B. Change board meeting to 6:00pm beginning in May; discontinue "working session" so all items appear in minutes.
C. Annual meeting is next month, we will elect new board members and officers. Tom will not move from co-chair to chair and is opening the floor to other candidates as co-chair. The new co-chair is expected to learn from Beth in her final year as chair. This will assist us in succession planning. Interested parties for any officer position should email Mazie Lynn.
B. Change board meeting to 6:00pm beginning in May; discontinue "working session" so all items appear in minutes.
C. Annual meeting is next month, we will elect new board members and officers. Tom will not move from co-chair to chair and is opening the floor to other candidates as co-chair. The new co-chair is expected to learn from Beth in her final year as chair. This will assist us in succession planning. Interested parties for any officer position should email Mazie Lynn.
IV. Academic Excellence
Committee Report
A. Welcome our new co-chairs, Darryl Holloman and Elisa Buckner
B. Meeting schedule may change after conversation with Jason. Will have a regular meeting scheduled by next BOD meeting.
B. Meeting schedule may change after conversation with Jason. Will have a regular meeting scheduled by next BOD meeting.
V. Development
Committee Report
A. No meeting this month due to scheduling conflicts.
B. Red Thread push going on right now to capture the benefit of the matching grant from a family foundation - will match up to $5,000 between now and EOY.
B. Red Thread push going on right now to capture the benefit of the matching grant from a family foundation - will match up to $5,000 between now and EOY.
VI. Strategic Planning
Committee Report
A. Update provided by co-chairs. Requested BOD feedback by April 28th
B. Feedback will be shared during the May 15th meeting, which is the final meeting for this committee. The committee will be dismantled after its final meeting.
C. Final 3-year strategic plan completed by June 30th
D. Strategic plan shared with parents, students, and broader community at the beginning of FY 2018
E. Board will review strategic plan progress quarterly from there on
B. Feedback will be shared during the May 15th meeting, which is the final meeting for this committee. The committee will be dismantled after its final meeting.
C. Final 3-year strategic plan completed by June 30th
D. Strategic plan shared with parents, students, and broader community at the beginning of FY 2018
E. Board will review strategic plan progress quarterly from there on
VII. ED Support And Eval
Committee Report
A. LKES training on May 2nd
B. Must have Jason's evaluation completed by May 15th and have it included in the charter renewal.
B. Must have Jason's evaluation completed by May 15th and have it included in the charter renewal.
VIII. Other Business
PTSA BOD Meeting Update
A. Annual auction - Revenue of $18,766.43; Expenses of $9,352.11 = Net of $9413,32
B. Planning Teacher Appreciation Week May 1 - 4
C. Final General Assembly of the year moved to April 25, 2017
D. PTSA has exceeded their fundraising goal this year! They have realized 105% of goal, raised $57,237.52 against a goal of $54,250.
E. Considering a Fun Run at the 2017 Feastivle in place of the fall catalog fundraiser, which was not well received this year.
F. T-shirts and branding was discussed
Representative for June will be Tom Tidwell.
B. Planning Teacher Appreciation Week May 1 - 4
C. Final General Assembly of the year moved to April 25, 2017
D. PTSA has exceeded their fundraising goal this year! They have realized 105% of goal, raised $57,237.52 against a goal of $54,250.
E. Considering a Fun Run at the 2017 Feastivle in place of the fall catalog fundraiser, which was not well received this year.
F. T-shirts and branding was discussed
Representative for June will be Tom Tidwell.
Public Comments
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
D. Holloman made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Tidwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
B. Gay
Additional parties present include Lisa Price, Ewa Carter, and Jason Marshall.