Wesley International Academy

Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday August 19, 2019 at 4:30 PM EDT


Conference Room, Kelly Street house


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Motion to approve Agenda
  D. Approve Minutes from May 2019
  E. Approve Minutes from June 2019
II. Gender Policies
  A. Discuss need for additional policies surrounding gender issues
III. School Climate Code
  A. Develop timeline for research what it takes to get 2 school codes
Need to set timeline for researching what it takes to get 2 school codes, including pros and cons, and costs
IV. Board Goals for 2019-20 School year
  A. Set Goals for 2019
  • Set timeline for board recruitment - develop strategy and identify what areas/skill sets we need to focus on 
  • Work with other committees to create specific, measurable board-level goals for the year 
  • Coordinate an evaluation of the full board and individual directors 
  • Create Governance Calendar with timeline for all the stuff we want to do.
  • Review Strategic Plan
  • Review Lease - confirm term of lease, develop timeline for negotiating renewal
  • Review description of Governance Committe and revise as necessary
  • Work on succession plan for ED and for Board
  • Onboarding binder - add demographics of school, school statistics and school scores
  B. Review Bylaws

Section 3.5 Removal of Directors - should we describe the process with more particularity
Section 4.5 Action without a Meeting - need to review this for more specficity about how, when and by whom such action can be taken.
Add section about Board Training, which is required by Charter (see pages 5-6)

  C. Review Lease

Confirm end of term; develop timeline for negotiating renewal.

V. Other Business
  A. Committee members
VI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting