Wesley International Academy

July Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday July 9, 2019 at 6:00 PM EDT


WIA Cafeteria
The July 2019 meeting of the WIA Board of Directors will take place on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 beginning at 6:00pm in the WIA Cafeteria.  We hope to see as many stakeholders attend as possible.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Thomas Ryan-Lawrence 5 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Katie Delp 1 m
  C. Agenda Adoption Vote Katie Delp 2 m
  • Opportunity to make any necessary amendments or modifications to the meeting agenda
  D. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Katie Delp 3 m
Approve Minutes from June 2019 regularly scheduled meeting
    Approve minutes for June 2019 Board Meeting on June 4, 2019  
  E. Welcome and Introduction of New Board Members   Katie Delp 10 m
II. Executive Director Updates 6:21 PM
  A. Milestones Update FYI Donica Johnson 20 m
  B. Other Updates FYI Jason Marshall 15 m

• China Trip update
• New Hires
• Facilities updates
• Grants
• Dashboard

III. Public Comments 6:56 PM
  A. Public Comments Discuss Thomas Ryan-Lawrence 5 m
Public comments are encouraged and must remain in accordance with WIA policies and procedures.  The board allows any stakeholder an open forum to state their comments during any regularly scheduled or special meeting of the Board of Directors.
• Public comments are limited to 2 minutes per person.
• This is not a question and answer session, but rather an opportunity for stakeholders to share their thoughts and opinions in a respectful manner.
• Those wishing to comment to should sign up in advance of the meeting via https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1F-1HHyOAtNISLHxyfyZ9e_a3DPZZBCX7bubkbqZ9nlY/viewform.  Please note, online sign up will close fifteen minutes before the start of the meeting.  Those wishing to speak that have not signed up online in advance of the meeting may sign up in person prior to the beginning of the board meeting.
• In the interest of time, all policies and procedures, specifically time limits, will be strictly enforced.
IV. Board Chair Updates 7:01 PM
  A. Housekeeping Matters FYI Katie Delp 5 m
Board Calendar 2019-20
• Set up based on 2018-19 calendar with board meeting generally occurring on the first Tuesday and committee meetings occurring during the 3rd full week of the month
• All board members required to sign new documents: WIA Code of Ethics, Board Acknowledgement of Conflict of Interest, and Board Member Agreement. If you have not done so, please sign as soon as possible.

2019-20 Board Training
• Doodle sent by Katie before the holiday
• Web-based training will also be available
  B. Board Discretionary Budget FY 19-20 Vote Thomas Ryan-Lawrence 5 m

Previous year's budget:
    $1,000 legal
    $1,000 food
    $500 supplies
    $5,000 training

Proposed budget:
    $1,000 legal
    $2,500 food & gifts (Katie and Thomas are proposing 3 board dinners: August, January, and May) plus parting gifts for board members rolling off
    $500 supplies
    $5,000 training (may be adjusted based on GCSA conference)

  C. 2019-2020 Committee Membership FYI Katie Delp 10 m
V. Academic Excellence 7:21 PM
Academic Excellence
  A. Committee Report FYI Jan Hansen 5 m
VI. Development 7:26 PM
  A. Committee Report FYI Katie Delp 5 m
VII. Finance
VIII. Governance 7:31 PM
  A. Board member evaluation of ED via Board on Track Discuss Thomas Ryan-Lawrence 3 m
  B. Teacher scholar program Discuss Tom Tidwell 7 m

Administration is considering offering tuition reimbursement for up to 2 teachers a year to help them get a Masters degree in education in exchange for a commitment to continue at Wesley for a certain term. Details about what schools would be eligible, what the application process would look like, and how much would be reimbursed need to be worked out.  Administration is hoping to have this in place by the Fall and start the application process in early Spring 2020. 

  C. Approval of student handbooks for PYP and MYP Vote Tom Tidwell 3 m

The handbooks were reviewed by Governance but not formally approved because they needed to be updated tor 2019-20 school year, and there were some typos that needed to be corrected. Subject to those changes, Governance would have recommended adoption. 

IX. Executive Session 7:44 PM
  A. Convene Executive Session Vote Katie Delp 10 m
  • Approve recently issued employment contracts
  • Preliminary personnel goal planning discussion
  • Review of ED Evaluation via BOT
X. Other Business
XI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote