Wesley International Academy

Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday January 11, 2018 at 4:15 PM EST


Kelly St. House - 314 Kelly St.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve December Minutes
II. Governance
  A. Policy Roundup Taskforce Update
  • Taskforce
    • Jan Hansen
    • Tom Tidwell
    • Donald Mason
    • Donica Johnson
    • David Mitchum
    • Lea Durdin
  • Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 4:30p - 5:30p
  • Roadmap: Need to update timelines based on recent meeting
    • Feb 1: present draft policy documents to governance committee
    • Mar 1: governance committee review and approval
    • April: present to entire Board
  B. Committee Goals for 2017-18 - Accountability Check-In
  • Policy Roundup Taskforce
    • Board Policies, including  need for document retention policy (Tom and Jan)
    • Parent and Staff Handbooks (Mazie Lynn and Jan)
  • Board ByLaws Update (Mazie Lynn and Tom)
  • Board Recruitment & On-Boarding Plan (Tom and Elisa)
  • Follow up on creation of measurable goals for the entire Board [began at August 2017 Training continued at January 2018 Training]
  C. Weighted Lottery Update
Discuss process of weighted lottery
  • Gather information from other schools (Drew, ACNS) on how they do it - who is accountable for this effort?  
  • need historical demographic data from Wesley for past 3 years (Jason Marshall and Dana Roberts are working on this) - Still waiting on this information - need to set deadline
  • need 40-day FTE info in October - Still waiting on this data - need to assign someone to follow up
  • what is process after data is collected?
  D. Secondary Legal Counsel Identification
  • Follow up with Jason Marshall about identifying secondary legal counsel
    • Recommendations previously provided to Jason Marshall to interview/vet 
  • Need to finalize for presentation to Board in January 2018
  E. Charter Renewal Update
  • Application due to GaDOE by January 6, 2018
  • Mazie Lynn Causey partnering with Donica Johnson to complete application for submission
  • Anticipate GaDOE decision after their April Board meeting
  • Source and Scope Suprise
  F. Board Recruitment and On-Boarding
  • Leadership on documenting the related processes: Tom Tidwell and Elisa Buckner
  • Known needs:
    • 1 member's final term expires June 30, 2018 (skills: HR, projects, facilities, etc.)
    • 1 member not returning for term that expires June 30, 2020
    • Terms to be filled: 1y term for 2018-19 and 2y term for 2018-2020 in order to balance the classes
  • Timeline for finalizing and document related processes needs to be determined at this meeting
III. Other Business
IV. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting