Scholarship Prep


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 12, 2024 at 2:00 PM


4070 Mission Ave. 

Oceanside, CA, 92057

Zoom Meeting Information:

Meeting ID: 847 7579 6164 

Passcode: 212359


Scholarship Prep Orange County (17th Street) - 1010 West 17th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92706 
Legacy Room


Scholarship Prep Orange County (Grand Ave) - 1821 N Grand Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Admin Office

Scholarship Prep  Oceanside - 4070 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92057 
Room 233

Scholarship Prep  South Bay- 24910 S. Avalon Blvd., Wilmington, CA 90744 
First-floor Kindergarten Classroom


The meeting will be accessible via teleconference using the information listed above and at the locations above.

The public is invited to address the Board during the meeting using the Zoom meeting information above, or from any of the teleconference locations. Alternatively, public comments can also be submitted via email to with “Public Comment for Board Meeting (on date of the Board Meeting)” in the subject line.  The comment should include the name of the commenter, the Agenda Item number, and the topic that is to be discussed. Comments must be received by 12:30pm of the day before the scheduled Board Meeting and will be read during the meeting based upon time limitations. If the statement is not read online due to time limitations, the comments will be provided to the board members. 

Members of the public may address the Board at regular meetings on agenda or non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, and at special meetings on agenda items only.  Speakers may be called in the order that requests are received, with speakers attending the meeting called prior to reading written comments submitted by email, or may be grouped by subject area.  Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with no more than 15 minutes per single topic so that as many people as possible may be heard.  . The Board may not take any action on matters discussed during the public testimony period that are not listed on the agenda.

Directors Present

B. George (remote), C. Friedrichs (remote), M. Toan (remote)

Directors Absent

J. Ing, P. Watson

Guests Present

C. Nichols

I. Opening Items


Quorum Check


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Friedrichs called a meeting of the board of directors of Scholarship Prep to order on Thursday Dec 12, 2024 at 2:02 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance


Reading of the Scholarship Prep Mission Statement


Approval of the Agenda

C. Friedrichs made a motion to Approve.
B. George seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Toan
P. Watson
C. Friedrichs
J. Ing
B. George


Invitation to Address the Board on Items on the Agenda


Invitation to Address the Board on Items Not on the Agenda

II. Information Section


Clifton, Larson, Allen Audit Presentation

Marlen Gomez, the engagement leader, started by introducing herself and Robert. Marlen is in charge of reviewing and signing the audit while Robert is the auditor in charge. Marlen stated that Scholarship Prep had no issues and do not have to report any findings. There were three adjustments, but they were not material, and there were no uncorrected misstatements.


Board Chair, Charles Friedrichs, asked if there were any corrections or concerns. Marlen stated that there was a finding last year regarding TK that was redacted and that the did have to record some journal entries, but they were not material.


Scholarship Prep - Orange County (Grand) Campus Update

Principal Chantel Van Pool and some students from the Grand campus provided the campus update. Topics covered included the Native American Heritage Month performance, iReady tests, the writing contest, and the Art and Cheer clubs. 


Organization Update

Executive Director, Jason Watts, provided the organization update. He first discussed the Oceanside charter renewal. The San Diego Board voted and approved, 5-0, the Oceanside site for another five years. He then discussed the CAASPP data for each school, discussing areas of strength and areas of growth. 


Charles Friedrichs asked a few questions regarding the CAASPP scores. He asked what the highest and lowest scores were looking for a way to contextualize the scores. Taylor Ellis said the lowest score is negative 280, or somewhere around there. Andrew added that the state says that 15 points is a significant jump. Charles then asked if there was any type of error range and how parents are supposed to understand all of this data? Taylor explained student score report is color-coded and shows where each student falls within their score range, helping families understand the student's performance. It includes an explanation of the score and suggests next steps or actions that can be taken at home. The report is available in multiple languages and is sent home with families when the test scores are received.


Barbara George asked to be reminded of the demographics of our students. Andrew Crowe stated that South Bay and Oceanside are about 70% Hispanic, South Bay has about 20% black students, and Oceanside has about 20% white kids. These are the significant subgroups at the campuses.


Charles also asked if we had pre-covid data that we would compare our scores to. Andrew responded and explained that Oceanside is already passed where they were pre-covid, South Bay has no data pre-covid, and Orange County is below where they were pre-covid. However, Orange County's scores are better this year compared to year one. 


Charles also said he is curious as to the transitory nature of our student population and if that makes a difference. Andrew explained that in Orange County, the school faces a higher turnover rate compared to other campuses, with only about 80% of students returning, while other campuses have 90-95% retention. This is partly due to the 25% of students experiencing homelessness and other traumas. These factors contribute to the data but are acknowledged as challenges to address. The focus is now on providing additional supports to help these students succeed despite these difficulties.


2024-25 First Interim Presentation from Charter Impact

Jason Sitomer at Charter Impact provided the2024-25 First Interim update. The 1st interim report is one of four required state compliance reports presented annually. It includes actual data through October, along with 8 months of projections. This report is an update to the board, and in March, the second interim report will be presented. The original budget is presented in June, and the unaudited actuals are shown in September. At this stage, four months into the year, the report provides a refined view based on the most current information and trends. This presentation included updates and highlights for the Oceanside, Orange County, and South Bay school sites as well as an update on all bond covenants, which are all projected to be met.

III. Consent Calendar


November 21st Regular Meeting Minutes

C. Friedrichs made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 11-21-24.
B. George seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
P. Watson
M. Toan
B. George
C. Friedrichs
J. Ing


October Financials and Check Register


Scholarship Prep Contract with Nicole Radoumis and Associates, LLC


Scholarship Prep - Oceanside contract with Satoh Brothers International Inc. in the amount of $67,500.


Approval of Consent Calendar

C. Friedrichs made a motion to Approve.
B. George seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. George
M. Toan
C. Friedrichs
P. Watson
J. Ing

IV. Action Items


Scholarship Prep - Orange County 2024-25 First Interim Report

C. Friedrichs made a motion to Approve.
B. George seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. George
C. Friedrichs
P. Watson
J. Ing
M. Toan


Scholarship Prep - Oceanside 2024-25 First Interim Report

C. Friedrichs made a motion to Approve.
B. George seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Toan
C. Friedrichs
J. Ing
P. Watson
B. George


Scholarship Prep - South Bay 2024-25 First Interim Report

C. Friedrichs made a motion to Approve.
B. George seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Toan
B. George
J. Ing
C. Friedrichs
P. Watson


2023-24 Fiscal Audit

B. George made a motion to Approve.
C. Friedrichs seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Friedrichs
B. George
J. Ing
M. Toan
P. Watson


Scholarship Prep - Riverside Subordination, Nondisturbance, and Attornment Agreement

C. Friedrichs made a motion to Approve.
M. Toan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Ing
B. George
C. Friedrichs
P. Watson
M. Toan


Resolution for the Orange County Department of Education to Issue Funds to Scholarship Prep - Orange County

B. George made a motion to Approve.
M. Toan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Ing
B. George
C. Friedrichs
M. Toan
P. Watson


Scholarship Prep - San Bernardino El Dorado SELPA Participation Agreement

C. Friedrichs made a motion to Approve.
B. George seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
P. Watson
C. Friedrichs
J. Ing
M. Toan
B. George

V. Closing Items


Board Comments and Future Agenda Items

Board Secretary commented that she agrees with the approach Scholarship Prep is taking regarding comparing CAASPP scores, noting that things are unlikely to return to how they were before and she believe this is a good strategy moving forward.


Charles Friedrichs also commented that he appreciates the pride and dedication the team shows in their work, which is uplifting and motivating for the faculty and staff. He is encouraged by the academic growth and believe it boosts morale when the results of their efforts are evident. He is also interested in seeing continued progress and is curious about next year's theme.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:06 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Friedrichs