Scholarship Prep


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday August 15, 2024 at 2:00 PM


1010 W. 17th St. 

Santa Ana, CA 92706

Zoom Meeting Information:

Meeting ID: 847 7579 6164 

Passcode: 212359


Scholarship Prep Orange County (17th Street) - 1010 West 17th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92706 
Legacy Room


Scholarship Prep Orange County (Grand Ave) - 1821 N Grand Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Admin Office

Scholarship Prep  Oceanside - 4070 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92057 
Admin Office

Scholarship Prep  South Bay- 24910 S. Avalon Blvd., Wilmington, CA 90744 
First-floor Kindergarten Classroom


The meeting will be accessible via teleconference using the information listed above and at the locations above.

The public is invited to address the Board during the meeting using the Zoom meeting information above, or from any of the teleconference locations. Alternatively, public comments can also be submitted via email to with “Public Comment for Board Meeting (on date of the Board Meeting)” in the subject line.  The comment should include the name of the commenter, the Agenda Item number, and the topic that is to be discussed. Comments must be received by 12:30pm of the day before the scheduled Board Meeting and will be read during the meeting based upon time limitations. If the statement is not read online due to time limitations, the comments will be provided to the board members. 

Members of the public may address the Board at regular meetings on agenda or non-agenda items that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board, and at special meetings on agenda items only.  Speakers may be called in the order that requests are received, with speakers attending the meeting called prior to reading written comments submitted by email, or may be grouped by subject area.  Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker with no more than 15 minutes per single topic so that as many people as possible may be heard.  . The Board may not take any action on matters discussed during the public testimony period that are not listed on the agenda.

Directors Present

B. George, C. Friedrichs, J. Ing, M. Toan, P. Watson

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

M. Toan

Guests Present

C. Nichols

I. Opening Items


Quorum Check


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Friedrichs called a meeting of the board of directors of Scholarship Prep to order on Thursday Aug 15, 2024 at 2:00 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance


Reading of the Scholarship Prep Mission Statement


Approval of the Agenda

C. Friedrichs made a motion to approve.
J. Ing seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Friedrichs
B. George
P. Watson
J. Ing
M. Toan


Invitation to Address the Board on Items on the Agenda

M. Toan arrived at 2:02 PM.


Invitation to Address the Board on Items Not on the Agenda

Six parents attended the Board meeting via Zoom and presented concerns and comments. 

Parent one with a student at the Oceanside campus shared a concern about the in-class volunteering policy. 


Parent two, who has a student at the Oceanside campus and is also a member of the PEP squad, shared a concern about the in-class volunteering policy. 

Parent three, who has a student at the Oceanside campus and is also a member of the PEP squad, shared a concern about the in-class volunteering policy. 

Parent four, a parent of a student at the Oceanside campus, shared a concern about the in-class volunteering policy and requested that the item be on next month's agenda. 

Parent five, a parent of a student at the Oceanside campus, shared a concern about the in-class volunteering policy.

Parent six, a parent of a student at the Oceanside campus, shared a concern about the in-class volunteering policy.

II. Information Section


Scholarship Prep - Orange County Grand Campus Update

Principal, Chantel Van Pool, provided the OC Grand Campus update. She discussed having a  week and a half of professional development for the staff, the organization wide professional development day held at the South Bay campus, the meet your teacher event having over 90% of families participating, the first day of school, and an influx of new students this year. 


Organization Update

Executive Director, Jason Watts, provided the board with an organization update by discussing the Riverside Project update. Board President, Charles Friedrichs, asked about the "search for a temporary site" item on the timeline being contingent on whether or not we get the approvals for the site in time. Jason confirmed that is correct. 

III. Consent Calendar


July 18th Regular Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 07-18-24.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


July 18th Special Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 07-18-24.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Consent Calendar

C. Friedrichs made a motion to approve.
B. George seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Toan
J. Ing
B. George
P. Watson
C. Friedrichs

IV. Action Items


Scholarship Prep - South Bay contract with MBA Mechanical Inc in the amount of $217,266.00.

P. Watson made a motion to approve.
B. George seconded the motion.

Charles Friedrichs clarified that this contract is for HVAC work at the South Bay campus. Jason Watts stated that there are seven units that need to be remedied. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. George
J. Ing
C. Friedrichs
M. Toan
P. Watson


Approve the redemption of approximately $1,300,000 principal amount of the California School Finance Authority Charter School Revenue Bonds (Scholarship Prep Public Schools – Obligated Group) Series 2020A from amounts transferred from the Project Fund.

J. Ing made a motion to approve.
P. Watson seconded the motion.

Charles Friedrichs asked for background on this item. Jason Watts stated that this is in relation to the bond that we've secured, and these are residual funds from that bond. We need the board approval on how we will use the funds. Charles Friedrichs asked if this will shorten the loan, and Jason Sitomer from Charter Impact confirmed that it will shorten it by 14 to 15 months. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Ing
P. Watson
M. Toan
C. Friedrichs
B. George


Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Charter School Oversight and Operations by and between San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools and Scholarship Prep operating Scholarship Prep-San Bernardino County (47605.6)

B. George made a motion to approve.
J. Ing seconded the motion.

Charles Friedrichs clarified that this MOU is to operate in San Bernardino County. Jason Watts confirmed and stated that all of our authorizers have MOUs and there is nothing concerning in this MOU. Board Treasurer, John Ing, asked if there are any major differences with this MOU compared to our other MOUs. Jason Watts said that one component that stands out if having access to all our financial accounts and student information system. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. George
M. Toan
C. Friedrichs
J. Ing
P. Watson

V. Closed Session


Conference with Real Property Negotiators (§ 54956.8)

The Board entered the closed session at 2:50 pm.

VI. Return to Open Session


Report Out of Closed Session, if any

Board Chair, Charles Friedrichs, reported out of close session at 3:23pm. There was nothing to report out of closed session.

VII. Closing Items


Board Comments and Future Agenda Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Friedrichs