Scholarship Prep


Scholarship Prep Special Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 22, 2022 at 1:00 PM


Virtual Via Zoom

Zoom Meeting Information:

Meeting ID: 826 8631 5896 

Passcode: 940801


The meeting will be accessible via teleconference using the information listed above and at the campus locations above.

The public attending the teleconference are invited to address the Board during the meeting using the teleconference information above. The public in attendance at any of the teleconference locations are also invited to address the Board for comments. Alternatively, public comments can also be submitted via email to with “Public Comment for Board Meeting (on date of the Board Meeting)” in the subject line.  The comment should include the name of the commenter, the Agenda Item number, and the topic that is to be discussed. Comments must be received by 4:30pm of the day before the scheduled Board Meeting and will be read during the meeting based upon time limitations. If the statement is not read online due to time limitations, the comments will be provided to the board members. 

Testimony shall be limited in content to matters pertaining to Scholarship Prep. The Board may not take any action on matters discussed during the public testimony period that are not listed on the agenda.

Directors Present

C. Friedrichs (remote), J. Ing (remote), L. Otero, M. Toan (remote), P. Watson (remote)

Directors Absent

C. Madaule

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

L. Otero

Guests Present

A. Congo (remote)

I. Opening Items


Quorum Check


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Friedrichs called a meeting of the board of directors of Scholarship Prep to order on Thursday Dec 22, 2022 at 1:02 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance


Reading of the Scholarship Prep Mission Statement


Approval of the Agenda

C. Friedrichs made a motion to Approve the agenda with an amendment.
J. Ing seconded the motion.

Amendment made on the agenda was a date change to contain the correct date for the next Board Meeting on January 10, 2023

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Invitation to Address the Board on Items on the Agenda


Invitation to Address the Board on Items Not on the Agenda

II. Information Section


2022-23 First Interim Presentation from Charter Impact

L. Otero arrived at 1:10 PM.

Jason Sitomer from Charter Impact presented an update on the board-approved budgets for the current fiscal year and any material changes to expenses and/or revenue. 


Oceanside saw a $266,000 increase to revenue versus last month brought on by a larger-than-expected COLA increase from the state and an increase in the nutrition program.


Orange County saw a $155,000 increase to revenue versus last month brought on by a larger-than-expected COLA increase from the state and an increase in the nutrition program.


South Bay saw a $120,000 increase to revenue versus last month brought on by a larger-than-expected COLA increase from the state and an increase in the nutrition program.


Organization Update

Deputy Director Andrew Crowe presented the academic data update from CAASPP testing for all three Scholarship Prep schools. Across the state, schools saw a decrease in overall performance as did Scholarship Prep. In Orange County, Scholarship Prep is still outperforming the surrounding school district but saw a drop in performance but with Scholarship Prep's service demographic being a higher rate of McKinney-Vento students, those student's performance far outpaces the school district. 


Board Treasurer John Ing asked how Scholarship Prep's learning model may have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic in regard to academic performance. Deputy Director Andrew Crowe answered that Scholarship Prep's project-based learning model is built around answering a central question across weeks at a time and the disruption to learning because of quarantine protocols, distance learning, and other variables really affected Scholarship Prep.


In Oceanside, Scholarship Prep saw similar trends but Scholarship Prep's test scores did not drop as dramatically as the surrounding school district and Scholarship Prep increased the gap between the school district and subgroups. Of note, Oceanside saw half the rate of chronic absenteeism as the surrounding district.


In South Bay even though overall the campus underperformed the surrounding middle schools (about 15 schools), across subgroups Scholarship Prep outperformed the surrounding schools. Andrew Crowe noted that this school has really only had about half a year of uninterrupted in-person instruction even though it has been open for 3 years. 

III. Consent Calendar


November 8th, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes

J. Ing made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 11-08-22.
M. Toan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


October Monthly Check Registers


2022-23 Compliance Monitoring and Certification of Board Compliance Review


Fiscal Policies and Procedures Manual Update


Expanded Learning Opportunities Manager Job Description


Updated Classified Compensation Plan


Updated Scholarship Prep Employee Handbook


Approval of Consent Calendar

J. Ing made a motion to Approve the agenda.
M. Toan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Action Items


Scholarship Prep - Oceanside 2022-23 First Interim Budget

P. Watson made a motion to Approve the Oceanside First Interim Budget.
J. Ing seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Scholarship Prep - Orange County 2022-2023 First Interim Budget

J. Ing made a motion to Approve the Orange County First Interim Budget.
M. Toan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Scholarship Prep - South Bay 2022-23 First Interim Budget

L. Otero made a motion to Approve the South Bay First Interim Budget.
P. Watson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Closing Items


Board Comments and Future Agenda Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:41 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Friedrichs