Scholarship Prep
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday June 23, 2022 at 4:30 PM
Virtual Via Zoom
Zoom Teleconference Information -
Meeting ID: 856 8293 8827
Passcode: 834499
Dial-in Number: +1 669 900 6833
The meeting will be accessible via teleconference using the information listed above. Members of the public may observe the meeting and offer public comment using the dial-in information above.
The public attending the teleconference are invited to address the Board during the meeting using the teleconference information above. The public in attendance at any of the teleconference locations are also invited to address the Board for comments. Alternatively, public comments can also be submitted via email to with “Public Comment for Board Meeting (on date of the Board Meeting)” in the subject line. The comment should include the name of the commenter, the Agenda Item number, and the topic that is to be discussed. Comments must be received by 4:30pm of the day before the scheduled Board Meeting and will be read during the meeting based upon time limitations. If the statement is not read online due to time limitations, the comments will be provided to the board members.
Testimony shall be limited in content to matters pertaining to Scholarship Prep. The Board may not take any action on matters discussed during the public testimony period that are not listed on the agenda.
Directors Present
C. Birchler (remote), C. Friedrichs (remote), C. Madaule (remote), J. Ing (remote)
Directors Absent
J. Weatherall, L. Otero, T. Burgess
Guests Present
A. Congo
I. Opening Items
Quorum Check
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Reading of the Scholarship Prep Mission Statement
Approval of the Agenda
Invitation to Address the Board on Items on the Agenda
Invitation to Address the Board on Items Not on the Agenda
No comments
II. Action Item
Resolution of The Board of Directors of Scholarship Prep for Teleconference Board Meetings Pursuant to Special Rules in Government Code Section 54953(E)
III. Information Section
Charter Impact Presentation on 2022-23 Scholarship Prep Campus Budgets
Jason Sitomer from Charter Impact presented the budgets for each campus which were to be voted on later in the agenda.
The Santa Ana campus, he reported, is projected to have a $200,000 annual surplus which is 1.6% of total expenses. He also noted the increase in COLA which is expected to be raised even more than what is currently proposed by the state. Additionally, there was a significant increase in rent because of the addition of the second campus. The three year forecasts also show a positive surplus and positive year end cash balance year over year.
The Oceanside campus is projected to have a $350,000 annual surplus which is 4.5% of expenses. The three year forecasts also show a positive surplus and positive year end cash balance year over year.
The South Bay campus is projected to have a $637,000 surplus which us 10% of expenses, this is due to a larger unduplicated count. The three year forecasts show a positive surplus and positive year over year balance.
Board Treasurer Ing asked what the discrepancy comes from between staff salary expenses between South Bay and the other two campuses. Executive Director Jason Watts shared that with the additional building on the South Bay campus they will be significantly increasing enrollment.
Oceanside End of Year Update
Principal Jessica Leahy presented a video update.
Orange County End of Year Update
Principal Dennise Allotey shared an oral update with the Board. She thanked all her staff for a great end of year wrap up with awards and promotion ceremonies and that the campus is currently holding summer school.
South Bay End of Year Update
Principal Allison Vann presented a video update to the board.
Universal Prekindergarten Plan
Organization Update
Before moving to this item, Board President Friedrichs shared his gratitude and thanks to the campuses and all the staff for their hard work this school year.
Executive Director Jason Watts shared details of the Universal Prekindergarten plan including the timeline and dates by which schools must have students enrolled including the faculty to student ratio.
He then shared the details of the goals set in each of the Scholarship Prep LCAP's and how the campuses have met their goals as well as how surveys were conducted. He continued on to share how Scholarship Prep has received unanimous approval from the Riverside County Board of Directors to operate a TK-12 school within their boundaries.
Mr. Watts also presented on the annual oversight reviews for the South Bay campus and Orange County campus noting that their were no issues with either report.
Governance Communication Letter from Clifton, Larsen, & Allen
IV. Consent Calendar
May 10th, 2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
April Monthly Financial Package
Second Amendment to the Interschool Loan Extension Between Scholarship Prep South Bay and Scholarship Prep Orange County
Renewal of Services with ChaterSAFE in the Amount of $216,855.00
Change in Vendor for Macbook Purchases from CDW to Apple - New Amount of $68,229.90
Interior Building Painting and Cosmetic Services with KCC Painting at Scholarship Prep Orange County (1010 W. 17th Street) in the Amount of $44,500
Concrete Restoration with LR Masonry Inc at Scholarship Prep Orange County (1010 W. 17th Street) in the Amount of $87,200.00
Interior Painting Services with KCC Painting at Scholrship Prep Oceanside in the Amount of $29,800
Turf Instillation with Home Turf at Scholarship Prep Oceanside in the Amount of $44,470.50
2nd Floor Carpet Replacement with Luis Carpet Service at Scholarship Prep Oceanside in the Amount of $25,302.80
Cosmetic Upgrades to Scholarship Prep Oceanside Bathrooms in the Amount of $58,000
LGBTQIA+ Board Resolution
Scholarship Prep Oceanside Education Protection Account (EPA) Spending Plan
Scholarship Prep Orange County Education Protection Account (EPA) Spending Plan
Scholarship Prep South Bay Education Protection Account (EPA) Spending Plan
Updated 2022-23 Administration Compensation Plan
Updated 2022-23 Certificated Compensation Plan
Updated 2022-23 Classified Compensation Plan
Coordinator of Data and Accountability Job Description
Coordinator of Counseling Services Job Description
Coordinator of Strategic Communications Job Description
Revised Assistant to the Executive Director Job Description
Scholarship Prep 2022-23 Board Meeting Calendar
Approval of Consent Calendar
Items G, H, and I were removed from the agenda along with item L.
V. Action Items
2022-23 Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators
Executive Director Jason Watts shared this document is to ensure we have processes in place to ensure we can staff campuses to meet our needs.
Scholarship Prep Oceanside 2022-23 Budget
Scholarship Prep Orange County 2022-23 Budget
Scholarship Prep South Bay 2022-23 Budget
Scholarship Prep Oceanside 2022-23 LCAP
Scholarship Prep Orange County 2022-23 LCAP
Scholarship Prep South Bay 2022-23 LCAP
Taryn Burgess Resignation from the Scholarship Prep Board of Directors
Assistant to the Executive Director Arthur Congo read Mrs. Burgess resignation email into the record as follows:
I do feel that I need to resign from the Scholarship Prep Public Schools Board effective immediately. I am working long hours at a school and have taken a mentor/ chair position in addition to teaching full-time. I am also doing a lot of tutoring to assist students in reaching grade level standards. I regret that I have not been more available over the last 9 months or so.
I have truly enjoyed my time with SPPS. It was an honor and privilege that I will forever be grateful for. I have learned a lot and grown. I am so proud of the entire SPPS Team. I know that wonderful and exciting things are ahead. I will continue to be an advocate for school choice.
Thank you to each and every member of the outstanding SPPS team for working on behalf of the scholars and families. I wish the absolute best for each student, parent, family, teacher, staff member, Administrator, Leadership Team member, Executive Team member and Board Member.
Taryn Burgess
Carrie Birchler Resignation from the Scholarship Prep Board of Directors
Board Member Birchler shared her gratitude and expressed how proud she was to be associated with Scholarship Prep, its staff, and the work they have done over the years she has been on the Board in getting services to communities who need it the most.
Roll Call | |
T. Burgess |
J. Ing |
J. Weatherall |
L. Otero |
C. Birchler |
C. Madaule |
C. Friedrichs |
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