Scholarship Prep


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 14, 2021 at 3:30 PM

Meeting ID: 825 2722 8406
Passcode: 441361
Dial-in Number: +1 669 900 6833

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held via teleconference only in compliance with Executive Order N-29-20.  Members of the public may observe the meeting and offer public comment using the dial-in information above. 

The public attending the teleconference are invited to address the Board. Public comments can also be submitted via email to with “Public Comment for Board Meeting (on date of the Board Meeting)” in the subject line.  The comment should include the name of the commenter, the Agenda Item number and topic that is to be discussed. Comments must be received by 3:30pm of the day before the scheduled Board Meeting, and will be read during the meeting based upon time limitations. If the statement is not read online due to time limitations, the comments will be provided to the board members. 

Testimony shall be limited in content to matters pertaining to Scholarship Prep. The Board may not take any action on matters discussed during the public testimony period that are not listed on the agenda.

Directors Present

C. Birchler (remote), C. Friedrichs (remote), C. Madaule (remote), J. Ing (remote), L. Otero (remote)

Directors Absent

J. Weatherall, T. Burgess

Guests Present

A. Congo (remote)

I. Opening Items


Roll Call


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Friedrichs called a meeting of the board of directors of Scholarship Prep to order on Tuesday Sep 14, 2021 at 3:31 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance


Reading of the Scholarship Prep Mission Statement


Approval of the Agenda

J. Ing made a motion to Approve the Agenda with amendments.
L. Otero seconded the motion.
Board President Charles Friedrichs noted a change needed to the Action Items. All items need to read '2020-2021' for the year as oppose to 2021-2022 which was listed. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Invitation to Address the Board on Items on the Agenda

No comments.


Invitation to Address the Board on Items Not on the Agenda

No comments.

II. Information Section


Organization Update

Executive Director Jason Watts reviewed the presentation of the public hearing for the Santa Ana Material Revision. He wanted to thank publicly the Orange County Department of Education and its staff for working with Scholarship prep and accommodating some changes in the timeline. He covered some of the changes which were included in the Material Revision including increased enrollment and updated organizational charts reflecting new positions. 

Mr. Watts continued on covering updates in education policy, starting with the newly approved LAUSD vaccine mandate for all students over the age of 12 attending a school on an LAUSD owned site. Currently, he noted the mandate does not apply to Scholarship Prep. However, this could change depending on future changes. He gave a shout-out to Sarah Schoenfeld-Nakamoto, Allie Masse, and all school site staff for handling the start of this challenging school year with great poise. 

Mr. Watts shared the impact of AB 167 on Scholarship Prep's Independent Study program. He noted the assembly bill removed a previously implemented threshold from the state where if 20% of students were enrolled into an Independent Study program, the school was then placed into a new funding determination. This bill provides a provision that if 20% of students are enrolled in Independent Study due to COVID quarantine protocols, that trigger does not apply. He gave a shout-out to Taylor Ellis who has been overseeing the Independent Study program. 


Monthly Financial Presentation - July 2021

Darlington Ahaiwe from Charter Impact began his presentation on Scholarship Prep's July Financials. He noted that overall revenue projections increased by 4% and expenses increased by 2%, changing the expected consolidated year-end surplus figure to $1.6 million compared to the budget of $1.2 million. 

Moving on to specific figures from the campuses, he began with Oceanside noting a year-end revenue projection of $7,058,000 compared to the anticipated $6,482,000 in the budget. 


For the Santa Ana campus, he noted a projected total revenue of $9,069,000 compared to the anticipated $9,087,000 in the budget. This variance is due to the decrease in the projected average daily attendance. However, Santa ana is projecting a decrease in yearly expenses to $8,278,000 compared to a budget of $8,301,000. 


Finishing off with South Bay, there is a projected increase revenue of 6% compared to budget. This variance comes from an increase in CSP federal funding. South Bay is also projecting a 1% increase in year-end expenses due to the inclusion of non capitalized equipment that relates to the CSP funding that was added to the budget.


Board Treasurer John Ing ask if the non-capitalized is what's captured in the books and supplies line item. 


Mr. Ahaiwe said that was correct, non-capitalized equipment is captured under books and supplies. 


Mr. Ahaiwe continued on to projected cash balances for the schools which are as follows:


Oceanside: $2.5 million
Santa Ana: $2.7 million
South Bay: $1 million


He noted that it is not projected for any of the schools to have at some point in the year a negative cash balance. 


Oceanside Campus Update

Ms. Valerie Douglass, Principal of the Oceanside campus shared a video update with the Board created by the Dean of Culture, Mrs. De Haven.


Santa Ana Campus Update

Mrs. Dennise Allotey, Principal of the Santa Ana campus shared a video update with the Board created by lead teacher Mrs. Thomas.


South Bay Campus Update

Mrs. Allison Vann, Principal of the South Bay campus shared a video update with the Board which she created herself. 

III. Consent Calendar


August 10, 2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

J. Ing made a motion to approve the minutes from Scholarship Prep Regular Board Meeting on 08-10-21.
C. Madaule seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


August 2021 Check Register - Oceanside


August 2021 Check Register - Santa Ana


August 2021 Check Register - South Bay


Amendment to the Scholarship Prep 2021-2022 Administrative Compensation Plan


Amendment to the Scholarship Prep Suicide Prevention Policy


Amendment to the Scholarship Prep Fiscal Policy & Procedures Manual


Contract of Services With Satoh Brothers International Inc. for Renovation Services in the Amount of $61,301.46


Student Recruiter Job Description


Coordinator of Facilities Job Description


Approval of Consent Calendar

J. Ing made a motion to Approve the Consent Calendar.
C. Madaule seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Action Items


Oceanside 2021-2022 Unaudited Actuals

Darlington Ahaiwe from Charter Impact share information that applied to all of the action items, noting that at last month's Board Meeting he shared information on June year-end financials and wanted to briefly recap some of that information here including a year-end surplus of $4.8 million compared to a budget of $1.1 million and showing a year-end cash balance for the schools at just over $3,093,000. These financial documents are the actual reports for each individual campus which will be sent to the authorizers reflecting all those details of the last year's budget. 


Board Treasurer John Ing asked if the positive variance from additional funds were taken out of the budget what a true surplus would look like that excludes one-time funding sources.


Mr. Ahaiwe said he could share those figures with Treasurer Ing once he compiles them.
L. Otero made a motion to Approve the Oceanside 2020-2021 Unaudited Actuals.
J. Ing seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Santa Ana 2021-2022 Unaudited Actuals

L. Otero made a motion to Approve the Santa Ana 2020-2021 Unaudited Actuals.
J. Ing seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


South Bay 2021-2022 Unaudited Actuals

L. Otero made a motion to Approve the South Bay 2020-2021 Unaudited Actuals.
J. Ing seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Closing Items


Board Comments and Future Agenda Items

Board President Charles Friedrichs shared he admires all of the staff and the students so much for their invaluable perseverance. 


Board Member Crystal Madule shared was really touched by the video of the haircuts. She felt it's really demonstrative of the care for education and the whole person and not just their brain.


President Friedrichs asked if Principal Allotey would share some more information about the haircuts. 


Mrs. Allotey said this event was coordinated and organized by Director of Student Services Kristen Crowe and Student Services Coordinator Victor Carcamo and originated from a holiday event last December for our McKinney Vento and Foster Youth students. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Friedrichs