Scholarship Prep


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday July 20, 2021 at 3:30 PM


Virtual Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 825 2722 8406
Passcode: 441361
Dial-in Number: +1 669 900 6833

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held via teleconference only in compliance with Executive Order N-29-20.  Members of the public may observe the meeting and offer public comment using the dial-in information above. 

The public attending the teleconference are invited to address the Board. Public comments can also be submitted via email to with “Public Comment for Board Meeting (on date of the Board Meeting)” in the subject line.  The comment should include the name of the commenter, the Agenda Item number and topic that is to be discussed. Comments must be received by 3:30pm of the day before the scheduled Board Meeting, and will be read during the meeting based upon time limitations. If the statement is not read online due to time limitations, the comments will be provided to the board members. 

Testimony shall be limited in content to matters pertaining to Scholarship Prep. The Board may not take any action on matters discussed during the public testimony period that are not listed on the agenda.

Directors Present

C. Friedrichs (remote), C. Madaule (remote), J. Ing (remote), J. Weatherall (remote), L. Otero (remote)

Directors Absent

C. Birchler, T. Burgess

Guests Present

A. Congo

I. Opening Items


Roll Call


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Friedrichs called a meeting of the board of directors of Scholarship Prep to order on Tuesday Jul 20, 2021 at 3:32 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance


Reading of the Scholarship Prep Mission Statement


Approval of the Agenda

C. Madaule made a motion to Approve.
J. Weatherall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Otero
C. Birchler
C. Friedrichs
J. Ing
C. Madaule
T. Burgess
J. Weatherall


Invitation to Address the Board on Items on the Agenda


Invitation to Address the Board on Items Not on the Agenda

Kristi Rondo addressed the board and thanked the board for allowing her to speak. She is requesting that masks be optional for school age children. She believes the cons outweigh the pros on this particular item. She has three children who attend the school.

Ms. Garcia and Mrs. Polo both spoke in agreement with Ms. Rondo. Mrs. Polo stated if the children are vaccinated they should not have to be made to wear a mask.

Azucena Garcia echoed the same point Ms. Rondo made. She is concerned about the warm temperature and children being outside wearing masks. 

Ms. Burrell spoke in agreement with other parents saying she is concerned with how behind her second grader is and feels it is important for him to see his teacher speak and annunciate his words and for the teacher to be able to see if he is pronouncing his words correctly. 

Mrs. Moffat said it should be an option for kids to wear masks, especially outdoors considering some children may already be vaccinated. 

Leslie De la Cruz also spoke and agreed with other parents and asked that parents have a choice in regards to mask wearing for students especially when students are outside. 

Jazmin Hunter spoke and stated she is a strong believer parents should have a choice as to whether or not students need to wear masks. 

Ms. Murray spoke last on the topic saying the power to choose should be highly considered. 

II. Information Section


Organization Update

Executive Director Jason Watts shared updates about the final state budget approval. He began with the catch-up 5.07% COLA increase in addition to a significant increase to Prop 39 funding. Next, he discussed the new Expanded Learning Programs where an unduplicated count of greater than 80% would receive 1,170 per unit for prior years K-6 ADA which will be used to extend the school day for before and afterschool programs. 

He moved on to universal TK programs the state wants to implement saying the current year is a planning year so that in each successive year from 2022-23 to 2025-2026 the eligibility date for TK students will continue to expand three months at a time until all four-year-olds born by September 1, become eligible. He also shared beginning in 2022-23, LEA's will be able to provide two free nutritional meals per day to pupils, something Scholarship Prep has been doing since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lastly, he shared the state's decision to extend the charter renewal term by two years. That decision will affect both our South Bay and Oceanside campuses. 

President Charles Friedrichs asked a clarifying question regarding the TK program and if Scholarship Prep had offered some kind of program since its inception. Mr. Watts stated while Scholarship Prep has indeed done this, the changes from the state would expand eligibility for TK enrollment. 


Scholarship Prep Educational Protection Account Budget Overview

Darlington Ahaiwe from Charter Impact began his presentation by clarifying the EPA is the Education Protection Account and funds for the EPA funds are a component of LCFF funding and that the CDE just regulates that these funds are separately called out and a separate budget is established. The breakdown of each campuses funds are: 

Oceanside - $99,456
Santa Ana - $106,700
South Bay - $60,800

III. Consent Calendar


June 15, 2021 Board Minutes


June 29, 2021 Board Minutes


June 2021 Check Register - Oceanside


June 2021 Check Register - Santa Ana


June 2021 Check Register - South Bay


Dell Technologies Purchase Request for Student Chromebooks and Staff Computer in the Amount of $82,412.08


Apple Purchase Request for MacBook Air Devices in the Amount of $50,098.84


Memorandum of Understanding Between Scholarship Prep and YMCA of Orange County for 2021-2022 School Year.

Executive Director Jason Watts added for this particular item if the Board would consider approving this item with the understanding that Scholarship Prep's legal counsel is still finalizing some details of the document but given the time-sensitive nature of the document, Board approval is required for a continuation of services. The Board did not object and continued to voting on the Consent Calendar. 


Updated Scholarship Prep Independent Study Policy


Scholarship Prep Oceanside 2021-2022 Educational Protection Account Budget


Scholarship Prep Santa Ana 2021-2022 Educational Protection Account Budget


Scholarship Prep South Bay 2021-2022 Educational Protection Account Budget


Approval of Consent Calendar

L. Otero made a motion to Approve the consent calendar.
J. Weatherall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Closing Items


Board Comments and Future Agenda Items

Vice President Otero shared he has been working with Board Member Birchler to develop an Executive Director review process but with vacations and different calendars, the process has been delayed. He expects updates to be shared in the next few weeks. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Friedrichs