KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools
KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday November 15, 2023 at 4:00 PM
KIPP Philadelphia Octavius Catto Elementary
4601 Market Street, 5th Fl
Philadelphia, Pa 19139
A meeting of the KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees in joint session with meetings of the KIPP Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP DuBois Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, and KIPP Catto Charter School Board of Trustees with Board President Samantha Wilson Jones.
Trustees Present
A. Aerts (remote), A. Fullard, A. Keyes, B. Cummings, C. Hardie-Langston, G. Lewis (remote), H. Richman, K. Jones, S. Wilson Jones, T. Algarin, T. Llopiz
Trustees Absent
Guests Present
A. Sinha, C. Benson, I. Gasiorowski, L. Li, L. Whitaker, M. Eigen, M. Poorman, N. Wiltshire, R. Vieira
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
N. Wiltshire shared that the KDCA football team won their division. Hersh asked where the team plays and N. Wiltshire shared that the team plays at one of the super sites around the city. Natalie then shared updates about family engagement and advocacy. H. Richman asked if S. Wilson-Jones should join tours with members of the School Board of Philadelphia. N. Wiltshire replied that S. Wilson-Jones could join conversations about our governance. A. Fullard shared that he knows some of the school board members and that N. Wiltshire is taking the right approach to building a partnership with the school board.
- KDCS Memorandum -APPROVED
- KNPCS Memorandum -APPROVED
- KPOC Memorandum -APPROVED
- KWPCS Memorandum -APPROVED
- KWPP Memorandum -APPROVED
- SY 2023-24 Staff Verification Letter KNPA & KDCA -APPROVED
- KASC Service Agreement Amendment Resolution - KDCS -APPROVED
- KASC Service Agreement Amendment Resolution- KNPCS -APPROVED
- KASC Service Agreement Amendment Resolution - KWPCS -APPROVED
S. Wilson-Jones noted that C. Johnson should be removed from the roll call vote in the minutes.
Vote: School Designee
A. Aerts shared the rationale for formally voting for S. Wilson-Jones to be the school designee.
Governance Committee
A. Aerts updated the board on the governance committee priorities for the year.
H. Richman for clarification on the edits to the bylaws and A. Aerts shared that the edits aren't a departure from how the board has been operating and that the language is an ask for all charter schools.
S. Wilson-Jones added that the language was provided by the Charter Schools Office.
There was no discussion.
A. Aerts updated the board governance committee goals and opportunities.
H. Richman asked about goals related to Leadership Council and Young Friends.
A. Aerts shared that at this time, an expressed goal was not discussed by the committee. N. Wiltshire added that they are not staff priorities, but the board can think through a strategy to revive them down the line. S. Wilson-Jones noted that there is an opportunity to think about how to leverage Leadership Council and Young Friends through the board pipeline work but adding a specific goal is not necessary at this time.
School Health Committee
K. Jones shared his excitement about co-chairing the committee and passed the presentation to M. Eigen.
M. Eigen updated the board on changing the committee name from Academics Committee to School Health Committee to better reflect our holistic approach to operating healthy schools. M. Eigen then updated the board on academic achievement and attendance data.
A. Fullard asked about the strategies we use to catch up students who are not on grade level.
M. Eigen shared that our philosophy is an accelerated learning approach, which allows students to receive grade-level exposure while also receiving targeted support.
T. Llopiz asked about the achievement of students with IEPs and M. Eigen affirmed that students with IEPs are factored into our achievement numbers.
T. Llopiz then asked about our approach to goal setting. M. Eigen shared that we hold ourselves accountable for moving all students academically and that we set individual student goals.
M. Eigen then updated the board on attendance trends and T. Algarin asked about our attendance incentives and M. Eigen shared that we implement grade-level appropriate incentives across all of our schools.
T. Eigen then asked about truancy and M. Eigen shared that there is a structure to support truant families in the District Attorney's Office but we don't leverage it because of their capacity challenges.
A. Fullard asked how we measure attendance of sick students and M. Eigen shared that illness still counts as an absence.
M. Eigen then updated the board on our social emotional learning (SEL) program.
T. Llopiz asked how teachers receive training and M. Eigen shared that we have a regional leader who is a social worker by trade who trains principals and assistant principals who then train teachers and we also implement adult SEL work with our staff.
C. Hardie Langston asked about how we observe SEL.
M. Eigen shared that we use rubrics with SEL components for observations.
A. Fullard asked how families are involved.
M. Eigen shared that we've been doing informal communication about SEL but we want to move towards more formal communication structures.
I. Gasiorowski shared a story about an interaction with a family who shared that he is learning SEL skills along with his child because of the work happening in the building.
Development Committee
A. Sinha updated the board on the committee goals and the fundraising progress-to-goals.
H. Richmond asked a question about how the fundraising pledges and the revised fundraising goal impact the overall budget. B. Cummings shared that will be discussed in the finance presentation.
H. Richman asked if we could expect an increased number of solicitations by the year-end.
A. Sinha shared that we are spending our efforts in the cultivation space, and there's an opportunity to build our pipeline.
C. Hardie Langston if we know why some donors lapsed and A. Sinha shared that we don't currently have that level of insight. C. Benson added that we didn't have the capacity to do that work and it was the right time to implement this strategy.
A. Fullard asked if the board had a give/get goal and S. Wilson-Jones stated that the board takes a personalized approach and ended by complimenting A. Sinha on her strategy.
A. Fullard agreed that support starts at the board level and there are other relationships we can leverage in support of our fundraising goals.
Finance Committee: Vote FY24 Budget Reforecast & KASC Service Agreement Amendments
B. Cummings gave the board an update on the audit process and FY24 year-to-date and thanked the team for their hard work.
N. Wiltshire opened the discussion about the CMO agreement amendments and shared the rationale and that our legal counsel and auditors vetted the amendments.
H. Richman asked about the fees and N. Wiltshire confirmed that the fees are retroactive for two-years of pandemic support and that all of the charters received the pandemic support even if the fees were waived for a charter. S. Wilson-Jones reiterated that waiving CMO fees is something we've done before.
H. Richman then asked about the special education line and B. Cummings shared that the numbers are a snapshot in time and L. Li said that we took a conservative approach to the original budget and the reforecast and enrollment was higher, including special education.
H. Richman asked about why the fees aren't permanent and N. Wiltshire shared that a permanent increase in CMO fees would require a longer process and this is just for pandemic support.
T. Llopiz asked about the funding sources and the impact on schools. L.Li explained our funding sources and N. Wiltshire confirmed that the fee will not negatively impact the schools' budgets.
A. Aerts asked if all schools were assessed to determine the fees and waivers and how. N. Wiltshire affirmed that all schools were assessed and L. Li explained that the assessment was on ESSER revenue and that there are many inputs to determine ESSER revenue.
H. Richman then asked about the fiscal year of impact and B. Cummings
confirmed that the impact is for both FY23 and FY24 and the overall impact will contribute positively to improved liquidity to meet coverage ratios.
S. Wilson-Jones reminded the board that they voted to approve the FY24 budget and revised budget in prior meetings and this is the FY24 budget reforecast.
B. Cummings asked the board for a full vote on the FY24 budget reforecast and CMO agreement amendments.
Executive Committee
S. Wilson-Jones gave the board an overview of the SY23-24 Board of Trustee goals.
V. Information
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
New Business
There was no new business.
Old Business
There was no old business.
S. Wilson-Jones welcomed the trustees and guests and moved the meeting to the CEO report.