KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools


KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday September 13, 2023 at 4:00 PM


KIPP Philadelphia Octavius Catto Elementary

4601 Market Street, 5th Fl
Philadelphia, Pa 19139

A regular meeting of the KIPP Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees in joint session with regular meetings of the KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP DuBois Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, and KIPP Philadelphia Octavious Catto Charter School Board of Trustees with President Samantha Wilson Jones presiding.

Trustees Present

A. Fullard (remote), A. Keyes (remote), B. Cummings, C. Hardie-Langston, C. Johnson, H. Richman, K. Jones, S. Wilson Jones, T. Algarin, T. Llopiz

Trustees Absent

A. Aerts, G. Lewis

Guests Present

A. Neill, A. Sinha, Biridiana Rodriguez (remote), C. Benson, Cherron McCutchen (remote), E. Otuije (remote), I. Gasiorowski, J. Davidse (remote), L. Li, M. Eigen, M. Poorman, Michelle, N. Wiltshire, R. Vieira

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Wilson Jones called a meeting of the board of trustees of KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools to order on Wednesday Sep 13, 2023 at 4:12 PM.

S. Wilson Jones informed the board that C. Johnson was resigning from the board. C. Johnson expressed gratitude. 


The board VOTED unanimously to accept the resignation of C. Johnson


S. Wilson Jones then welcomed N. Wiltshire in her new role as CEO.


Approve June 14, 2023 Meeting Minutes (Exhibit A)

T. Algarin made a motion to approve the minutes from KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Meeting on 06-14-23.
H. Richman seconded the motion.

C. Johnson did not vote because his resignation was accepted


The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve June 28, 2023 Meeting Minutes (Exhibit A)

H. Richman made a motion to approve the minutes from KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Meeting on 06-28-23.
T. Algarin seconded the motion.

C. Johnson did not vote because his resignation was accepted

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Welcome & "Speed Dating" Activity


Welcome and "Speed Dating" Activity

N. Wiltshire invited the attendees to go around the room for an ice-breaker exercise to help everyone get to know each other.

III. Consent Agenda


VOTE: Consent Agenda

H. Richman made a motion to approve the consent agenda.
T. Algarin seconded the motion.

A. Keyes pointed out a correction that was needed on a consent agenda item, and N. Wiltshire noted the correction and will complete the redaction on the document.


C. Johnson did not vote because his resignation was accepted.


KPPS Student Handbook 2023-2024 FINAL 81723 pdf APPROVED


KPPS Employee Handbook_SY 2023-2024.pdf APPROVED


AP- TRUST for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf APPROVED


AP - ESA for Board Signature_ Redacted.pdfAPPROVED


AP ESA Summary. pdf APPROVED


AW- TRUST for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf APPROVED


AW- ESA for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf APPROVED




I MC- TRUST for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf APPROVED




MC - ESA for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf APPROVED
















6-5 to B-31 KPCS-KPPA Resumes.pdf APPROVED


6-5 to 8-31 KWPCS Resumes.pdf APPROVED


6-5 to 8-31 KPOC Resumes.pdf APPROVED


6-5 to 8-31 KPCS-KPEA Resumes.pdf APPROVED


6-5-23 to 8-31-23 KDCS Resume.pdf APPROVED


6-5 to 8-31 KWPP Reumes.pdf APPROVED


6-5 to 8-31 KNPCS Resumes.pdf APPROVED


CMO Report to KDCA BOT for Perlod Ending 08-31-23.pdf APPROVED


CMO Report to KPOC BOT for Period Ending 08-31-23.pdf APPROVED


CMO Report to KWPCS BO for Period Ending 08-31-23.pdf APPROVED


CMO Report to KPCS BOT for Period Ending 08-31-23.pdf APPROVED


CMO Report to KNPA BOT for Period Ending 08-31-23.pdf APPROVED


KNPCS_Charter_Resolutions_~- signed by Sept_Board _meeting.pdf APPROVED


KDCA Charter Resolutions_ _-_signed_by_Sept Board_meeting.pdf APPROVED


C Johnson Resignation 09.07.2023.pdf APPROVED


KIPP DUBOIS CHARTER SCHOOL- lease amendment to include suite 3301 - revised 9.8.23.pdf APPROVED


KWPP_ CMO Evaluation SY22-23_pdf APPROVED


KWPCS CMO. Evaluation_SY22-23_.pdf APPROVED


KNPCS_CMO_Evaluation_SY22-23_pdf APPROVED


KPOC_CMO_Evaluation_SY22-23_pdf APPROVED


CMO Evaluation_SY22-23_pdf APPROVED


KPCS_CMO_Evaluation_SY22-23_.pdf APPROVED

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Roll Call Vote - Charter Renewal Agreements & Rent Subsidy Applications

T. Algarin made a motion to Approve Charter Renewal Agreements & Rent Subsidy Applications.
H. Richman seconded the motion.
  • KNPA Charter Renewal Agreement
  • KDCA Charter Renewal Agreement
  • KPOC rent subsidy application
  • KDCA rent subsidy application
  • KWPCS rent subsidy application
  • KPCS rent subsidy application
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Johnson
A. Keyes
A. Fullard
G. Lewis
S. Wilson Jones
C. Hardie-Langston
T. Algarin
H. Richman
A. Aerts
K. Jones
B. Cummings
T. Llopiz

IV. CEO Report


CEO Report


N. Wiltshire updated the board on her vision & her key areas of focus for KPPS.  H. Richman asked about funding to achieve our goals, and Natalie affirmed that we have funding, but we will also seek additional funding.


A. Fullard asked questions about scaling our dual enrollment program and staff demographics. N. Wiltshire shared that our goal is to scale the program and that in prior years, it was grant-funded. She also said that she would share staff demographic data after the meeting. 

H. Richman asked about the legislation going on between public school education and the voucher system and the prognosis for the situation, and N. Wiltshire responded that she did not think it would impact KPPS.


A. Fullard then asked about KPPS’ approach to advocacy, and N. Wiltshire responded that we work with local groups on advocacy efforts.


C. Langston asked about the alumni involvement and the teacher talent selection process, and N. Wiltshire responded that she wants to build a culture of philanthropy & also that our teacher selection process is rigorous.





M. Eigen updated the Board on academic goals and progress with a focus on Social Emotional Learning (SEL). The SEL presentation was led by Amanda Neill, Managing Director of Student Supports. 


K. Jones asked about our teacher retention strategies, and M. Eigen shared that we train our principals on teacher retention strategies. C. Langston then asked how we track progress toward our attendance and enrollment goals. M. Eigen confirmed that we do have tracking systems. 

H. Richman asked a question about students in private placement, and M. Eigen confirmed that if there are students who would receive the services they need a private placement, KPPS pays for tuition. Then K. Jones asked how post-secondary planning works for students with IEPs.

M. Eigen responded that students above the age of 13 have individual post-secondary paths planned in their IEP meetings.


A. Neil followed M. Eigen's presentation by providing an overview of Social Emotional Learning at KPPS. C. Langston asked about the SEL curriculum, and A. Neill shared that the curriculum outlines what skills students should learn. There are supplemental materials to help further develop SEL and a strategy for execution. A. Fullard asked if there was a role for guardians in SEL implementation. A. Neill said there is a family strategy in place, and schools will offer two SEL nights with families. T. Llopiz followed by asking about the alignment between SEL strategies and student consequences,  as well as how many schools are implementing the curriculum. A. Neil responded that there is a strategy to work with the principals to define consequences to match different incident types and five schools are implementing it.


C. Langston asked how students are involved in the shape of the SEL programming, and A. Neill said that we are working on a data collection strategy to refine our focus areas in the future.

S. Jones suggested the board revisit this SEL topic at the committee meeting. 



J. Davidse and A. Sinha gave an update on development progress-to-goals and opportunities. 



B. Cummings and L. Li updated on financial priorities and opportunities. During the presentation, T. Llopiz asked about charter caps and growth, and L. Li responded that the cap grows by 100 students for each grade we add.

VI. Information


Public Comment



New Business

S Wilson-Jones stated that there is no governance report and shared information on board committee expectations.


Old Business





VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

T. Algarin made a motion to Adjourn the meeting.
C. Hardie-Langston seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Wilson Jones
Documents used during the meeting
  • 06_14_2023_board_meeting_minutes.pdf
  • 06.28.2023_board_meeting_minutes.pdf
  • KPPS Student Handbook 2023-2024 FINAL 81723.pdf
  • KPPS Employee Handbook_SY 2023-2024.pdf
  • AP- TRUST for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf
  • AP - ESA for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf
  • AP ESA Summary.pdf
  • AW- TRUST for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf
  • AW- ESA for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf
  • AW ESA Summary.pdf
  • MC- TRUST for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf
  • MC ESA Summary.pdf
  • MC - ESA for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf
  • MEMORANDUM KNPCS 8-31-23.pdf
  • MEMORANDUM KPCS-KPEA 8-31-23.pdf
  • MEMORANDUM KPCS-KPPA 8-31-23.pdf
  • MEMORANDUM KPOC 8-31.pdf
  • MEMORANDUM KWPP 8-31-23.pdf
  • MEMORANDUM KDCS 8-31-2023.pdf
  • MEMORANDUM KWPCS 8-31-23.pdf
  • 6-5 to 8-31 KPCS-KPPA Resumes.pdf
  • 6-5 to 8-31 KWPCS Resumes.pdf
  • 6-5 to 8-31 KPOC Resumes.pdf
  • 6-5 to 8-31 KPCS-KPEA Resumes.pdf
  • 6-5-23 to 8-31-23 KDCS Resume.pdf
  • 6-5 to 8-31 KWPP Reumes.pdf
  • 6-5 to 8-31 KNPCS Resumes.pdf
  • CMO Report to KDCA BOT for Period Ending 08-31-23.pdf
  • CMO Report to KPOC BOT for Period Ending 08-31-23.pdf
  • CMO Report to KWPCS BOT for Period Ending 08-31-23.pdf
  • CMO Report to KPCS BOT for Period Ending 08-31-23.pdf
  • CMO Report to KNPA BOT for Period Ending 08-31-23.pdf
  • KNPCS_Charter_Resolutions_-_signed_by_Sept_Board_meeting.pdf
  • KDCA_Charter_Resolutions_-_signed_by_Sept_Board_meeting.pdf
  • C Johnson Resignation 09.07.2023.pdf
  • KIPP DUBOIS CHARTER SCHOOL- lease amendment to include suite 3301 - revised 9.8.23.pdf
  • KWPP_CMO_Evaluation_SY22-23_.pdf
  • KWPCS_CMO_Evaluation_SY22-23_.pdf
  • KNPCS_CMO_Evaluation_SY22-23_.pdf
  • KPOC_CMO_Evaluation_SY22-23_.pdf
  • KDCA_CMO_Evaluation_SY22-23_.pdf
  • KPCS_CMO_Evaluation_SY22-23_.pdf
  • Charter_Renewal_Agreement_KIPP_North_Philadephia_Charter_School.pdf
  • Charter_Renewal_Agreement_KIPP_DuBois_Charter_School.pdf
  • KPOCS.pdf
  • KDCAS.pdf
  • KWPCSSUpd.pdf
  • KPCSS.pdf
  • CEO Vision 2.17.23.pdf
  • KPPS SEL and Belonging Vision.pdf
  • SY24_KPPS_BOT_DevComm_September2023_Dashboard.pdf
  • AP - ESA for Board Signature_Redacted.pdf