KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools
KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday June 14, 2023 at 4:00 PM
KIPP Philadelphia Octavius Catto Elementary
4601 Market Street, 5th Fl
Philadelphia, Pa 19139
A special meeting of the KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees in joint session with special meetings of the KIPP Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP DuBois Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, and KIPP Catto Charter School Board of Trustees with Board Vice President Ann Aerts presiding.
Trustees Present
A. Aerts (remote), A. Keyes (remote), B. Cummings, C. Johnson (remote), G. Lewis (remote), H. Richman (remote), J. Davidse (remote), L. Whitaker (remote), M. Carter (remote), T. Algarin (remote)
Trustees Absent
D. Reuter, S. Wilson Jones
Guests Present
A. Sinha, C. Benson, Caleila Burrell, Chanel Summers (remote), E. Otuije (remote), I. Gasiorowski (remote), J. Cunningham Akoto (remote), L. Li (remote), Leah Tucker (remote), M. Eigen (remote), M. Poorman (remote), N. Wiltshire (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
- J. Cunningham updated the board on the student focus who is a Goldberg scholar as well as members of the KPEA Fouding class.
- H. Richman applauded the KPPS first & second graders who performed in collaboration with the Philadelphia Orchestra at a concert.
KPPS Schools Board April 12, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes.pdf APPROVED
KPPS Schools Board May 12, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes.pdf APPROVED
KDCS Board Exhibition April 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KNPCS Board Exhibition April 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KPCS-KPEA Board Exhibition April 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KPCS-KPPA Board Exhibition April 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KPOC Board Exhibition April 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KWPCS Board Exhibition April 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KWPP Board Exhibition April 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KPOC Enrollment Policy 2023-24.pdf APPROVED
KNPA Enrollment Policy 2023-24.pdf APPROVED
KPCS Enrollment Policy 2023-24.pdf APPROVED
KWPCS Enrollment Policy 2023-24.pdf APPROVED
KDCA Enrollment Policy 2023-24.pdf APPROVED
KPEA Calendar 2023-24.pdf APPROVED
KDCA Calendar 2023-24.pdfAPPROVED
KPPS Student Safety Report Cards - 2022-23.pdfAPPROVED
KPOC Calendar 2023-24.pdfAPPROVED
KPPA Calendar 2023-24.pdfAPPROVED
KNPA Calendar 2023-24.pdfAPPROVED
KWPP Calendar 2023-24.pdfAPPROVED
KWPEA Calendar 2023-24.pdfAPPROVED
KPCS ATSI Title 1 School Plan _ 2023 - 2024.pdfAPPROVED
KDCA ATSI Title 1 School Plan _ 2023 - 2024.pdfAPPROVED
KWPCS TSI Title 1 School Plan _ 2023 - 2024.pdfAPPROVED
J. Cunningham updated that KNPA plan will be submitted for approval in the June meeting.
Academics Committee
M. Eigen updated the board on
•Pandemic recovery continues
•Incremental improvement in focus areas
•K-2 foundational literacy shows improvement
•KPOC trending higher than other schools in MAP.
- H. Richman asked about the margin in terms of grade level averages. M. Eigen responded that we are out performing other district schools average on grade level.
- H. Richman asked what happens to the 80% not at grade level.
- M. Eigen explained the the focus is to double down on instruction to continue to ensure the program is working
- J. Cunningham added that we are working to find the greatest challenges to focus on improvement for the next year.
•Staff culture and (likely) teacher retention improved - Survey shows that over the last multiple years our numbers show we are outperforming pre pandemic. The change has shown an upward progression for KIPP indicating that when teachers stay, the students learn more.
- Annual charter evaluation scores show that KDCA & KNPA outcomes are still embargoed and will be announced later.
- J. Cunningham explained that the reason KNPA numbers looked unsatisfactory was because the determination was made based on 1 year of data as opposed to 5 year data used for all the other schools.
- K-2 Literacy
- 5-9 Math
- Social Emotional Learning
- H. richman asked how significant the changes with the curriculum were.
- M. Eigen explained the different pieces in place to ensure that we have a better built curriculum moving forward.
Finance Committee
B. Cummings welcomed and introduced the new CFO LIBING LI
L. Li updated the Board on:
FY ‘23 Bond Covenants Status' final results are under review as her team continues to manage the regions liquidity and improve the situation.
FY ‘24 Budget Update - Roundtables are ongoing to collaborate and have an open discussion to identify saving opportunities and review the regional office budget appropriately to fine-tune and submit a preliminary budget to the board for approval in the June 28 special meeting coming up.
Auditor Selection Update - Received two responses to our RFP:
•UHY - Do not have any charter school experience
•AAF CPAs - was selected because of their extreme experience in charter school auditing and familiar with the KIPP Model nationwide as they are working with other KIPP schools in Massachusetts, NewYork & New Jersey and therefore have the expertise to handle our schools.
H. Richman asked if the other schools recommended them and L. Li confirmed they did.
N. Wiltshire applauded L. Li on accomplishing so much in such little time of being here in her new role.
Governance Committee
A. Aerts updated the board on
- KPPS Board 2023-24 Officer Slate
- KPPS 2023-24 Board Committee Chairs:
- KPPS Board Member Term Completion – THANK YOU!:
- David Reuter
- KPPS Board Member Term Renewals:
KPPS BOARD PIPELINE UPDATE - Voted on and approved
Board candidate slate
- Ms. Tia Llopiz (Parent KIPP Catto)
- Ms. Crystal Hardie Langston
- Mr. Kelly Jones
- Mr. Anthony Fullard
One Committee member candidate – Mr. Raymond Perkins (Academics)
Development Committee
J. Davidse Updated the board on
- Annual Progress-To-Goal - goal was $6MM, total pledged is $4.3MM
- Campaign Progress -To-Goal - a significant ask is out and anticipated. We have exhausted all possible avenues of asks especially as the same donors are being asked to give to both.
- J. Cunningham added that the new total is $4.5MM as of last week.
A. Sinha update the board on:
- FY24 Fundraising Priorities - A plan is in place to approach the asks strategically for next year through a retention and stewardship process like Donor Retention, Donor Centric, Mission Centric, Strategic & Flexible systems.
- A. Sinha shared a stewardship matrix she would like adopted so all parties can see what role they play in stewardship through thank you letters, videos, town halls, panel discussions, alumni events, sporting evens etc & others like web and internet presence via social media
- The goal would be for donors to hear from us in some way throughout the year so we can strengthen how our committee works.
- H. Richman asked what kind of staffing was needed to accomplish these plans and if the budget has room for this.
- A. Sinha suggested that since it costs money to raise money we need to think about investing in the staff to help.
- J. Davidse offered that recommendations will be presented to the board in the future.
Executive Committee
C. Benson updated the board on:
- T. Algarin asked if there were any plans to assimilate alumni who may want to stay engaged.
- C. Benson explained that we are equipped to support any alumni needing help
- FY24 Annual Planning Update - All priority areas tie directly back to our strategic plan
- H. Richman asked if the campaign goal was tied to the programs initially.
- C. Benson explained that the big driver was that the 6mm goal was directly tied to the goals we had for our students
- N. Wiltshire reminded that while the original goal was $4.5MM, raising anything more ties into the overall goal to ensure that we are able to grow in all aspects.
- A. Sinha expounded that every dollar raised is aimed at helping us reach our strategic plan programmatically.
- C. Benson explained that we had years ago opted to call it CAPITAL CAMPAIGN but now better known as comprehensive growth campaign
- A. Aerts supported that calling it comprehensive growth campaign was apt as it gives us the opportunity to use unrestricted funds for operational and developmental projects for the region as they come up.
- H. Richman asked about the new high school coming up and how the funds needed connects to the strategic plan for the 23, 24, 25 years' objectives
- J. Cunningham explained that the plan is still years out & its in the pathway as laid out by C. Benson.
V. Information
Public Comment
Guest Attendee Ms. C. Summers addressed the Vice President:
- Introduced herself as the president of KFA
- Mentioned some differences of opinion and some issues that need to be worked through
- Glad to see a mission of One KIPP
- Baby West(KWPEA) priorities do not show a focus for 3rd & 4th grade especially in the light of Post pandemic concerns around catching up for the kids. Meetings are not listed on their KFA calendars.
- Things listed on paper are not actually happening in real terms for example the misrepresentation of Science and Social Studies at Baby West(KWPEA) who did not have either subjects being delivered. While state regulations do not require KIPP Philly to deliver, there was documentation showing we would deliver it and it is not and that feels like false advertising. Meetings have not yielded any solutions as they have been begging for more than 30 minutes of science along with a slew of other issues at Baby West(KWPEA)
- She needs the help of the Financial Dept to keep track of the grants and monies coming to them. No-one is keeping track of the monies but herself and requests for petty cash have been denied.
- Admonished the board to appoint a special council at Baby West(KWPEA) and would like to work with the new CEO and asked for more accountability going forward.
- They are lacking transparency and accountability.
- Their report cards do not reflect the work being done by the students.
- They are asking to be communicated with on the disenfranchisement they are experiencing with the current situation as Baby West(KWPEA).
A. Aerts responded to her with gratitude and explained that the board will look into it and report back to her team.
Guest Attendee Ms. C. Burrell addressed the Vice President
- They will not rest until the children get adequate curriculum from KIPP Philly.
New Business
Old Business
A. Aerts thanked J. Cunningham for her time with KIPP Philly and all the work she has put in and her collaboration with the board so far.
J. Cunningham acknowledged the kind words and offered her own appreciation for the support she had all through her tenure.