KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools
KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday April 12, 2023 at 4:00 PM
KIPP Philadelphia Octavius Catto Elementary
4601 Market Street, 5th Fl
Philadelphia, Pa 19139
A regular meeting of the KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees in joint session with regular meetings of the KIPP Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP DuBois Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, and KIPP Catto Charter School Board of Trustees with Board Chair Samantha Wilson Jones presiding.
Trustees Present
A. Aerts, A. Keyes (remote), B. Cummings, C. Johnson, G. Lewis (remote), H. Richman, S. Wilson Jones
Trustees Absent
D. Reuter, T. Algarin
Guests Present
A. Sinha, C. Benson, E. Otuije (remote), I. Gasiorowski, J. Cunningham Akoto, J. Davidse (remote), L. Whitaker, M. Carter, M. Eigen, M. Poorman, N. Wiltshire
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Welcome & Student Focus
H. Richman & L. Whitaker had questions around the Consent agenda on the payouts made to parents for students who need private placement.
In response to questions raised, J. Cunningham Akoto provided an overview and additional context on the specific ESAs and trust agreements and a broad review of students' and families' options and access. J. Cunningham Akoto noted that the potential issues regarding compliance often come down to appropriate documentation and technical interpretation. The team takes a risk-based approach to addressing plans, compliance interpretation, and documentation.
KNPCS Resumes March 2023.pdf APPROVED
KNPCS Board Exhibition March New Hires 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KPCS-KPEA Resumes March 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KPCS-KPEA Board Exhibition March New Hires 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KPOC Resumes March 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KPOC Board Exhibition March New Hires 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KWPCS Resumes March 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KWPCS Board Exhibition March New Hires 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KWPP Resumes March 2023.pdfAPPROVED
KWPP Board Exhibition March New Hires 2023.pdfAPPROVED
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ESA - NB Redacted.pdfAPPROVED
Trust - NB Redacted.pdfAPPROVED
ESA - KF redacted.pdfAPPROVED
Trust - KF redacted.pdfAPPROVED
KPPS 9-12 Calendar 2023-24.pdfAPPROVED
KPPS K-8 Calendar 2023-24.pdfAPPROVED
Federal Procurement 1-1-2023 - Google Docs.pdfAPPROVED
Report to KWPCS BOT for Period Ending 3-31-23.pdfAPPROVED
Report to KPOC BOT for Period Ending 3-31-23.pdfAPPROVED
Report to KPCS BOT for Period Ending 3-31-23.pdfAPPROVED
M. Eigen updated the board on the charter renewal process for KIPP DuBois and KNPA, including the charter framework used for evaluation.
Great news is we have received FULL CREDIT for both schools' onsite visit portion of the charter renewal evaluation.
B. Cummings asked a question about the cycle/frequency of renewals. J. Cunningham Akoto noted that recent events disrupted the cycle but the typical renewal periods are 5 years.
M. Eigen then provided an update on the State Designation process. There are 3 ESSA designation types designed to help support improvement of struggling schools.
•State Designations Summary
M. Eigen then provided an update on the State Designation process - the ESSA designation (currently 3 types to help support improve struggling schools).
- Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI): Schools facing the most significant challenges (lowest 5% of schools) in academic achievement, student growth, and other areas. There is a 3 year identification cycle. Meaning a school will keep this designation for at least 3 years.
- Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (A-TSI): Schools in which performance by one or more student groups is at or below the level of the CSI schools(lowest 5% of schools for that subgroup). There is a 3 year identification cycle. Meaning a school will keep this designation for at least 3 years.
- Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI): Schools in which performance by one or more student groups is at or below state-established standards.
Based on SY 21-22 Assessment data the following KPPS Charters were designated under this program:
- KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School - TSI for Economic disadvantaged & Students w/ IEPs
- KIPP DuBois Charter School - A-STI for Students with IEPs (continued from prior years)
- KIPP Philadelphia Charter School - ATSI for Students with IEPs (continued from prior years)
- KIPP North Philadelphia CS - CSI*
*We are currently appealing this designation with PDE.
M. Eigen then discussed each school and the areas that fall below the state threshold as well as the action plans and next steps including the appeal process for the KIPP North Philadelphia CS designation.
S. Jones asked how we are trending on those with & without IEP's and the impact.
M. Eigen explained that we have seen results improve but its often about growth and getting a student with an IEP to grade level is challenging, so we are not seeing those numbers move as much as we would like.
B. Cummings asked if there was a lack of data with other schools like KNPA - M. Eigen noted she was not certain given she doesn't see other schools' details.
S. Jones asked if an update on the appeal can be sent out to the board via email.
H. Richman asked about the formality of the appeal process.
J. Cunningham Akoto provided the Board an update on One KIPP, an initiative currently underway by KIPP nationally.
- This initiative is being undertaken to enhance academic outcomes, drive consistency across the network, meet the academic news of KIPP students, and deliver on the mission.
- KIPP nationally has a series of initiatives underway and planned for FY24 and FY225.
- KPPS' Regional Office and school leadership are engaged, monitoring, and providing input into the national process.
J. Cunningham provided the Board perspectives on the One KIPP blue print and that is not supportive enough for black schools that have other key factors like higher suspension and expulsion rates in some schools.
C. Johnson asked if the gaps noted in One KIPP were in Academics or Achievements and if the redesign impacts our work on this locally.
J. Cunningham answered that something needs to happen to move the alignment further along and we still have to figure out a way to do that. J. Cunningham Akoto noted that we are further ahead in some respects.
H. Richman asked about academic excellence nomenclature and if we are returning to the old theory of change. How will they reconcile the changes we have been making in a way that brings clarity to what those terms mean.
J. Cunningham offered that they will define the metrics to help us get there by maybe being college prep work.
B. Cummings asked if we need to back up work to ensure college readiness and start them younger.
H. Richman asked how realistic that is if we have a high percentage of IEP kids.
B. Cummings asked if we need to change the philosophy on how students onboard & are caught up.
J. Cunningham Akoto explained that intakes at a younger age is not new to KIPP schools but what is different is how we acculturate those students. As we scale, we drop onboarding practices that are challenging and inefficient.
S. Jones mentioned that if we are able to get kids at K level and keep them, there won't be as many free spots for kids to enter.
M. Poorman offered that the expectation as a teacher originally was to be available longer, which made a difference but was hard on the staff even though it worked.
M. Eigen provided an update on school retention and strategies to retain and improve.
B. Cummings updated the committee on:
●School Audits Finalized and submitted to SDP
●Unqualified audit with immaterial findings
● Single Audits in Quality Review Process as of board meeting, as a result of delays and backlog. Therefore, the filing date with the state will be missed.
C. Johnson asked how long we will partner further with CLA
N. Wiltshire offered that it is good practice to change out auditors as we go along.
N. Wiltshire updated the Board on the Finance Team
● Hired. State date: 4/3/23
● Hired. Start date: 5/15/23
N. Wiltshire provided an update on the interim finance support being provided by Abacus Partners. This work includes reviewing the current operating model, policies, procedures, processes, and people. Abacus also provides management support of 3rd party consultants in the interim until the new CFO and controller are onboarded.
H. Richman asked if the new CFO would be heavily involved in overhauling the finance function and managing 3rd party relationships.
N. Wiltshire responded affirmatively.
FY’ 24 Budget Process
N. Wiltshire updated the Board on the FY24 budget process, timeline, roles, and responsibilities. She highlighted that the timeline may be impacted by the timing of the new CFO and Controller joining KPPS and giving them time to get comfortable with the process and the numbers.
A. Aerts updated the board on:
1. KPPS Board 2023-24 Pipeline process and potential candidates and timeline for completion for presenting the candidates to the full Board for a vote (currently set for June 2023 Board meeting.
2. Three potential Board member candidates were provided for consideration:
- Ms. Tia Llopiz (Parent KIPP Catto)
- Mr. Kelly Jones
- Mr. Anthony Fullard
A. Aerts presented the draft Board officers slate, committee chair slate, Board member renewal, and Board member term completion lists as well. The officer slate and Board member term renewals will be voted on in the June 2023 Board meeting.
J. Davidse and A. Sinha updated the board on the annual fundraising activity and progress to goal and the capital campaign fundraising activity and progress.
A. Sinha outlined a gift pyramid and discussed where we need to strengthen our pipeline.
A. Sinha offered that internally our working goal needs to move up at some point given the progress we are making to hitting our initial goal. She then provided areas of support needed from the Board as well as potential events to capitalize on the market (i.e. CEO transition, 20th anniversary celebration) and continue to diversify our donor population and strengthen our pipeline,
J. Davidse commented that the Board should leverage social media to share KIPP Philadelphia with their networks and encourage engagement and giving.
Executive Committee
The board broke out into a closed executive session to discuss personnel matters. The KPPS Schools' Board reviewed the offer letter and timing extended to Natalie Wiltshire for the position of CEO of KPPS. The Board voted to ratify the offer given to N. Wiltshire. Hersh Richman motioned and Gail Lewis seconded. The Board voted to approve unanimously.
V. Information
Public Comment
New Business
Old Business
A1. The final proposed board equity statement was presented and discussed.
A2. Jessica Cunnigham Akoto presented Ms. Tia Llopiz, a new KIPP Catto parent, in our student spotlight.