KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools


Academics Committee Meeting

October Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 12, 2022 at 4:00 PM



A regular meeting of the KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Academics Committee in joint session with regular meetings of the KIPP Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees Academics Committee, KIPP DuBois Charter School Board of Trustees Academics Committee, KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees Academics Committee, KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees Academics Committee, and KIPP Catto Charter School Board of Trustees Academics Committee, with Committee Chair Gail Lewis presiding.

Committee Members Present

A. Aerts (remote), A. Keyes (remote), G. Lewis (remote), T. Algarin (remote)

Committee Members Absent

C. Johnson, M. Carter, N. Scharff, S. Wilson Jones

Guests Present

E. Otuije (remote), J. Cunningham Akoto (remote), M. Eigen (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Lewis called a meeting of the School Health Committee of KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools to order on Wednesday Oct 12, 2022 at 4:04 PM.

G. Lewis kicked off the meeting going over the goals of the Committee to keep everyone in the loop



1. See Annual goals of Board of Trustees

Academics Committee

  1. Support the CEO by providing feedback on Senior Leadership Team's strategy to address students' academic and social-emotional challenges resulting from COVID19.
  2. Provide oversight of school progress toward academic and school climate goals.
  3. Provide feedback on the Senior Leadership Team's data analysis to ensure the accurate assessment of trends and root causes.
  4. Effectively communicate schools' progress towards goals and academic strategy to the Board of Trustees.


A. Aerts pointed out the need for the Charter Rules should be included here

J. Cunningham suggested the Charter rules be added to the board goals instead.


Goals will be added to the deck of the Board meeting.


Approve Minutes from May 18,2022

Minutes will be emailed to committee members to be approved next meeting.

II. Academics


SY 21-22 End of year results (PSSA and Keystone)

M. Eigen updated the committee on the PSSA


  • KPPS ELA Proficiency Rates By School 3rd - 8th grade
  • KPPS Math Proficiency Rates By School 3rd - 8th grade
  • KPPS Science Proficiency Rates By School 3rd - 8th grade

M. Eigen updated the committee on the Keystone

  • Keystone cohort proficiency rates were affected by COVID across schools and grades
  • Comparative data do not exist at this point.



SY 22-23 Baseline data

M. Eigen updated the committee on the SY 22-23 Baseline Data


  • DIBELS: On Grade Level K-2 - Numbers show some impact on grade levels with numbers a  little higher than last year but not by a lot
  • MAP: On grade level baseline - KWPEA coming in higher than other schools. With results coming in higher around the 2-5% range in increase across the schools.


SY 22-23 Instructional Strategy

M. Eigen updated the committee on the SY 22-23 Instructional Strategy


  • 5 big areas include Teacher Coaching, Leader Development, Focus Grades/Content, Strategic ESSER Investments & Accelerated Learning.

Teacher Coaching - Asking teachers to have a weekly meeting where these 3 things happen: Observation/RTF & Debrief/Practice, Data Meeting &  Internalization/Planning 


Leader Development - Priority Coaching Area - Driving Coaching


Focus Grades/Content - 

  1. K-2 Literacy Foundations - Increased Observation, Feedback,
  2. 3-4 Reading Curriculum - Curricular Modifications
  3. 5-6 Math - Leader Training
  4. 7-8 English Language Arts - Close Monitoring
  5. 9th Algebra - Ongoing Problem Solving

ESSER Investments

- Additional staff
- Tutoring
- Mental Health Supports
- Teacher/Leader Coaching
- Teacher PD - aligned to priorities

*ESSER funds will get reimbursed through June of 2024


Accelerated Learning

 - Driving towards grade level Content


Charter Renewal updates

M. Eigen updated the committee on the Charter Renewal Updates


2 schools are up for renewal this year by the school board for charter awards approvals.


Vote will happen in the spring.





3 big areas they look at are:

  1. Instructional
  2. Finance
  3. Governance

Principals are prepped and ready for the walk through with the approval teams requirements in mind. Trends from the last year have been studied to see what the deciding factors are. Check marks in those 3 area are key to us getting approved.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:56 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Lewis