KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools
KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday September 7, 2022 at 4:00 PM
Trustees Present
A. Aerts (remote), A. Keyes (remote), B. Cummings (remote), C. Johnson (remote), D. Reuter (remote), G. Lewis (remote), S. Wilson Jones (remote), T. Algarin (remote)
Trustees Absent
H. Richman
Guests Present
C. Benson (remote), Cameron Voss (remote), E. Otuije (remote), J. Cunningham Akoto (remote), J. Davidse (remote), L. Whitaker (remote), M. Carter (remote), M. Eigen (remote), M. Poorman (remote), Mela Still (remote), N. Wiltshire (remote), W. Jones (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve June 15, 2022 Minutes (Exhibit A)
Following correction on typo
II. Welcome & Teacher Spotlight
Welcome and Teacher Spotlight
J. Cunningham Akoto updated the Board on the Teacher Spotlight:
KPEA teacher, Erica Weiner-Amachi was a Jeopardy contestant in July!
CMO Evaluations are in for all the charters per usual for September
- Approve New Hires - KPOC (Exhibit A1) APPROVED
- Approve New Hires - KPCS-KPEA (Exhibit A2) APPROVED
- Approve New Hires - KDCS (Exhibit A3) APPROVED
- Approve New Hires - KNPCS (Exhibit A4) APPROVED
- Approve New Hires - KWPCS (Exhibit A5) APPROVED
- Approve New Hires - KPCS-KPPA (Exhibit A6) APPROVED
- Approve New Hires - KWPP (Exhibit A7) APPROVED
- Approve Matt Rankin as CEO of KIPP Philadelphia Octavius Catto Charter School APPROVED
- Approve Courtney Moragne as CEO of KIPP DuBois Charter School APPROVED
- Approve Stephanie White as CEO of KIPP Philadelphia Charter School APPROVED
- Approve PDE Instructional Time & Virtual Calendars - KPCS(Exhibit B1) APPROVED
- Approve PDE Instructional Time & Virtual Calendars - KWPCS (Exhibit B2) APPROVED
- Approve PDE Instructional Time & Virtual Calendars - KNPCS (Exhibit B3) APPROVED
- Approve PDE Instructional Time & Virtual Calendars - KPOC (Exhibit B4) APPROVED
- Approve PDE Instructional Time & Virtual Calendars - KDCS (Exhibit B5) APPROVED
- Approve KDCA ATSI Comprehensive Plan (Exhibit C1) APPROVED
- Approve KPCS ATSI Comprehensive Plan (Exhibit C2) APPROVED
- Approve KWPCS ATSI Comprehensive Plan (Exhibit C3) APPROVED
- Approve ESA (Exhibit D1) APPROVED
- Approve Trust Agreement (Exhibit D2) APPROVED
- Approve ESA (Exhibit D3) APPROVED
- Approve Trust Agreement (Exhibit D4) APPROVED
- Approve ESA (Exhibit D5) APPROVED
- Approve Trust Agreement (Exhibit D6) APPROVED
- Approve Student & Family Handbook (Exhibit E) APPROVED
- Approve KWPCS CMO Evaluations (Exhibit F1) APPROVED
- Approve KPCS CMO Evaluations (Exhibit F2) APPROVED
- Approve KDCA CMO Evaluations (Exhibit F3) APPROVED
- Approve KNPCS CMO Evaluations (Exhibit F4) APPROVED
- Approve KWPP CMO Evaluations (Exhibit F5) APPROVED
J. Cunningham Kicked Updated the Board on:
• Initial signs of academic rebounding were evident in 2021-22, with reading and math
achievement gains paralleling pre-pandemic trends in many grades; rebounding appeared stronger in math and among younger students.
• There were signs of rebounding across all school poverty levels; however, low-poverty
schools have less ground to make up and thus will likely recover faster.
• Despite some signs of rebounding, student achievement at the end of the 2021-22 school year remains lower than in a typical year, with larger declines in math (5 to 10
percentile points) than reading (2 to 4 percentile points). Modest improvements are
evident among elementary students. Middle school achievement declines appear to
be mostly unchanged.
• Black, Hispanic, and American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) students remain
disproportionately impacted.
It will take 5+ years for US students to recover to pre- pandemic levels of Achievement.
Students Experience Larger Declines in Math
Disproportionate Impact Continues
Latino, Black, and Native students experienced greater decreases in achievement & are experiencing a slower recovery than their White & Asian peers.
KPPS students experienced similar impacts due to COVID disruptions:
Similar to national trends, declines in math were in most cases larger than declines in ELA. However, declines were greater at KPPS in many grade levels.
- Chronic absenteeism has increased significantly.
- PSSA proficiency rate declines mirror national trends with Math experiencing greater declines than ELA. (3rd - 8th KPPS Proficiency Rate)
- ACT scores illuminate how cumulative impact of multiple years of COVID disruptions impact students. (Composite ACT Score by graduation year)
- Literature Keystones proficiency rates highlight how strong curriculum can support recovery.
- We are going to cultivate stronger attendance! For Math achievements vs attendance, Students with an attendance rate >95% were 2.1 times more likely to be on grade level on MAP Math compared to those with a <75% attendance rate. For Language Arts achievements vs attendance, Students with an attendance rate >95% were 1.8 times more likely to be on grade level on MAP language arts than those with <75% attendance.
- We are continuing to invest in K-2 literacy instruction. Our previous investment in early literacy resulted in doubling the percentage of students considered on benchmark according to DIBELS. This year we hired a Director of K-2 Instruction to further expand on our wins in literacy and support strong K-2 math instruction.
- We are going to apply what we learned in 3rd -4th Math to 5th - 6th. More Teacher Leadership by Content Leads + Increased Focus on Coaching by APs + Tutoring + Increased Practice & Ed-Tech Engagement resulted in a partial rebound in student
- We are going to continue to strengthen curriculum support. The 9-11 ELA My Perspectives & Revamped 5-8 ELA curriculum allowed KDCA, KPPA, and KWPP to offset some of the IMPACT of the Pandemic on students in ELA.
More details about how we are expanding what works-
- New 3-4 ELA Curriculum
- Expansion of Amplify Science
- Continued support of research-based Ed Technology
- Continued investment in tutoring programs & more instructional staff
- Continuing to strengthen the consistency and quality of our teacher coaching
J. Cunningham added that a great place to start the year is with a full complement of talent across all the schools asides just one. Students are enthusiastic about the new school year.
A. Keyes added that this year feels a lot different than last year's in a good way.
C. Benson updated the Board on:
- Trustees: Annual Commitment: 100%
- Goal: 100%
- Campaign Commitment: 100%
- Goal: 100%
Almost at 50% of the 20mil goal
Reimagined Learning Spaces: $4,925,000
Goal: $8,000,000
KIPP Forward: $690.627
Goal: $1,148,053
Regional Operations Expansion: $2,267,615
Goal: $1,000,000
Campaign Timeline
3-6 Months
Pre-Campaign Planning
- Clarify objectives
- Board approve campaign
- Define working goal
- Select consultant
Campaign Planning
- Create and distribute feasibility study
- Refine case for support
- ID and engage prospects
- Recruit campaign chair and
- committee
- Create collateral materials
- Draft timeline and policies
9-12 Months
- 50%+ of goal raised
- Announce goal and progress to goal
- Highlight major donors
- Earned media to highlight successes
- Initiate public phase
Feasibility Study
- Engage consultant
- Assess readiness
- Interview donors
- Select campaign consultant
Solicit Gifts
- Clarify objectives
- Board approve campaign
- Define working goal
- Select consultant
Kick-off public phase
6-9 Months
Prospect Engagement
- Implement prospect portfolio plans
- Execute cultivation and engagement plans
A. Aerts had questions about what is in the pipeline vs what is currently on hand. C.Benson promised to pull those numbers and make them available.
- Targeted donor meetings
- Tours (schools and buildings)
- New prospect engagement
- 20th anniversary planning
- Public relations strategy
Theme: KIPP Next
Key Messaging: 2020 Vision, Impact, Growth, Sustainability
Time Period: 2015-2016, 2016-2017
• 5 schools
• 15-year anniversary
• 4,000+ students on waiting list
Theme: A Future Without Limits
Key Messaging: 2025 Vision for Impact, Growth, Sustainability
Time Period: 2021-2022, 2022-2023
• 7 schools
• 20-year anniversary
• 6,000+ students on waiting list
Thank and inspire current
donors, community partners,
volunteers, and elected
officials, while also reaching
potential partners to engage
them through our mission and
Illuminate KPPS' new
/vision and narrative from
2018-present with a focus
on 2021-2022 impact.
Deliver final annual report by December 2022
- Share quotes/stories
- Preview draft
A. Aerts updated the Board on:
Governance Updates
- Completed CMO evaluations for SY21-22 (see consent agenda)
- Upcoming GC meeting - by-laws review, goals finalization and Board pipeline discussion
- Board pipeline focus areas: Academics experience, Finance & Accounting (non-profit/education) experience, KPPS families and alumni
B. Cummings & W. Jones updated the board on:
- CFO Search - J.Cunningham updated the board on the CFO search process which is almost completed
- Audit progress - Preliminary & student testing are wrapped up
- BVAs - beginning in October there will be a more robust report on Budget Vs Actuals
- Budget revisions: October 26 meeting
N.Wiltshire updated the Board on:
- KIPP Catto (Interior) is complete!
- Outdoor plans being rescoped- work to begin in early Fall
- Notified of delay by MIS on August 17th
- Delay driven by scheduling issues with PECO and their subcontractors for bringing full power to the building
- Building fully energized on August 26th
V. Information
Public Comment
New Business
Old Business
T. Algarin is hosting kidsters for dinner as they report enjoying college so far.
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- KPOC Board Exhibit Sept 2022 New Hires.pdf
- KPCS-KPEA Board Exhibit Sept 2022 New Hires.pdf
- KDCS Board Exhibit Sept 2022 New Hires.pdf
- KNPCS Board Exhibit Sept 2022 New Hires.pdf
- KWPCS Board Exhibit Sept 2022 New Hires.pdf
- KPCS-KPPA Board Exhibit Sept 2022 New Hires.pdf
- KWPP Board Exhibit Sept 2022 New Hires.pdf
- Emergency Instructional Time 22-23 -KPCS.pdf
- Emergency Instructional Time 22-23 -KWPCS.pdf
- Emergency Instructional Time 22-23 -KNPCS.pdf
- Emergency Instructional Time 22-23 -KPOC.pdf
- Emergency Instructional Time 22-23 -KDCS.pdf
- High School Virtual Bell Schedule.pdf
- Elementary Remote Schedules.pdf
- Middle School Virtual Schedule.pdf
- KDCA ATSI Title 1 Comprehensive Plan _ 2022 - 2025.pdf
- ATSI Title 1 Comprehensive Plan _ 2021 - 2024 (2).pdf
- KWPCS Schoolwide Title 1 Comprehensive Plan _ 2022 - 2025.pdf
- Addendum to ESA - ID_Redacted.pdf
- Addendum to Trust Agreement (I.D.) Redacted.pdf
- Educational Services Agreement_SW parent executed_Redacted.pdf
- Trust Agreement fbo Shemarr Washington_Redacted.pdf
- Z Lomax-Sayfullah ESA parent executed_Redacted.pdf
- Trust Agreement fbo Zaidan Lomax_Redacted.pdf
- KPPS Student Handbook 2022-23 FINAL.pdf
- KWPCS_CMO_Evaluation_SY21-22_-_FINAL.docx
- KPCS_CMO_Evaluation_SY21-22_-_FINAL.docx
- KDCA_CMO_Evaluation_SY21-22_-_FINAL.docx
- KNPCS_CMO_Evaluation_SY21-22_-_FINAL.docx
- KWPP_CMO_Evaluation_SY21-22_-_FINAL.docx
- KPOC - BvA - 22-0731.pdf
- KDCS - BvA - 22-0731.pdf
- KPCS - BvA - 22-0731.pdf
- KWPCS - BvA - 22-0731.pdf
- KNPCS - BvA - 22-0731.pdf
2 principals were prompted:
Melissa Poorman present
Ivana Gasiorowski is on parental leave
2 guests form Charter schools office CSO observing only: