KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools


KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Meeting

June Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday June 15, 2022 at 4:00 PM


A regular meeting of the KIPP Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees in joint session with regular meetings of the KIPP West Philadelphia Preparatory Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP DuBois Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, and KIPP Parkside Charter School Board of Trustees with President Samantha Wilson Jones presiding.

Trustees Present

A. Aerts (remote), A. Keyes (remote), B. Cummings (remote), C. Johnson (remote), D. Reuter (remote), H. Richman (remote), S. Wilson Jones (remote), T. Algarin (remote)

Trustees Absent

G. Lewis

Guests Present

C. Benson (remote), E. Otuije (remote), J. Cunningham Akoto (remote), J. Davidse (remote), L. Whitaker (remote), M. Eigen (remote), N. Wiltshire (remote), W. Jones (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Wilson Jones called a meeting of the board of trustees of KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools to order on Wednesday Jun 15, 2022 at 4:05 PM.


Approve April 20, 2022 Minutes (Exhibit A)

A. Aerts made a motion to Approve April 20, 2022 Minutes.
H. Richman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Aerts made a motion to approve the minutes from KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Meeting on 04-20-22.
H. Richman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Ratification


Ratify the motion by Executive Committee

T. Algarin made a motion to Ratify the Disciplinary Action approved by Executive Committee (5/25/22).
A. Aerts seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Welcome & Teacher Spotlight


Welcome and Teacher Spotlight

J. Cunningham  highlighted the Harriett Ball Excellence in Teaching Award Winner:
Jamar Brownlee


Congrats to C. Benson who graduated with her Masters in Non Profit Leadership




D. Reuter made a motion to Vote & Ratify the Consent Agenda.
A. Keyes seconded the motion.
  • H. Richman highlighted similarities in the CMO reports and suggested some individualism for the future.
  • J. Cunningham suggested walking the Board through the process of risk assessment around charter renewals
  • S. Wilson Jones suggested that reports need to look similar from charter to charter to avoid running the risk of not being compliant.
  • N. Wiltshire explained that the template used for the report is pulled from the original document laying out guidelines for how the reports are compiled.
  • S. Wilson Jones  agreed to bring this issue back up for discussion at the beginning of the new school year.
  • A.Aerts had questions about visitor screening policy.
  • N. Wiltshire explained that the focus is on our High School right now.
  • A.Aerts also had questions about contracted security
  • N. Wiltshire explained that we have it in middle and high school and not the elementary school. 
  • A.Aerts also had questions about students signing responsible use policies.
  • N. Wiltshire explained that we have not done it in the past but will now go in the student handbook moaving forward. 
  • N. Wiltshire explained that comprehensive reviews are not included for this meeting but will come up for email approval.
  • J. Cunningham mentioned transportation office requirements have forced a 15 minutes extension of the school day in the school calendars


  • Approve April 20, 2022 Meeting Minutes (Exhibit A) APPROVED
  • Approve New Hires - KACS (Exhibit B1) APPROVED
  • Approve New Hires - KPCS-KPEA (Exhibit B2) APPROVED
  • Approve New Hires - KDCS (Exhibit B3) APPROVED
  • Approve New Hires - KNPCS (Exhibit B4) APPROVED
  • Approve New Hires - KWPCS (Exhibit B5) APPROVED
  • Approve New Hires - KPCS-KPPA (Exhibit B6) APPROVED
  • Approve New Hires - KWPP (Exhibit B7) APPROVED
  • Approve KPCS charter resolutions (Exhibit C1) APPROVED
  • Approve KWPCS charter resolutions (Exhibit C2) APPROVED
  • Approve Search and seizure policy (Exhibit D1) APPROVED
  • Approve Metal Detector Policy (Exhibit D2) APPROVED
  • Approve Marked up draft of enrollment policy (Exhibit D3) APPROVED
  • Approve Updated Enrollment Policies for KWPCS (Exhibit E1) APPROVED
  • Approve Updated Enrollment Policies for KDCA (Exhibit E2) APPROVED
  • Approve Updated Enrollment Policies for KNPA (Exhibit E3) APPROVED
  • Approve Updated Enrollment Policies for KPCS (Exhibit E4) APPROVED
  • Approve Updated Enrollment Policies for KPOC (Exhibit E5) APPROVED
  • Approve School Safety Report Card (Exhibit F1) APPROVED
  • Approve Revised KPOC Calendar (Exhibit G1) APPROVED
  • Approve Revised KWPEA Calendar (Exhibit G2) APPROVED
  • Approve Revised KNPA Calendar (Exhibit G3) APPROVED
  • Approve Revised KPEA Calendar (Exhibit G4) APPROVED
  • Approve Revised KWPP Calendar (Exhibit G5) APPROVED
  • Approve Revised KPPA Calendar (Exhibit G6) APPROVED
  • Approve Revised KDCA Calendar (Exhibit G7) APPROVED
  • Approve CMO Report to KDCA BOT (Exhibit H1) APPROVED
  • Approve CMO Report to KNPCS BOT (Exhibit H2) APPROVED
  • Approve CMO Report to KPCS BOT (Exhibit H3) APPROVED
  • Approve CMO Report to KWPCS BOT (Exhibit H4) APPROVED
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.




M. Eigen updated the Board on Academics:


Update on Response to KDCA Incident

• Student Status
• Updated Safety Protocols

• Change in End of Year Schedule
• Student & Staff Supports from Amanda Neil
• Impact and Plans for Next Year and amped up efforts on safety in the light of gun violence concerns nationwide.


Predictive Data

  • Data is from internal test data gathered from 3 elementary schools. With significant differences amongst different schools. Ultimately will gather data from final state assessment.
  • J. Cunningham explained that date analysis work will be the focus this summer to keep what's effective and drop anything that is not.
  • H. Richman asked about a comparison with other schools.
  • M. Eigen said that we dont have those data yet.
  • J. Cunningham explained that it was low across the board especially with the impact of covid. More information to come in the Fall meeting.


Priorities for Next Year ( 22-23 Academic Team Priorities)

  1. Promote and Practice Liberator Education Approach
  2. Address Social, Emotional, and Academic Impact of Covid
  3. Ensure Robust and Consistent Teacher Support
  4. Create a Cohesive and Organized Academic Team

1. Promote and Practice Liberator Education Approach through consistently utilizing
collaborative design and decision making processes and ensuring the identities of our students
and families are centered in our work.
2. Address Social, Emotional, and Academic Impact of Covid through an accelerated learning
approach and focused use of data supported by an affirming school culture and targeted social
emotional supports
3. Ensure Robust and Consistent Teacher Support by ensuring consistent and quality AP/teacher coaching cycles and RO/AP support cycles.
4. Create a Clear and Organized Academic Team by setting up and maintaining strong
communication, collaboration, organization, codification and reflection processes and systems.


Key Initiatives for Next Year

INTENSIVE LEADERSHIP SUPPORT - Focused, strategic training, coaching and skill gateways
for new leaders.


FOCUSED IMPLEMENTATION - Intensive school support for priority content areas: K-3
Reading, 4-6 Math, 7-10 ELA, Algebra 1


MTTSS - Multi Tiered System of Support: Structures at every school to identify students in need of emotional, behavioral, and/or academic support with data, implement intervention and monitor improvement.


NEW CURRICULUM - Adding curriculum:
- 3-4 Reading: Wonders
- 5-8 science: Amplify


TUTORING - Math tutoring aligned to best practices at elementary and middle schools.

RESEARCH, AUDITING & SYSTEM BUILDING - Looking forward with research and systems building.



C. Benson & J. Davidse updated the Board on Development:



Annual Commitment: 41%
Goal: 100%
Campaign Commitment: 100%
Goal: 100%
Pledge forms were urged to be returned by June 30, 2022!


Reimagined Learning Spaces: $4,175,000
Goal: $8,000,000

KIPP Forward: $690,627
Goal: $1,000,000

Regional Operations Expansion: $2,230,031
Goal: $1,000,000



Development Context

  • Currently, we have a $2.9 funding gap. We are awaiting pledges from a few six and
    seven-figure prospects that are highly likelihood to give in support of the capital
  • As we approach the end of the fiscal year, we developed three funding scenarios to
    give the committee and board an idea of potential end-of-fiscal year gaps/surpluses.
  • This analysis was done using known information and best guesses on our donors'
    giving potential and likelihood to receive a gift by fiscal year end.
  • These scenarios do not represent our ability to solicit and subsequently close gifts,
    but rather represents the implication timing could have on our fiscal year goal.



ding Scenarios
Principal Gifts ($100k+)
Major Gifts (55k-599K)


Campaign Updates

Future without limits recap:

• Fitler Club - May 5, 2022
• 40 attendees
• 19 donor/ partner prospects
• Program book



  • Targeted donor follow-ups
  • Meetings
  • Tours (schools and buildings)
  • EOY asks


  • Annual Report


  • The last annual report was published in 2017
  • The first annual report in five years!
  • Messaging/Themes included:
    KPPS 15th anniversary
    KIPP Next Campaign
    2020 Vision
  • General Updates

College application fee

Course supplies

ACT I SAT testing fee

College stipend

Campus visits




FY22 Board member election and Officer slate (VOTE)

1. KPPS Board 2022-23 Officer Slate^:
-Samantha Wilson Jones - President
-Ann Aerts - Vice President
-Bernard Cummings - Treasurer
-Amanda Keyes - Secretary
^ - KPPS 2022-23 Board Officer Slate and full Board vote includes all KPPS Charters

2. KPPS Board Member Term Renewals:
- Hershel Richman

3. KPPS 2022-23 Board Committee Chairs:
- Samantha Wilson Jones - Executive Committee
- Ann Aerts - Governance Committee
- Bernard Cummings - Finance Çommittee Chair
- Gail Lewis - Academics Committee
- Jerry Davids - Development Committee**
** - Sits under KASC Board for both

• SY21 Board Meeting Schedule (VOTE)


Legal RFP Completion

N. Wiltshire updated the board on the selection of the following:

Barton Gilman
Fox Rothschild*

Who both bring extensive expertise and diversity of their team to the services they will be providing.

C. Johnson made a motion to Approve FY22 Board member election and Officer slate.
D. Reuter seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



W. Jones  & B. Cummings updated the Board on Finance


FY22 YTD Actuals

  • Revenue $42.1M ($0.3M behind budget) timing of federal revenues reimbursements. Grant from KASC to KPCS offsets revenue shortfalls.
  • Additional reimbursement submitted in early June. Will add approximately $0.5M to revenues. Working with new Public Grants Manager to identify finalize FY22 submission
    in coming weeks.


  • Expenses are $40.3M ($2.4M lower than budget) driven by vacancies and lower than expected usage of external supports and placements for students with IEPs.
    Net Surplus/Deficit $1.9M ($2.1M ahead of budget)

FY22 Audit Update

• FY22 audit with CLA is underway. Key shifts in project management strategies:
o CLA has expanded junior team members
o Leveraging on-site work
o Strong project management with specific timing for various areas of testing
o Increased awareness of audit expectations at KIPP Philly

• Preliminary fieldwork began on May 23rd. Areas of testing that are completed/near completion:
o Interviews with key staff members
o Student and employee files
• Cash receipts/disbursements
o Credit cards
o TB/GL activity through March 31st

Next steps as follows:
Close out open items by the end of June
o Finalize reconciliation of federal programs. CLA to test programs in August.
o Final fieldwork to begin in September. Focus on year-end adjustments and final numbers.


FY23 Budget Proposals


FY23 Per Pupil Update

Per pupil rate for students with IPs is significantly higher than expected. These new rates will be reflected in the fall budgets.



KIPP Philadelphia Octavius Catto
• FY23 budget projects deficits. This is not uncommon for start-up school. Will monitor cash closely. Strategies to manage deficit/cash balance in coming year include:
o Cash infusion from KASC (loan or grant)
o Negotiate timing of payments with key vendors

KIPP Philadelphia Charter School
• Updated cash flow projections for FY23 to include impact of inter-entity activity. The resulting impact is $0.5M cash gap in the coming year. Strategies to manage deficit/cash balance in coming year include:
• Increase fundraising allocation for school from $1.50M to $2.10M ($0.65M)
o Retain a portion of the food service reimbursement for other schools ($1.0M)
• KPCS receives all food program reimbursements on behalf of the region.


H. Richman had questions about historical choices that have been made between using grants or loans.

N. Wiltshire explained that we had typically done grants in the past.



Our staffing models at the schools are in place for the upcoming year. We are monitoring turnover during the summer for both certification and years of teaching experience. Significant shifts in staffing composition will impact revised budgets in the fall.

Per Pupil Funding
School district has not finalized its per pupil rates for FY23. We have received finalized rates for FY22, and we are receiving a slight increase.
The general education rate increased to $10.9K from 10.6K, and the special education rate increased to $31.5K from $31.2K.

The 11.5% decrease is still our best projection. Further reductions in the FY23 per pupil rate would require regional and school leadership to evaluate personnel and non-personnel expenditures.

Finance and operations are collaborating to monitor enrollment at all of our schools, especially KPOC. We are working with school leadership to ensure we meet our enrollment targets. We will have a clearer picture of enrollment during late summer and early fall as school begins.

Regional and school leadership is aware of the budget challenges in the coming year and are prepared to make shifts if the need arises over the summer.


J. Cunningham cast more light on the variables above and the anticipated challenges to come with talent acquisition in the upcoming school year as well as the need to double down to strategize around KPOC enrollment.

Real Estate Update

N. Wiltshire updated the Board on Real Estate:



  1. On track for delivery of 19 classrooms plus gymnasium by end of August
  2. 1st day of school on track for September 6th
  3. Windows delayed until mid October
  4. Phased plan for window installation
      - Enough "extra" space in building to allow for classrooms to shift during installation.


  • On track for delivering full building in July
  • Playground installation may be delayed -awaiting more details.
  • We have a verbal Certificate of Occupancy which is a win for us.
  • Tours are still going on.
  • S. Wilson Jones had questions about target for enrollment for students.
  •  N. Wilshire & J. Cunningham assured that the Board we are on target to meet the 200-kid goal.






A. Keyes made a motion to Vote to approve the FY23 budget.
A. Aerts seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Information


Public Comment



New Business



Old Business




VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

H. Richman made a motion to To adjourn.
C. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:29 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Wilson Jones
Documents used during the meeting
  • KIPP Seach and Seizure Policy.docx
  • KIPP PHILADELPHIA SCHOOLS Metal Detector Policy.docx
  • KWPCS Enrollment Policy 2022-23.pdf
  • KDCA Enrollment Policy 2022-23 - Google Docs.pdf
  • KNPA Enrollment Policy 2022-23.pdf
  • KPCS Enrollment Policy 2022-23.pdf
  • KPOC Enrollment Policy 2022-23.pdf
  • KIPP Student Safety Report Cards - 2022-23.pdf
  • KACS Board Exhibit June 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KDCS Board Exhibit June 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KNPCS Board Exhibit June 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KPCS-KPEA Board Exhibit June 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KPCS-KPPA Board Exhibit June 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KWPCS Board Exhibit June 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KWPP Board Exhibit June 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KPOC Calendar 2022-23 V6.14.pdf
  • KWPEA Calendar 2022-23 V6.14.pdf
  • KNPA Calendar 2022-23 V6.14.pdf
  • KPEA Calendar 2022-23 V6.14.pdf
  • KWPP Calendar 2022-23 V6.14.pdf
  • KPPA Calendar 2022-23 V6.14.pdf
  • KDCA Calendar 2022-23 V6.14.pdf
  • Charter Resolutions - KPCS.docx
  • Charter Resolutions - KWPCS.docx
  • CMO Report to KDCA BOT for Period Ending 05-31-22.pdf
  • CMO Report to KNPCS BOT for Period Ending 05-31-22.pdf
  • CMO Report to KPCS BOT for Period Ending 05-31-22.pdf
  • CMO Report to KWPCS BOT for Period Ending 05-31-22.pdf
  • KPPS Board Memo vol.3 (1).pdf