KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools


KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Meeting

February Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 9, 2022 at 4:00 PM



A regular meeting of the KIPP Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees in joint session with regular meetings of the KIPP West Philadelphia Preparatory Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP DuBois Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees, and KIPP Catto Charter School Board of Trustees with President Samantha Wilson Jones presiding.

Trustees Present

A. Aerts (remote), A. Keyes (remote), B. Cummings (remote), C. Johnson (remote), D. Reuter (remote), G. Lewis (remote), J. Davidse (remote), L. Whitaker (remote), M. Carter (remote), S. Wilson Jones (remote), T. Algarin (remote)

Trustees Absent

H. Richman

Guests Present

A. Corona (remote), C. Benson (remote), E. Otuije (remote), J. Cunningham Akoto (remote), M. Eigen (remote), N. Wiltshire (remote), V. Days (remote), W. Jones (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Aerts called a meeting of the board of trustees of KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools to order on Wednesday Feb 9, 2022 at 4:02 PM.





A. Aerts kicked off the meeting by:


  • Highlighting C. Johnson and his feature in the papers.
  • C. Johnson talked about his motivation for the work he'd done as an alum of his school 
  • J. Cunningham highlighted the Alumni spotlight who had been nominated to an Alumni Accelerator Program.




G. Lewis made a motion to Approve consent agenda.
C. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
G. Lewis made a motion to approve the minutes KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Board Retreat on 12-08-21.
C. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Ratify EC Vote of FY20-21 Audit

G. Lewis made a motion to Ratify EC FY21 School's Board Audit.
B. Cummings seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.




M. Eigen updated the Board on Academics Committee:



  • MAP is a norm referenced adaptive computer based assessment that we give to all students, grades K-8, in math and reading three times per year.
  • MAP strengths are indicative of Regional and Principal Prioritization, Tutoring, Consistent Teacher Support and Program Fidelity


  • TNTP Insight Data Survey is statistically aligned to strong teacher retention and student achievement.
  • All schools are doing great except KPPA which has had a high teacher turnover.
  • J. Cunningham asked what efforts were being made for the school that is a negative outlier on the data.
  • J.  Cunningham offered up that a root cause analysis was done on the school/principal and she had taken a more hands-on approach with the school starting with a visit she had done to the school. In addition, Dipstick surveys go out to monitor the degree to which things have improved or fallen ahead of the the final assessment in the spring.


1. Increased mask quality
2. Universal staff testing
3. Increasing ventilation quality 

4. Modification to quarantine procedures 

5. Working to set up student test to stay 

6. Change in closure thresholds 

7. Upcoming vaccination clinics


  • M. Eigen & J. Cunningham expressed concerns about how covid measures will be relaxed in the future and the impact that would have on both teachers and students. The desire is that we don't move so aggressively that staff is alarmed or safety is not prioritized. But to adequately respond to the evolving data that suggests that things will be back to normal faster than was originally planned.



  • V. Days updated the board on KIPP Forward enrollment efforts to date and the current trends like COVID-19 accelerated an ongoing enrollment decline across PA public and state related institutions.
  • Overall Matriculation down from 64% in 2019 - Class of 2021 data still pending, but trending flat
  • Increased number of applications to highly selective institutions and Increase in number of students with at least one acceptance to a highly selective institution - 15% in 2019 to 19% in 2022
  • Strategies to boost enrollment going forward include Dual Enrollment & Career Integration in addition to Re-enrollment Initiative [Re-enrollment Transfer Grant Program (RTGP)]
  • The purpose of the Re-enrollment Transfer Grant Program(RTGP) is to increase postsecondary education and training enrollment and transfer for KIPP alumni whose postsecondary plans were impacted by the pandemic by SY23 building the capacity of regional KIPP Forward teams to engage and advise alumni towards their highest career aspirations.
  • A 2year grant of $125k was awarded for the KIPP Foundation Multiyear pilot.
  • V. Days applauded C. Benson for helping with the grant application.
  • J. Cunningham applauded H. Richman for getting us a meeting with Temple University Provost to further discuss partnership opportunities.



J. Davidse updated the Board on Development Committee



2021-22 Development Committee Progress to Goals

  • 33% of Trustees have made an annual contribution.
  • 100% of Trustees have made a campaign pledge.
  • Goal is $10mil and progress is $4,789,023

Campaign Updates

  • We had our first Campaign Committee meeting.
  • We have added additional members to Development Committee and Campaign Committee.
  • We continue to solicit major and principal gifts.
  • Project planning the transition to the public phase with our campaign consultants and        defining engagement plans for phase II of the campaign.
  • Shifting our fundraising percentage threshold to enter the public phase.


  • J. Davidse laid out the Campaign Committee members.
  • J.Cunningham gave more insight to members who were not Trustees and how those connections originated.
  • C. Benson's efforts on building out a plan for how our goals are met were applauded.
  • C. Benson mentioned that building tours are still actively happening
  • C. Benson hired a Donor Communications Manager to help ramp appeals up.
  • S. Wilson Jones gave C.Benson kudos for all the work she has been doing.




A. Aerts updated the Board on Governance Committee


  • It is time to complete the Statement of Financial Interest forms for the Board of Trustee members for the prior year.
  • Board Recruitment approach and next steps that need to be taken on a board and committee level.
  • Strategies for Building out a robust pipeline for our board.
  • C.Benson's team is willing to help out with the recruitment strategies.
  • A. Aerts reiterated the importance of Board members utilizing the list of partners she created to guide the board recruitment efforts. All pertinent documents will be made available to the members again.



B. Cummings & W. Johnson updated the Board on Finance Committee



  • We are slightly behind budget on the revenue side
  • Grant from KASC to KPCS offsets the revenue shortfalls
  • Expenses came in lower than budgeted with Salaries and Benefits low due to the impact of vacancies and benefits elections.


  • The goal is to build out the team to build a robust operations & data compliance systems to ensure adequate support is available to us.
  • Positions are being filled currently.


  • N. Wiltshire updated that renovations are on track with both building projects and budgets are being monitored closely.
  • Drywall is currently being installed for 4601 property and on track for scheduled delivery.
  • Boards members were encouraged to tour both buildings if they so desired.


Executive Committee

S. Wilson Jones shared the document outlining the Executive Committee Goals. See attached documents. 


V. Information


Public Comment



New Business



Old Business





VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:57 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Aerts
S. Wilson Jones made a motion to Adjourn the Meeting.
C. Johnson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Documents used during the meeting
  • Comprehensive Board Deck 02.09.22_v2.pdf
  • KACS Board Exhibit Jan 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KDCS Board Exhibit Jan 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KWPCS Board Exhibit Jan 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KPCS-KPPA Board Exhibit Jan 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KPCS-KPEA Board Exhibit Jan 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KWPP Board Exhibit Jan 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • KNPCS Board Exhibit Jan 2022 New Hires.pdf
  • 2021_12_08_board_meeting_minutes (1).pdf
  • CMO Report to KWPCS BOT for Period Ending 12.31.21.pdf
  • CMO Report to KPCS BOT for Period Ending 12.31.21.pdf
  • CMO Report to KNPS BOT for Period Ending 12-31-21.pdf
  • CMO Report to KDCA BOT for Period Ending 12-31-21.pdf
  • January 2022 AC Exec Summary.docx
  • DevelopmentPreRead_Jan22.pdf
  • GovernancePreRead_Feb2022.docx
  • February Finance Committee Report - 02.03.2022.docx
  • KDCS Financial Statements through 11.30.2021.pdf
  • KNPCS Financial Statements through 11.30.2021.pdf
  • KPCS Financial Statements through 11.30.2021.pdf
  • KWPCS Financial Statements through 11.30.2021.pdf
  • FY22 KDCS to KASC Invoice - October through December.pdf
  • FY22 KDCS to KPCS Invoice - October through December.pdf
  • FY22 KNPCS to KASC Invoice - October through December.pdf
  • FY22 KNPCS to KPCS Invoice - October through December.pdf
  • FY22 KPCS to KASC Invoice - October through December.pdf
  • FY22 KWPCS to KASC Invoice - October through December.pdf
  • FY22 KWPCS to KPCS Invoice - October through December.pdf
  • SY21-22_EC_Goals.docx