KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday September 3, 2020 at 4:00 PM
A regular meeting of the KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools Board of Trustees Governance Committee in joint session with regular meetings of the KIPP Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees Governance Committee, KIPP DuBois Charter School Board of Trustees Governance Committee, KIPP West Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees Governance Committee, KIPP North Philadelphia Charter School Board of Trustees Governance Committee, and KIPP Parkside Charter School Board of Trustees Governance Committee, with Committee Chair Ann Aerts.
Committee Members Present
A. Aerts (remote), G. Lewis (remote), H. Richman (remote), L. Whitaker (remote), M. Carter (remote), S. Wilson Jones (remote)
Committee Members Absent
D. Reuter, R. Knowles
Guests Present
J. Cole (remote), J. Cunningham Akoto (remote), N. Wiltshire (remote), Z. Rankin (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
A. Aerts called a meeting of the Governance Committee of KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools to order on Thursday Sep 3, 2020 at 4:05 PM.
Approve Minutes
II. Governance
DRAFT Governance Committee Goals discussion
- A. Aerts opened the meeting with discussing the DRAFT goals of the Governance Committee for the FY 20-21 including the Strategic Planning Committee
- H. Richman asks to identify the Strategic Planning Committee as a sub-committee of the Governance Committee
- Committee discussed that the goals include the engagement of Leadership Council and Young Friends
- The Committee discussed the objectives and approach to building a Board, Committee, and Trustee evaluation process
- The Committee agreed the DRAFT Governance Committee Goals to be shared with the Executive Committee and full Board of Trustees
Strategic Plan Update
- A. Aerts and N. Wiltshire updated the committee on the status of the Strategic Plan through 2025 including the Vision for Impact, 5 pathways, and projections for the FY 20-21
CMO Evaluation
- A. Aerts discussed the CMO Evaluations for SY 19-20
- The Board Chair and Vice Chair noted this process will be revised in the SY 20-21 with potential updates to the evaluation to be provided to the Governance Committee for consideration and agreement
- M. Carter agreed to work with A. Aerts on the review of this process and form
Board Recruitment Update
- A. Aerts provided an update on recruitment for the Board and Committee
- Work continues on development of a data to track Board information including current board complement, needs analysis and on-going recruitment pipeline
Board Training & Evaluation Process
- A. Aerts and Committee discussed elements of a board evaluation process and things to be considered
- H. Richman noted that Board training should have a defined method on how it is carried out to new/current Board members
- A. Aerts and Committee discussed how Training can be embedded in the Evaluation process
Trauma Informed Practices
- J . Cunningham provided an update on the Governor mandated "training" that will have schools more equipped to handle students with trauma at different levels
- A. Aerts noted that further training on this will be provided to the full Board of Trustees at the December 2020 Board Retreat
Board and Committee Meeting Calendar
- A. Aerts reviewed the new Board and Committee meeting calendar and deadlines for materials and agenda items for the SY20-21
III. Other Business
Other New Business
- No other business at this time
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:04 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
A. Aerts