American Dream Charter School


ADCS Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting


Date and Time

Monday November 18, 2024 at 5:00 PM


403 Concord Avenue
Bronx, NY 10454

Trustees Present

A. Cabrera (remote), L. Rojas, P. Simon (remote), R. Espinal (remote), Z. Martinez (remote)

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

S. Espinal

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Rojas called a meeting of the board of trustees of American Dream Charter School to order on Monday Nov 18, 2024 at 5:46 PM.


Approve Minutes

L. Rojas made a motion to approve the minutes from ADCS Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting on 10-21-24.
R. Espinal seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Educational Success


BENCHMARK 1: Student Performance

  • Data
    • Lucas is preparing an analysis that will be presented to the board soon.


BENCHMARK 2: Teaching and Learning


BENCHMARK 3: Culture, Climate, and Student and Family Engagement

  • College Counseling Update-Dr. M. Melkonian
    • We are working with a consultant for the college office. His contract is due soon.
    • The college office is ahead of all of its deadlines.


III. Organizational Soundness


BENCHMARK 4: Financial Condition


BENCHMARK 5: Financial Management

  • Chase Bank Updates - N. Gallage
    • Chase account balances given by N. Gallagher
    • We will open a new Chase checking account and change the savings account to Flagstar Bank. We are sorting out the Chase bank account issues.


BENCHMARK 6: Board Oversight and Governance:

  • Present revised annual goals - N. Gallager
    • We have to indicate in the annual report whether we have met student performance goals.
    • The scoring will be determined by Met, Not Met, and Unable to access.
    • Revised goals to meet: 
      • All students graduating from ADCS will graduate with a Regents Diploma with a score of 65 or above on four regents exams or meeting the criteria for any state-approved alternative pathways.
      • A majority of ENL students enrolled for at least two years at ADS who take the NYSESLAT will move up at least one level each year until they reach commanding.
      • Including regents passage as "proficient" students who take and pass a regents exam will. What counts as proficient and broadening that.
      • Remove CUNY Proficiency:
    • CUNY data: College team to tell us what CUNY colleges honor AP Exams, what score they take and from our past classes who received credit. 
L. Rojas made a motion to Approve annual goals.
P. Simon seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


BENCHMARK 7: Organizational Capacity

IV. Faithfulness to Charter & Law


BENCHMARK 8: Mission and Key Design Elements


BENCHMARK 9: Enrollment, Recruitment, and Retention

• Projected Enrollment update for SY24-25

◦ 6th grade - 89

◦ 7th grade - 88

◦ 8th grade - 87

◦ 9th grade - 96

◦ 10th grade - 98

◦ 11th grade - 80

◦ 12th grade - 65

◦ total projected enrollment: 604 students



BENCHMARK 10: Legal Compliance

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:17 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Rojas