Voices for International Business and Education


Academic Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 6, 2024 at 6:30 PM

Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Committee Members Present

C. Robinson, G. Espinoza (remote), K. Dwyer, T. Winfield

Committee Members Absent

C. Lacoste, Jr., S. Olivier

Guests Present

A. Berger, C. Bourque, Chicora James, D. Lewis, F. McKenna, J. Carreno

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Dwyer called a meeting of the Academic Committee of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Wednesday Mar 6, 2024 at 6:34 PM.


Record Attendance


Approve Minutes from Jan 24th Meeting

II. Academic


Academic Dashboard and HOS Report

  • 405 Students 
  • 26 % ESL
  • Quarter 3 ending Friday, March 8, 2024
  • Prepping for all things in 4th quarter
  • ACT boot camp
  • State Wide LEAP assessment- in April
  • Preparing for Graduation- secure a Graduation Speaker- an Alumni- 10 years of first graduation 
  • Getting ready for Prom, picnic
  • 9th graders participating in Career Expo at UNO
  •  Moving in the Building- the huge challenge with Technology without internet and phone service. however, we have fixed those 
  • Camera
  • Carreno,
  • SPED department is getting ready for State compliance
  • On March 20, professionals from different areas will visit us on campus and share their careers with our students. 
  • Highlights 
  • Link crew leaders me the freshmen for donuts and chat in Feb.
  • TET celebration was 100% student Lead and organized
  • IGP meetings are currently in progress with an increase in parent participation
  • Closer monitoring of teacher grade books this quarter has kept families informed
  • Progress alert: every 6-week progress alert conference Feb. 21. 20 families in attendance.
  • Workey assessments: ACT worker
  • Observation: formal observations are ongoing. Feedback will help the teacher determine the areas of growth and support  needed to improve their planning and preparation 
  • LEAP preparation:  starts April 18. Students are taking mock LEAP testing. 
  • LEAP remediation for students is available to students. It can be their teacher of records to teach the class. 
  • Attendance- Students are having excessive absences. We host student assemblies to inform them if they missed more than 10 days,.We host Saturday for attendance recovery for students. We had 75 students attend this Saturday. The challenge is getting a Teacher to do the Saturday.  Do attendance recovery during LEAP days. 
  • Summer Learning Program
  • : end of quarter three will be decisive in identifying students who need to attend the summer learning program. and what subjects and enrichment activities must be provided.
  • ACT preparation: only students have signed up. We have been communicating with parents and social media, talking points. 



IB MYP consultancy and IB

April 15-16 visit from our MYP consultant



Student Led Forum:  IB diploma programme students conducted a forum with the HOS and IB coordinator to discuss the challenges faced.  Key discussion points include teacher retention, pre-IBDP preparation as underclassmen, and incentives. 


IB Professional Development: The IB coordinator conducted a school-wide professional development session focused on IB unit planning


Regional Collaboration; IB coordinator represented the the school at the initial regional IB association meeting. establishing a foundation for collaboration among LA.


Exploring IB for All efficiency and expansion: participated in a state association informational session regarding the school-wide adoption of the IB diploma.


Culture updates:  looking for ways to raise money for the PBIS program. 

The UMC will host a vaping prevention assembly for each grade level in March. 

The culture team needs to be trained in CPI and level two, capturing kid's hearts. 



School suspension:  OSS infractions were the result of civil interaction that resulted in an altercation at school. The Culture department does its best to address these issues through mediation, still, it may be beneficial to look into finding programs where licensed therapists come in to provide sessions for students to cope with the problems. they face outside the school.


50% fighting 

33% willful disobedience 

17% vaping


In-School Suspension: The students had ISS resulting from the students disclosing that they were not coming to Saturday detention due to work obligations and the other student's parent informed the school that they could not make it on Saturday, 13 % of the students are of Hispanic origin, and 87 %are African American. 



Saturday dentention: Culture has done a great job at identifying the students but has fallen short with consisting of teachers' participation in the enforcement of the rules. 

94 % ID infractions

3% Skipping

3% Cell phone Violation






One thing the Board can help 

Raffles- big ticket items

Jordan-tennis shoes

Jays for A

Mastery on your LEAP- you would get this.


Partnership with Apple, ATT, donate to the school 

Sport- discount tickets to attend the sports game. 

Sweatshirt for mastery 

having a punch card- filled at the end of the week you have a free dress day.


How do want to receive funds on the website? Find a partnership -with large to give more.  

III. Update on Progress for Committee Goals for 23-24 School Year


Goal #1 Monitor and Evaluate the progress of students over the 23-24 school year

Goal monitor the progress on the students and for the  board to work on incentives, partnership, sponsors 


Goal #2 Encourage 100% Board Participation towards school cultural events - defined by financial support and increase attendance at cultural events

All Board members are to attend the ribbon cutting April 10 and open house April 17


Goal #3 Review our current strategic plan as it relates to Academics- make recommendations to the Strategic Plan committee inclusive with our expansion grant goals and overall sustainability

next Board meeting we want to have the conversation Strategic plan- Garret wants to have a zoom in meeting to talk about the goals. 

IV. Closing Items


Public Comment


Next Meeting

May 1  at 6:30


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Winfield
Documents used during the meeting