Voices for International Business and Education
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday March 6, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Committee Members Present
K. Dwyer, T. Winfield
Committee Members Absent
C. Lacoste, Jr., C. Peterson
Guests Present
A. Berger, F. McKenna
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Approve Governance Committee Meeting Minutes
II. Governance Committee Meeting Items
Update on Progress for Goal #1
#1 Review Board Policy Manual, By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation and Update where necessary.
First created the articles of incorporation, then the bylaws, then the board policy manual.
BPM says if there are any discrepancies, the board chair can decide, and then vote after. Dwyer will see what Peterson recommends.
Open Meeting Laws for Louisiana states that a quorum is a simple majority. R.S. 42:13(A)(4) A. 7. The default definition of a quorum is a simple majority of the total membership of a public body.
Open Meeting Laws for Louisiana states: All public bodies, except the legislature and its committees and subcommittees, shall give written public notice of any regular, special, or rescheduled meeting no later than twenty-four hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, before the meeting.
Board members will read through all of the minutes from previous board meetings in 2022-23 school year to find any items that were voted on. Then they will be put into the board policy manual.
Head of School evaluation should be done within the Governance Committee
Board Meeting Evaluation - Berger sent the evaluation for review. The committee with review the evaluation and determine changes before adopting.
Update on Progress for Goal #2
Recruit New Board Members
Had 3 potential board members. Will host the 2nd Annual Spring Board Meet and Greet.
Date: April 17, 2024
Time: 5:30 pm
Plan: presentation at 5:30 pm; Tour at 6pm; Santa Fe at 6:15
Update on Progress for Goal #3
Short Term and Long Term Succession Plan
Need to assess previous documents and will add to the plans to the Policy Manual
Update on Progress for Goal #4
Board Meeting Evaluation
Will need to edit and send it out.
Update on Progress for Goal #5
Want to invite Berger to a church meeting to a high school extravaganza.
III. Other Business
Still have board members not on website.
Peterson and Robinson submitted their bios/pics.
Arellano-Rivera, Lacoste, Halloway did not submit.
IV. Closing Items
Public Comment
Important Dates
Next meeting May 1st.
No quorum