Voices for International Business and Education


VIBE Board Meeting

Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 20, 2021 at 6:00 PM


Meeting is virtual: 


International High School of New Orleans
Community Room
727 Carondelet Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Directors Present

A. Tufail (remote), G. Medford (remote), J. Lampton (remote), K. Dwyer (remote), P. Manson (remote), R. Coleman (remote), S. Olivier (remote), S. Thomas (remote), T. Carmouche (remote)

Directors Absent

L. Scott Porter, Q. Le

Ex Officio Members Present

S. Wilson (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

S. Wilson (remote)

Guests Present

A. Berger (remote), J. Carreno (remote), J. Tolston (remote), K. Vo (remote), Margaret Diaz-Fugetta (remote), P. Recasner (remote), S. Schulkens (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Thomas called a meeting of the board of directors of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Wednesday Oct 20, 2021 at 6:09 PM.


Mission Statement

Recited IHSNO's Mission Statement.


Approve Minutes - August 2021 VIBE Board Meeting

G. Medford made a motion to approve the minutes from Meeting 08-08-21 VIBE Board Meeting on 08-18-21.
A. Tufail seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Chair Report


Head of School Report

50 Freshmen are on route to earning an associates degree upon graduating from IHS
Working towards having a presentation at our next AC meeting on students progression towards mastery
Current enrollment as of 9/30/21 378 which is our Oct 1 count and will be what IHS is paid on, we are still receiving students mid year.
Audit engagement letter was sent to the state and it was approved. We are working with our finance "team" on reporting
Facilities worksheet was sent, the report outlines activities for the month. We are looking to have a named person to fill that position by Nov 1, 2021. 
I.T we are ensuring our systems are as safe as possible, we have been reviewing services of providers to show us the direction we need to go to ensure our systems are working safely.
Charter School Conference December 9, 2021 it will be in person this year.
Ethics Training is required - Send ethics certificates to Jessica Tolston (jessica.tolston@ihsnola.org).
*Expand on 5 year evaluation of the IB program at the next AC meeting. 
Hispanic heritage festival and college fair were both well attended. Pictures have been submitted to the newspaper. We are satisfied with the outcome. 
Financial Literacy program 8 week program conducted by students at Tulane, start date TBD.
List of events for the remainder of the school year, ample opportunity for the board to participate in.
Directors Pledge Form has been added to the agenda, for all board members to complete and send to Jessica Tolston (jessica.tolston@ihsnola.org). 
Bios and Photos - still need bios from QL, and LSP would also like headshots submitted as well. Headshots needed JL, QL, RC, & LSP
Strategic Planning - our current plan has expired, board has requested to partner with an external group to help with this. Proposals were sent to board members this week. Executive committee will meet to discuss options and then come back to the board with recommendations (ECM Thursday 10/21/21 at 5pm)
HOS Evaluation Committee - ST, JL, KD, GM and TC have joined - first eval is due 12/15/21 so first meeting will be in November. May need a description to add to the bylaws. 

II. Academic Committee


Report of Academics Committee

Did not meet bc we did not have a quorum.




Pupil Progression Plan

Added summer school and virtual.
Summary: Plan is mostly prescriptive. Covers K3-12 grades a lot of information that is asked does not pertain to IHSNO. Talks about how we review transcripts, as well as accepting credits from schools outside of Louisiana.  How students will earn credits, Parents can request early graduation if a student has earned 23 credits. Academic remediation. Overage student policies and how we will move them forward. How do we work with students with disabilities. 
If a student or parent has a grievance about not graduating they can bring it to the board.



Motion to vote to accept the 2021-2022 Pupil Progression Plan - KD
Second - PM
All were in favor
Motion Passed 

III. Finance Committee


Report of Finance Committee

Met Monday Oct 18, 2021 
Did a cumulative review of September financials 
New presentation is in a different format, we discussed changes that we wanted to see including the dashboard that we are used to seeing.
Student count 378 which is 2 shy of our goal.
Under budget 
Email KD if you want to continue with dashboard view of financials


Discussed Committee goals to ensure they mirror what we are doing.
Monitor financial progression to meet our objectives.


Next meeting November 15, 2021 via zoom


Approve Cumulative July-Sept 2021 Financials

Motion to approve Financial Statements - SO
Second - PM
All were in favor
Motion passed 

IV. Governance Committee


Report of Governance Committee

Update to charter school fiscal policy - still being reviewed by the lawyers
Reviewed bylaws to ensure everything is current, noted corrections. Will finalize in next meeting.
Discussed making HOS committee a standing committee but not meeting every month.
Next meeting November 2, 2021 at 6:30pm


Questioned where school policies were - board members should become familiar with.


Margaret will be at the next Governance meeting. 

V. Development Committee


Report of Development Committee

Discussed goals and decided in the next meeting if we will continue with the same goals.
Fall Open House Thursday 10/21/2021 5:30pm-7:30pm would like board members to attend.
Volunteer Opportunities - We can have volunteers at Saints game, IHS gets $100 per volunteer.
HOS report has link to sign up as well as details. This will lead to other opportunities like Pelicans game.
Gala will be March 26,2021 time and location TBD. Chairs are PM and MR 
Grant Update: HOS report has a link with the grant pipeline.
Development committee next meeting November 15, 2021 via zoom



VI. Facility Committee


Report of Facilities Committee

AT had to sign off so SO will present


Replacement for Facilities Director - We have a few candidates that we will be interviewing in the coming days. Will have someone named by November 1, 2021. 
Ticket system issues - Link in the HOS report, now have access to system reporting. 
OBSP has not given facility assessment as of yet. Another meeting has been requested. (we are not the only school that is waiting).


Next meeting November 2, 2021 5:30pm

VII. Public Comment


Request for Public Comment


VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

KD motioned
PM second 
all were in favor 
motion passed 
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:02 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Tolston