Voices for International Business and Education


VIBE Board Meeting

Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 24, 2021 at 6:00 PM


International High School of New Orleans
Community Room
727 Carondelet Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Directors Present

A. Tufail (remote), G. Lazard (remote), G. Medford (remote), J. Lampton (remote), K. Dwyer (remote), L. Scott Porter (remote), M. Roney (remote), P. Manson (remote), S. Olivier (remote), S. Thomas (remote)

Directors Absent

Q. Le

Ex Officio Members Present

S. Wilson (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

S. Wilson (remote)

Guests Present

A. Berger (remote), D. Deno (remote), J. Carreno (remote), J. Giovengo, Jr. (remote), K. Vo (remote), P. Recasner (remote), S. Schulkens (remote), T. Huynh (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Thomas called a meeting of the board of directors of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Wednesday Feb 24, 2021 at 6:05 PM.


Approve Minutes - Jan 2021 VIBE Board Meeting

G. Medford made a motion to approve the minutes from VIBE Board Meeting on 01-20-21.
M. Roney seconded the motion.
  • A correction in the Finance section in the minutes from January will be made in the attendance section. Gail Medford attended the December meeting and not the Januaary meeting. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Chair Report

  • There is not any report to make in this section of the Chair Report. 


Head of School Report

  • S. Wilson presented the Head of School Report. 
  • COVID-19 vaccinations are available to teachers and staff at IHSNO.  They will be giving vaccinations at IHSNO around the week of March 15, 2021. 
  • Children's Hospital/LCMC will be administering the COVID-19 vaccinations.
  • IHSNO encourages everyone to get the vaccine.  
  • At IHSNO, mask-wearing, social distancing, and good hygiene are encouraged. 
  • Accommodations for students and teachers are made for COVID-19.
  • Student Enrollment was discussed for the next school year. 
  • More families and students are turning to different styles of education now. They are turning to homeschool and private education. 
  • The Athletic Director role was addressed. 
  • IHSNO has cohort data. The committee would like to see the data. 
  • Mock ACT scores were discussed. Scores were on the dashboard however, it is possible that it is still on there. The scores are broken down by grade. 
  • Students returned 2/22/2021 for Hybrid Learning. Freshmen and Sophomores return for Monday and Tuesday in-person learning, and then Wednesday and Friday will be Juniors and Seniors will attend in-person learning. 
  • There were approximately 100 Freshmen and Sophomores who attended the February 22, 2021 reopening of school.

II. Development Committee


Report of Development Committee

  • Development Committee met this past Monday. 
  • Grant writing was discussed during the meeting.
  • GALA will take place on April 17th and it will be virtual. It takes place from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 
  • GALA planning was also discussed during the committee meeting. 
  • Steve Schulkens and the team gave details about the upcoming GALA. 
  • There are 2 chairpersons for the GALA. It will be Mr. Percy and Ms. Carol. 
  • Board Members are expected to sell a certain amount of tickets. It will most likely be 10 tickets per Board Member. 
  • Subcommittees (auction and sponsor) need to be formed. 
  • People who are not members of the Board can also volunteer. 
  • Sponsorships for the GALA are very important. 
  • Dookie Chase will provide the food for the GALA. 
  • Physical tickets will be mailed to participants of the GALA instead of digital tickets. 

III. Finance Committee


Report of Finance Committee

  • The Finance Committee reviewed the Revised Budget. This takes into account the PPP loan forgiveness.
  • If everything goes as plan, there will be an amount left over. 
  • Vote to adopt the Revised Budget. The vote passed. 
  • January 2021 financial statements were discussed.
  • The MFP will be reduced in the February Count.
  • The graphs for working capital were presented.
  • The cash balance was addressed. 
  • Everything went smoothly in the January financials. 
  • Vote to adopt Jan 2021 financial statements. The vote passed.
  • Board Members talked about amending the agenda to discuss PPP forgiveness.  
  • The PPP repayment was addressed. The PPP loan was forgiven. 
  • Process about voting about different items was talked about. 
  • The finance committee chairwoman read the letter for the PPP forgiveness.
  • Board discussed in more detail the forgiveness of the PPP Loan.
  • The Finance Committee voted to present the PPP forgiveness to the Main Board. 
  • The Board agrees that the PPP forgiveness discussion was an FYI piece. 


Recommendation to adopt Jan 2021 Financial Statements

P. Manson made a motion to adapt the revised budget.
M. Roney seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
G. Medford made a motion to adopt Jan 2021 financial statements.
G. Lazard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Governance Committee


Report of Governance Committee

  • Governance Committee met on Feb 11, 2021.
  • Board Member recruitment was the main subject at this meeting. 
  • Governance Committee discussed in more detail about Board Recruitment candidates.
  • The Committee concluded that they would be bringing the subject of recruitment will be discussed at the Big Board Meeting. 
  • The mid-year assessment was spoken about during the committee meeting. 
  • One type of test was on Google Docs, and the 2nd one was on Board on Track. 
  • Board members are welcomed to see the assessment responses.
  • There will be more discussion about the responses to the assessments.  

V. Facility Committee


Report of Facilities Committee

  • The Facilities Committee met during the month of February.
  • OPSB provided a summary of the inspection that they did at the school.
  • The facilities department is working on the critical items.
  • Facilities will start sending team members to do training.
  • The next meeting is on March 7, 2021. 
  • There was no public comment during the meeting.

VI. Academic Committee


Report of Academics Committee

  • The Academics Committee met on February 9, 2021. 
  • The mission of the IHSNO was recited during the meeting. 
  • COVID-19 matters were discussed during the meeting. 
  • The culture department gave updates on Capturing Kids Hearts, Parental Engagements, and Parental Involvement.
  • Committee asked for more details on Capturing Kids Hearts. 
  • The academics department gave updates on Leap360, World Languages, IB Learning, IB Learning, ACT, and Mock ACT were talked about. 
  • There are updates on the Dashboard.
  • The Academics Committee is holding a special session on Saturday at 3:00 p.m. on 2/27/2021.
  • The IT department gave updates about their department. Some of the things that they talked about during the committee were laptops, website, and preparing laptops for testing. 

VII. Public Comment


Request for Public Comment

  • There is no public comment. 

VIII. Executive Session


Vote to Enter Executive Session

  • Board Members went into Executive Session. 
G. Lazard made a motion to go into executive session.
A. Tufail seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Executive Session

  • The Board had discussion during Executive Session. 


Return to Public Meeting

  • The Board Members returned to the Public Meeting after entering Executive Sessions. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:31 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Thomas
Documents used during the meeting
  • SY'20-2021-WR-2021-0221.pdf
  • January 2021 Financial Reports for Board.pdf
  • Grant Pipeline-2021-0212.pdf
  • Adjusted Budget 20 21-as of 2021-0131.pdf
  • Board Assessment Report-2021-0131.pdf
  • Academic_CMTE_Dashboard-2021-0131.pdf