Voices for International Business and Education


VIBE Board Meeting

Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM


International High School of New Orleans
Community Room
727 Carondelet Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Directors Present

A. Tufail (remote), G. Lazard (remote), G. Medford (remote), J. Lampton (remote), K. Dwyer (remote), L. Scott Porter (remote), M. Roney (remote), S. Olivier (remote), S. Thomas (remote)

Directors Absent

P. Manson

Ex Officio Members Present

S. Wilson (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

S. Wilson (remote)

Guests Present

A. Berger (remote), C. Young (remote), J. Carreno (remote), J. Giovengo, Jr. (remote), K. Vo (remote), T. Huynh (remote), clark@schulkens.com (remote), hepbfree1@yahoo.com (remote), jolivergoodwin@gmail.com (remote), sschulkens@aol.com (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Thomas called a meeting of the board of directors of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Wednesday Oct 21, 2020 at 6:03 PM.


Approve Minutes - September 2020 VIBE Board Meeting

G. Medford made a motion to approve the minutes from VIBE Board Meeting on 09-16-20.
G. Lazard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Chair Report

  • Shontell Thomas discussed items in the Chair Report. 
  • Annual Ethics Training will need to be completed by all Board Members by December 31, 2020.  
  • Charter School Conference will take place on December 3-4 that will be virtual from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.  There is an online pre-registration for the conference.
  • The details of the annual contribution made to IHSNO by Board Members were discussed. Contributions can be made on the school website. 
  • There was a discussion about the headshots. 
  • Board Member biographies were discussed.
  • IHSNO's charter renewal was discussed.
  • Head of School evaluation details was discussed. 
  • School Expansion Committee meeting will take place on November 5, 2020. Details about this committee were discussed.
  • Shontell Thomas addressed questions that were asked. 


HOS Evaluation Committee

  • HOS Evaluation Committee met on October 14, 2020. 
  • Shontell Thomas discussed the details of the meeting. 
  • The Head of School contract details were conveyed.
  • Head of School evaluation will take place by December 15, 2020. 
  • More items will be discussed during November meeting. 


School Expansion Committee

  • School Expansion Committee meeting will occur on November 5, 2020.
  • The meeting will take place virtually on Zoom. 
  • The School Expansion Plan was delivered to the members of this committee.
  • List of questions for this committee meeting were requested. This would be items that would be of interest for discussion during the meeting. 
  • Having the Pupil Progression Plan would be helpful for this committee meeting. 


Head of School Report

  • Sean Wilson discussed items that are in the Head of School report.
  • Students are returning to campus this week. Hybrid learning will be enabled. 
  • Details about IHSNO policies on students reverting to the premises.
  • IHSNO personnel will be meticulously working hard to reassure students that they are safe as they return for in-person instruction. Social distancing will be enacted to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 
  • COVID-19 guidelines were discussed as it pertains to the IHSNO.
  • Charter renewal was detailed in the discussion. 
  • Authentic Connection Survey details were discussed. 
  • John Giovengo presented details about the roofing project and other facility matters

II. Governance Committee


Report of Governance Committee

  • Jennifer Lampton discussed the October Committee Meeting specifics. 
  • Quan Le was interviewed during the October Committee Meeting to become a VIBE Board member.
  • Quan Le's background and experience were disclosed. 
  • VIBE Board Assessments details were enunciated. This assessment would be beneficial to the VIBE members in assessing embroilment. 
  • Next meeting will occur on November 2, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. 
G. Lazard made a motion to Quan Le to be elected as a VIBE Board Member.
G. Medford seconded the motion.
  • There is no discussion or public comment.
  • Quan Le has been voted in to become a VIBE Board Member.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Member Recruitment

  • Jennifer Lampton spoke about the different Sub-Committees that Quan Le was referred to.
  • Quan Le was recommended to the Governance Committee and the Development Committee. 
  • VIBE is nonetheless zealously recruiting for board members. 
G. Medford made a motion to add Quan Le to the Development and Governance Committee.
J. Lampton seconded the motion.
  • Motion has passed.
  • Quan Le is voted in as a Member of The Development and Governance Committee.
  • There was no public comment.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Finance Committee


Report of Finance Committee

  • Karen Dwyer articulated the details of the October Finance Committee Meeting.
  • There were five subjects that were discoursed during the September Committee Meeting.
  • Karen Dwyer discussed the financial statements that were discussed during the September Committee Meeting. 
  • Balances about the financial statements were summarized.
  • Currently, there are 421 students that are enrolled at IHSNO as of September 30, 2020. This count was disclosed in the report. 
  • Revenues and expenses were articulated. 
  •  The graphs and pie charts were translated.
  • There were no additional questions about the reports that were disclosed. 


Recommendation to adopt September 2020 Financial Statements

K. Dwyer made a motion to Adopt the September 2020 Finance Committee Report.
M. Roney seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Recommendation to Adopt Revised 2020-2021 budget

  • Student count lower than what was projected. The current number of students enrolled is 420. 
  • The budget was revised because of the student enrollment number being lower than anticipated. 
K. Dwyer made a motion to adopt the 2020 - 2021 revised budget.
J. Lampton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Academic Committee


Report of Academics Committee

  • Gail Lazard gave details about the Academic Committee Meeting that took place on October 13, 2020.
  • During the meeting, Gail Medford requested that the monthly committee meeting minutes reflected that specific actions as requested by Academic Committee Board Members and that these requests will flow through the Head of School. If a committee member requests a specific task to be completed by a specific staff member to complete, that request will be made to the Head of School, is that the Board directly hires the Head of School.  This was requested to be reflected in the minutes. 
  • The Head of School report was addressed. 
  • The report was given on the IHSNO school culture in terms of discipline, Capturing Kids Heart Program, and COVID-19 rules. 
  • The ELL and ESL programs for IHSNO students were summarized. 
  • FAFSA for seniors was spoken about.
  • ACT prep for students was described. 
  • The Pupil Progression Plan was also unanimously approved during this meeting. 
  • Academic Dashboard details were also conveyed. This was requested to be sent to all Board Members, 
  • The next Academic Committee Meeting will take place on November 10, 2020. 
  • An annotated organizational chart was requested by the next Academic Committee Meeting. 
  • Board Members were asked to review Academic Dashboard when it is received. 

V. Development Committee


Report of Development Committee

  • Shontell Thomas discussed details of the Development Committee Meeting for the month of October. Meeting took place on October 19, 2020. 
  • The Gala will be on April 17, 2021. At this current point, it will be virtual and will take place at UNO. 
  • By April, the Gala could use the Hybrid Model and will have a JazzFest theme. 
  • Open House will take place in the Fall and it will be virtual. There will be an in-person option but will be by appointment only. 
  • An Alumni database is currently being created. 
  • Photos from the 2 prior galas were inquired about. 

VI. Facility Committee


Report of Facilities Committee

  • Amer Tufail discussed the details of the Facilities Committee Meeting for the month of October. 
  • There were 3 goals that were articulated during the meeting.  
  • There are currently no updates on the Basement Project as of the last meeting. 
  • A scheduled meeting with the School Board is still being conjured up. 
  • The next meeting will take place on November 2 2020. 

VII. Public Comment


Request for Public Comment

  • No public comment was conveyed. 

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

  • The next Board Meeting is scheduled for November 18, 2020. 
  • The Head of School contract will be discussed at the next meeting.
  • PTO meeting did not take place in the month of October. 
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:16 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Thomas
Documents used during the meeting
  • SY'20-2021-WR-2020-1019.pdf
  • FN Monthly Report-2020-0930.pdf
  • QFR 1st QTR 20 21.pdf
  • QFR 1ST QTR 2020 - 2021 Affirmation.pdf
  • Adjusted Budget 20 21 Oct 19 20.pdf
  • Academic CMTE Dashboard-2020-0930.pdf